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duplicity是什么意思/翻译_duplicity读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 1天前 • 英文单词 • 阅读 2


duplicity是什么意思/翻译_duplicity读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 duplicity

英 [djuːˈplɪsəti] 美 [duːˈplɪsəti]

n.  欺骗,奸诈(行为)



BNC.20111 / COCA.21039

duplicity是什么意思/翻译_duplicity读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 牛津词典


欺骗,奸诈(行为)dishonest behaviour that is intended to make sb believe sth which is not true 柯林斯词典 N-UNCOUNT 奸诈;欺骗;口是心非;两面派If you accuse someone of duplicity, you mean that they are deceitful. Malcolm believed he was guilty of duplicity in his private dealings.马尔科姆认为他在为其私底下两面派的行为而心生愧疚。 双语例句 Malcolm believed he was guilty of duplicity in his private dealings. 马尔科姆认为他在为其私底下两面派的行为而心生愧疚。 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. 正直人的纯正必引导自己;奸诈人的乖僻必毁灭自己。 If I were not afraid of judging harshly, I should be almost tempted to say that there is a strong appearance of duplicity in all this. 要是我大胆地下一句刻薄的断语,我真忍不住要说,其中一定大有蹊跷。 The only real duplicity is over the photos. 唯一真正存在欺骗的地方是照片。 Hypocrisy and duplicity were as Soviet as stale bread. 伪善和口是心非是前苏联的特征。 In spite of what looks like duplicity over Mr bin Laden’s hiding place, the nuclear power is too dangerous to abandon. 除了关于本·拉登的藏身之地耍两面派外,其核威力也是很危险的,无法忽视。 Hwang resigned from his university, and expressed sorrow and shame for his duplicity. 这名科学家辞去了大学教职,并对自亡的欺骗行为表示难过与惭愧。 To a great extent, this context decides that many western commercial advertisements are kinds of emotional duplicity. 这一文化语境在很大程度上决定了许多西方商业广告是一种情感欺骗。 Tangled by his own duplicity; 为他自己的骗局所困挠; That’s right, unlike traditional Internet dating sites where you’re expected to say you’re unattached no matter what the truth is Ashley Madison is honest about its duplicity. 没错,它不像那些传统的网络约会网站,不管真实状况如何,都对外声称你是单身。阿什利·麦迪逊(AshleyMandison)以很诚实的态度开展业务。 From Fronto I learned to observe what envy, and duplicity, and hypocrisy are in a tyrant, and that generally those among us who are called Patricians are rather deficient in paternal affection. 从弗朗特,我学会了观察仅仅在一个暴君那里存在的嫉妒、伪善和口是心蜚非,知道我们中间那些被称为上流人的一般是相当缺乏仁慈之情的。 At one point our duplicity, or twoness, was inadvertently revealed, whereupon Joe noisily fled and I pretended to give unsuccessful chase, representing him to be a burglar. 有一次,我们的双簧表演不经意地被捅破了,此时乔只好扮成盗贼,大声嚷嚷地逃出,我则假装没有追上他。 Bin Laden’s strategy was clearly to expose their duplicity by forcing them to choose between the two rhetorics. 本·拉登的战略显然是要暴露他们的口是心非,迫使他们在两套说辞之间做出选择。 Cultural translation that processes duplicity involves deep structure language systems. 文化翻译具有双重性,它涉及到深层的语言体系问题。 In fact, you would be wrong: high-risk duplicity has long been the hallmark of Pakistani foreign policy. 但事实上您可能就错了:巴基斯坦长期以来一直在采取极其危险的欺骗行动,这已经成为其外交政策的特征。 They made some experiments on effecting factors, such as surface activators, carrier concertration, duplicity and dispersion, and adhesive strength to raise the separation efficiency. 通过对乳液溶胀主要影响因素的研究,提出了在实际操作过程中,提高分离效率、减小溶胀的有效措施。 We have produced 100 batch product by this new manufacturing technology, They have steady product quality, good salty and duplicity, simple operation. 采用新生产工艺生产了近100批产品,产品质量稳定,安全性良好,重复性良好,并有操作简便的特点。 The Structure is full of duplicity, namely, open and unfinished in the content, and close in the structure. 由它们构成的小说结构具有表里不一的特点,即在内容上具有开放性和未完成性,在形式上却呈现闭合性的状态。 Frost’s contradictory view of nature, the contradictions and duplicity as revealed in his poems are also features of modern poetry. 弗洛斯特诗歌中体现的这种矛盾的自然观,这种自然的双重性,也是现代主义诗歌的特色之一。 It can be said that Su Tong’s novels of “women’s lives” have the duplicity characteristic of vanguard and neo-realism. 可以说,苏童的妇女生活小说具有先锋性与新写实性相交融的双重性特征。 On Duplicity in Ocean Shipping and Measures for Precaution 论海运欺诈手段及其防范措施 At the same time, Roy’s understanding of the petty bourgeoisie’s duplicity is the ideological basis for him to make compromise and concession to Wang. 罗易本人对小资产阶级的双重性认识,奠定了他向汪精卫妥协退让的思想基础; Austen adopts a strategy of duplicity in Pride and Prejudice: on the surface the novel tells a romantic love story, following the traditional mode of the novel of manners in the 18th century; 《傲慢与偏见》的文本包含着两条线索:一是表层承袭的18世纪风俗小说的情节模式,即浪漫爱情喜剧; This diagnosticum has a strong idiosyncrasy, less cross reaction and a good test duplicity, with which the result of the test can be obtained within an hour The effectual period of the diagnosticum is 1~ 2 years. 诊断液特异性强,交叉反应少,试验重复性好,1小时可得出结果,诊断液有效期1~2年。 This suggests that a clean self can increase the interpersonal level of moral hypocrisy;( 2) in tee kinds of priming conditions, there has a duplicity between pro-social behavior and pro-social intent. 这表明清洁的自我会增加人际层面的道德伪善。(2)三种启动条件下的被试在亲社会意愿和亲社会行为上均存在言行不一的道德伪善现象。 Duplicity of the government response, the people stirred up to greater discontent. 政府表里不一的应对措施,激起民众更大的不满。 In consequence, it is believed that dinner party, as an important way of social intercourse in modern society, is a mixture of tradition and modernity and processes duplicity. 因此本文认为,作为现代社会重要社交方式的饭局是传统和现代的结合体,具有一种双重性。 英英释义


acting in bad faith

Synonym:    double-dealing

a fraudulent or duplicitous representation

Synonym:    fraudulence



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