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Parts of Speech: Definition and Useful Examples in English英语词性的定义及实例

Parts of Speech: Definition and Useful Examples in English词类:英文词类定义及实例

In the English language there are various parts of speech which are put together in order to form a sentence. Without these, the language would never be able to function. In this section, we are going to looking a little more closely at the various parts of speech such as the verb, the noun and the adjective, amongst others. This will allow us to gain a better understanding of how a sentence is formed and how the various parts of speech work. 在英语中,有各种各样的词性,这些词性被放在一起组成一个句子。没有这些,语言将永远无法运行。在这一节中,我们会更仔细地看一下词性的不同部分,比如动词、名词和形容词等等。这将使我们更好地理解一个句子是如何形成的,以及不同的词性是如何起作用的。


The Noun (n.) 名词(n)

A noun is a word which gives a name to something, in some cases you might hear them referred to as a ‘naming word.’ There are various different subcategories of nouns such as the proper noun, the collective noun, the possessive noun and the common noun. Each one of these serves a different purpose, let’s look at this a little more closely. 名词是为某物命名的词,在某些情况下,您可能会听到它们被称为“命名词”的意思。名词有许多不同的子类别,例如专有名词,集合名词,所有格名词和 普通名词。 这些中的每一个都有不同的用途,让我们更仔细地研究一下。

Noun Examples: 名词示例:

Jeffrey, Korea, pen, New Year, dog, cat, elephant, garden, school, work, music, town, Manila, teacher, farmer, Bob, Sean, Michael, police officer, France, coffee, football, danger, happiness…杰弗里,韩国,钢笔,新年,狗,猫,大象,花园,学校,工作,音乐,城镇,马尼拉,教师,农民,鲍勃,肖恩,迈克尔,警察,法国,咖啡,足球,危险,幸福……

Noun example sentences: 名词例句:

The teacher told the children to stop chattering in class. 老师告诉孩子们别在课堂上聊天。John is good at French but weak at History. 约翰擅长法语但拙于历史。①The Proper Noun专有名词

The proper noun is used to name a specific item, for example the names of places or people or perhaps a movie or song title.专有名词用于命名特定项目,例如地点或人物的名称,或者电影或歌曲的名称。

The capital of England is London.英格兰的首都是伦敦。Sarah is beautiful. 莎拉很漂亮。②The Collective Noun集合名词

A collective noun is used to refer to a group of nouns, for example people or animal groups. 集合名词用来指代一组名词,例如人或动物群。

The swarm of bees were headed straight towards our picnic. 蜂群正朝我们的野餐方向飞去。At church on Sunday, the choir sings loudly. 星期天在教堂,唱诗班高声歌唱。③The Possessive Noun所有格名词

A possessive noun is used to show ownership of something, this is done by adding an apostrophe and an s, like in the following examples. 所有格名词用来表示对某物的所有权,这是通过加一个撇号和一个s来实现的,如下面的例子所示。

This is my dog’s ball. 这是我的狗的球。That is Sarah’s friend. 那是莎拉的朋友。④The Common Noun常见的名词

A common noun is the most simple form of a noun and gives a name to an item. 普通名词是名词最简单的形式,它给某一事物起名字。

Here is a cup. 这是杯子。Do you want a cake? 你要蛋糕吗?The Article (art.)冠词

An article is a word used before a noun to modify the noun. “The” is called the definite article and “a“, “an” are called the indefinite article. 冠词是用在名词前修饰名词的词。" The "是定冠词," a "和" an "是不定冠词


Anumbrella, theboy,theschool,amouse,anapple,anhour.

Article example sentences: 一把伞,一个男孩,一所学校,一只老鼠,一个苹果,一个小时。

I would like an apple. 我想一个苹果。He was sitting in a chair. 他坐在一把椅子上。The whale is in danger of becoming extinct. 鲸鱼有灭绝的危险。The Verb (vb.) 动词(vb.)

A verb is one of the most important parts of speech and is a word which is used to describe an action. There are three main types of verbs which are detailed below. 动词是最重要的词类之一,是用来描述一个动作的词。动词主要有三种类型,下面详细介绍。


Walk, is, seem, realize, run, see, swim, stand, go, have, get, promise, invite, listen, sing, sit, laughed, walk…散步,是,看起来,意识到,跑步,看,游泳,站,走,拥有,得到,承诺,邀请,听,唱,坐,笑,走…

Verb example sentences: 动词例句:

Don’t try to run before you can walk. 在你能走路之前不要试图跑。Did you kiss anybody? 你吻过别人吗?Leave me alone! 别管我!①The Action Verb动作动词

An action verb does exactly what you might expect, it describes an action. 动作动词做的正是你可能期望的,它描述了一个动作。

The man walked down the street. 男子沿着街道走。I laughed at his joke. 我听他的笑话笑了。②The Linking Verb接系动词

A linking verb is used to show a state of being rather than a physical action. 接系动词用来表示存在的状态,而不是物理动作.

