Python common.adjoin函数代码示例

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Python common.adjoin函数代码示例

2023-12-15 03:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文整理汇总了Python中pandas.core.common.adjoin函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python adjoin函数的具体用法?Python adjoin怎么用?Python adjoin使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: side_by_side def side_by_side(*objs, **kwds): ''' created by wes mickinney, it only exists here becuase I use this function all the time. ''' from pandas.core.common import adjoin space = kwds.get('space', 4) reprs = [repr(obj).split('\n') for obj in objs] print adjoin(space, *reprs)开发者ID:omar-florez,项目名称:AGC_KaggleAux,代码行数:8,代码来源 示例2: to_string def to_string(self, force_unicode=False): """ Render a DataFrame to a console-friendly tabular output. """ frame = self.frame to_write = [] if len(frame.columns) == 0 or len(frame.index) == 0: info_line = (u'Empty %s\nColumns: %s\nIndex: %s' % (type(self.frame).__name__, frame.columns, frame.index)) to_write.append(info_line) else: # may include levels names also str_index = self._get_formatted_index() str_columns = self._get_formatted_column_labels() stringified = [] for i, c in enumerate(self.columns): if self.header: fmt_values = self._format_col(i) cheader = str_columns[i] max_len = max(max(_strlen(x) for x in fmt_values), max(len(x) for x in cheader)) if self.justify == 'left': cheader = [x.ljust(max_len) for x in cheader] else: cheader = [x.rjust(max_len) for x in cheader] fmt_values = cheader + fmt_values stringified.append(_make_fixed_width(fmt_values, self.justify)) else: stringified = [_make_fixed_width(self._format_col(i), self.justify) for i, c in enumerate(self.columns)] if self.index: to_write.append(adjoin(1, str_index, *stringified)) else: to_write.append(adjoin(1, *stringified)) if not py3compat.PY3: if force_unicode: to_write = [unicode(s) for s in to_write] else: # generally everything is plain strings, which has ascii # encoding. problem is when there is a char with value over 127 # - everything then gets converted to unicode. try: for s in to_write: str(s) except UnicodeError: to_write = [unicode(s) for s in to_write] self.buf.writelines(to_write)开发者ID:hal2001,项目名称:pandas,代码行数:57,代码来源 示例3: test_adjoin def test_adjoin(): data = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['dd', 'ee', 'ff'], ['ggg', 'hhh', 'iii']] expected = 'a dd ggg\nb ee hhh\nc ff iii' adjoined = common.adjoin(2, *data) assert (adjoined == expected)开发者ID:npinger,项目名称:pandas,代码行数:7,代码来源 示例4: to_string def to_string(self): """ Render a DataFrame to a console-friendly tabular output. """ frame = self.frame format_col = self._get_column_formatter() to_write = [] if len(frame.columns) == 0 or len(frame.index) == 0: info_line = "Empty %s\nColumns: %s\nIndex: %s" to_write.append(info_line % (type(self.frame).__name__, repr(frame.columns), repr(frame.index))) else: # may include levels names also str_index = self._get_formatted_index() str_columns = self._get_formatted_column_labels() stringified = [str_columns[i] + format_col(c) for i, c in enumerate(self.columns)] to_write.append(adjoin(1, str_index, *stringified)) for s in to_write: if isinstance(s, unicode): to_write = [unicode(s) for s in to_write] break self.buf.writelines(to_write)开发者ID:ralphbean,项目名称:pandas,代码行数:27,代码来源 示例5: test_adjoin def test_adjoin(): data = [["a", "b", "c"], ["dd", "ee", "ff"], ["ggg", "hhh", "iii"]] expected = "a dd ggg\nb ee hhh\nc ff iii" adjoined = com.adjoin(2, *data) assert adjoined == expected开发者ID:spencerlyon2,项目名称:pandas,代码行数:7,代码来源 示例6: _get_formatted_index def _get_formatted_index(self): # Note: this is only used by to_string(), not by to_html(). index = self.frame.index columns = self.frame.columns show_index_names = self.show_index_names and self.has_index_names show_col_names = (self.show_index_names and self.has_column_names) fmt = self.formatters.get('__index__', None) if isinstance(index, MultiIndex): fmt_index = index.format(sparsify=self.sparsify, adjoin=False, names=show_index_names, formatter=fmt) else: fmt_index = [index.format(name=show_index_names, formatter=fmt)] adjoined = adjoin(1, *fmt_index).split('\n') # empty space for columns if show_col_names: col_header = ['%s' % x for x in self._get_column_name_list()] else: col_header = [''] * columns.nlevels if self.header: return col_header + adjoined else: return adjoined开发者ID:evelynmitchell,项目名称:pandas,代码行数:28,代码来源 示例7: test_adjoin def test_adjoin(self): data = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['dd', 'ee', 'ff'], ['ggg', 'hhh', 'iii']] expected = 'a dd ggg\nb ee hhh\nc ff iii' adjoined = com.adjoin(2, *data) self.assertEqual(adjoined, expected)开发者ID:8ballbb,项目名称:ProjectRothar,代码行数:7,代码来源 示例8: _join_multiline def _join_multiline(self, *strcols): lwidth = self.line_width strcols = list(strcols) if self.index: idx = strcols.pop(0) lwidth -= np.array([len(x) for x in idx]).max() col_widths = [np.array([len(x) for x in col]).max() if len(col) > 0 else 0 for col in strcols] col_bins = _binify(col_widths, lwidth) nbins = len(col_bins) str_lst = [] st = 0 for i, ed in enumerate(col_bins): row = strcols[st:ed] row.insert(0, idx) if nbins > 1: if ed 0: keys = [] values = [] for k, v in sorted(self.handle.root._v_children.iteritems()): kind = v._v_attrs.pandas_type keys.append(str(k)) values.append(_NAME_MAP[kind]) output += adjoin(5, keys, values) else: output += 'Empty' return output开发者ID:xuanhan863,项目名称:pandas,代码行数:17,代码来源 示例15: side_by_side def side_by_side(*objs, **kwds): space = kwds.get('space', 4) reprs = [repr(obj).split('\n') for obj in objs] print adjoin(space, *reprs)开发者ID:jeromeku,项目名称:209fp,代码行数:4,代码来源





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