Sarah feels cold. 莎拉感到冷。I am very tired. 我很累。③The Modal Verb情态动词

A modal verb is used to ‘help’ the main verb and can show the speakers thoughts or attitude about what they are saying. For example, words such as might, must, could and can are all modal verbs. 情态动词是用来帮助主动词,并能显示出说话者对他们所说的想法或态度。例如,单词,如可能、必须、可能和可以都是情态动词。

I might walk to the park this afternoon. 我今天下午可能步行去公园。He can eat the last slice of cake. 他可以吃最后一块蛋糕。The Pronoun (pron.) 代词(pron。)

A pronoun is one which replaces a noun, and once again there are various different types of pronouns within the English language. Each one is used in a different way, let’s take a look at some examples of this. 代词是代替名词的代名词,英语中又有各种不同类型的代词。 每种用法都有不同的用法,让我们看一下其中的一些示例。


I, me, we, you, he, she,yours, himself, its, my, that, this, those, us, who, whom我,我,我们,你,他,她,你的,他自己,自己,我,那个,这个,那些,我们,谁,谁

Pronoun example sentences: 代词例句:

Richard isn’t at work this week; he‘s gone on holiday. 理查德本周不上班; 他去度假了。Don’t tell her the truth. 不要告诉她真相。She tried it herself. 她自己尝试过。You can’t blame him for everything. 你不能把一切都怪他。The woman who called yesterday wants to buy the house. 昨天打电话来的那位女士想买房子。①The Reflexive Pronoun反身代词

A reflexive pronoun is used to refer to self, for example myself or yourself. 反身代词用来指自我,例如我自己或你自己。

I am going to keep this last cupcake for myself.我要把最后一个纸杯蛋糕留给自己。Peter always puts himself first. 彼得总是把自己放在第一位。②The Indefinite Pronoun不定代词

This type of pronoun is used to refer to a non specific person or item, you might see words such as anything, few, everyone or all. 这类代词是用来指一个不特定的人或项目,你可能会看到诸如anything,levely,everyone或all之类的词。

Can you take all of these? 你能把这些都拿走吗?I need to speak to someone about this rash on my arm. 我需要和别人谈谈我手臂上的皮疹。③The Possessive Pronoun所有格代词

A possessive pronoun is used to show possession or ownership of something, for example my, his, their or yours. 所有格代词用来表示对某物的占有或所有权,例如my,his,their或yours。

Is this your bag? 这是你的包吗?I have been looking after his daughter. 我一直在照顾他的女儿。④The Relative Pronoun关系代词

A relative pronoun is used to introduce an adjective clause. You might recognise these as words such as who, which, that or whose. 关系代词用来介绍形容词从句。你可能会认出这些词,比如who,which,that或who。

This is the woman who will be working with you. 这是将与您合作的女士。Is this the book that everyone is raving about? 这是每个人都疯狂的那本书吗?The Adjective (adj.) 形容词(adj.)

An adjective is a word which describes a noun or pronoun, there are thousands of adjectives within the English language. 形容词是描述名词或代词的词,英语中有成千上万的形容词。


Beautiful, seven, cute, second, tall, blue, angry, brave, careful, healthy, little, old, generous, red, smart, two, small, tall, some, good, big, useful, interesting…



Adjective example sentences: 形容词例句:

This is a blue car. 这是一辆蓝色的汽车。The small squirrel ran up the tree. 小松鼠跑到那棵树。During the thunderstorm, we saw some heavy rain. 在雷暴期间,我们遇到了大雨。My mother has short hair. 我的母亲短发。The documentary on TV last night was very interesting. 昨晚的电视纪录片很有趣。My son has an impressive collection of toy soldiers. 我儿子收藏了许多令人印象深刻的玩具兵。The weather is hot and sunny today. 今天天气很热,阳光明媚。My vacation was exciting. 我的假期很刺激。The leaves on that tree are green and large.那棵树上的叶子又绿又大。The Adverb (adv.)副词(adv.)

An adverb is used to modify, or further explain an adjective, verb or another adverb. They can add more information to a sentence making it more clear and easier for the listener to imagine what is being described in detail. Most of the time, adverbs will end in the letters -ly but there are some exceptions to this rule such as the words very and never. 副词用来修饰或进一步解释形容词、动词或其他副词。它们可以为句子添加更多的信息,使听者更清楚、更容易想象所描述的细节。大多数时候,副词以字母ly结尾,但也有例外,比如very和never。


Neatly, in the market, every day, tomorrow, very, badly, fully, carefully, hardly, nearly, hungrily, never, quickly, silently, well, really, almost…整齐地,在市场上,每天,明天,非常,糟糕,完全,小心,几乎,几乎,饥渴,从不,迅速,安静,好,真的,几乎…

Adverb example sentences: 副词例句:

This is an extremely attractive photograph. 这是一张极具吸引力的照片。I have a very large pet dog. 我有一只很大的宠物狗。My car drives quickly. 我的车开得很快。When I am running late for work, I eat my breakfast rapidly. 当我上班迟到时,我会很快吃完早餐。The boy is crying loudly. 男孩在大声哭。She carefully preserved all his letters. 她小心翼翼地保存了他的所有信件。The Conjunction (conj.) 连词(conj.)

A conjunction is used as a way of joining two or more ideas or words together. Most commonly you will see the words for, and, not, but, or, yet and so used as a conjunction. 连词是用来连接两个或两个以上的思想或单词的一种方式。最常见的情况是,and,not,but,or,yet and so用作连词。

Examples: 示例:

And, however, still, but, or, so, after, since, before, either, neither, because, unless…

Conjunction example sentences: 但是,仍然,但是,或者,那么,之后,因为,之前,或者,都不是,因为,除非…

My boyfriend and I are going on a date. 我和我的男朋友要约会。I will go to the shop but not before I have had something to eat. 我要去商店,但要先吃点东西。This is a gift for my friend. 这是给我朋友的礼物。I was tired yet I still went to the gym. 我很累,但仍然去健身房。The Preposition (prep.) 介词(prep.)

A preposition is used in English to show a relationship between two words or phrases. You might recognise a preposition as being words such as in, before, on, at, to, between etc. 介词在英语中用来表示两个词或短语之间的关系。你可以把介词看作是in、before、on、at、to、between等词。


In, on, at, about, apropos, according to, after,along, above, except, from, near, of, before, since, between, upon, with, to, after, toward…在,在,在,大约,大约,根据,之后,沿着,上面,除了,从,附近,之前,自从,之间,之上,与,到之后,朝向…

Preposition example sentences: 介词例句:

The cat is sitting on the wall. 猫坐在墙上。I am going to the salon after my dinner. 饭后我要去美容院。The boy ran along the street for an hour. 男孩沿街跑了一个小时。You will find the theatre in the town centre. 您可以在市中心找到剧院。I saw that news in the newspapers. 我在报纸上看到了那个消息。The Interjection (interj.) 感叹词(interj.)

An interjection could also be thought of as a exclamation. They are used to emotion, reaction or excitement and have no grammatical link to anything else within the sentence they appear. 感叹词也可以看作是感叹号。他们习惯于情绪、反应或兴奋,与他们出现的句子中的任何其他东西没有语法联系。


Ahem!, aha!, gosh!, aw!, great!, hey!, hi!,hooray!, oh!, yeah!, oops!, phew!, eh!, oh!, ouch!, hi!, well!…啊哼!啊哈!天哪!,啊!太好了!,嘿!,嗨!,万岁!,哦!,是的!,哎呀!,嘘!,嗯!,哦!,哎哟!嗨,嗨!,好吧!…

Interjection example sentences: 感叹词例句:

Phew! That was a close call. 嘘!那真是千钧一发。Wow! Did you see how big that bird was? 哇!你看到那只鸟有多大了吗?Oh, I forgot to tell you that I saw your father last week. 哦,我忘了告诉你,我上周见过你父亲。Hooray! You passed your exam! 万岁!您通过了考试!Well, what did he say? 哦,他说了什么?Yeah! She’s going with us tonight! 耶!她今晚和我们一起去!In the English language, there are eight different parts of speech and each one serves its own purpose. Without them, we would not be able to form coherent sentence and so it is important that we are familiar with what each of them are. In these images, we are going to look at each of the different parts of speech, what they are used for and some examples of how they work within a sentence. 在英语中,有八个不同的词类,每个词类都有自己的用途。没有它们,我们就不能形成连贯的句子,所以熟悉它们是很重要的。在这些图片中,我们将会看到每个不同的词性,它们是用来做什么的,以及它们在句子中如何起作用的一些例子。

Parts of Speech in English Image 英语词类|图片




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