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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 account n (money in bank) (银行)SCSimplified Chinese 帐户,户头 zhàng hù,hù tóu TCTraditional Chinese 帳戶 / 賬戶  He withdrew half the money in his account.  他把帐户里的钱提了一半出来。 account n (retail credit)SCSimplified Chinese (购物的)账 gòu wù de zhàng   SCSimplified Chinese 待结账目 gòu wù de zhàng,dài jié zhàng mù  She charged the shoes to her account.  她将这双鞋子记在自己的账上。 account n (registration with a website, etc.) (网络注册的)SCSimplified Chinese 账号,账户 zhàng hù  Do you have a WordReference account?  你有网络电子词典WordReference的账号么? account n (narrative)SCSimplified Chinese 描述 miáo shù TCTraditional Chinese 描述   SCSimplified Chinese 叙述 miáo shù,xù shù TCTraditional Chinese 敘述   SCSimplified Chinese 报告 miáo shù,bào gào TCTraditional Chinese 報告  He gave a detailed account of the football match.  他详尽地描述了那场橄榄球赛。 account n (explanation)SCSimplified Chinese 解释 jiě shì TCTraditional Chinese 解釋  The police did not believe Sally's account of her actions.  警方不相信赛莉对自己行为的解释。 account for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (explain)SCSimplified Chinese 作出解释 zuò chū jiě shì TCTraditional Chinese 作出解釋   SCSimplified Chinese 作出说明 zuò chū jiě shì,zuò chū shuō míng  How do you account for the fact that no one can confirm your alibi for that night?  你能解释一下为什么没有人能确认你那天晚上的不在场证明。 account for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (justify)SCSimplified Chinese 为…作出解释,为…作出说明  We were asked to account for our actions.  要求我们为自己的行为作出解释。 account for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (cause)SCSimplified Chinese 导致,引起 dǎo zhì,yǐn qǐ TCTraditional Chinese 導致,引起  She wondered what could account for his sadness.  她想知道是什么让他如此悲伤。 account for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be total of) (在数量方面)SCSimplified Chinese 占,共计达到 zhàn TCTraditional Chinese 佔  Women in Britain now account for almost half of the workforce.  如今,英国的女性几乎占到了其劳动力的半数。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 account n (value)SCSimplified Chinese 价值 jià zhí TCTraditional Chinese 價值  They turned his new idea to account. His ideas are of no account.  他们认为他的新点子很有价值。 // 他的点子毫无价值。 account n (judgment)SCSimplified Chinese 判断 pàn duàn TCTraditional Chinese 判斷  He is a fine actor, by his own account!  他自认为是位好演员! account n (customer)SCSimplified Chinese 客户 kè hù   SCSimplified Chinese 主顾 kè hù,zhǔ gù  The company has just won two new accounts.  公司刚赢得了两家新客户。 account n (assets in a brokerage)SCSimplified Chinese 资产 zī chǎn TCTraditional Chinese 資產  I have equities and an account with an NYSE brokerage.  我委托一个纽约证交所经纪商打理我的证券和资产。 accounts npl (bookkeeping record)SCSimplified Chinese 账目 zhàng mù 备注: often preceded by "the" There was an error in the accounts. account for [sth] vi + prep (count up)SCSimplified Chinese 解释 jiě shì TCTraditional Chinese 解釋   SCSimplified Chinese 说明 jiě shì,shuō míng TCTraditional Chinese 說明  He could account for every penny he had spent.  他能够就自己的每一笔开支作出解释。 account [sth], account [sth] [sth]⇒ vtr (report to be)SCSimplified Chinese 报导 bào dǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 报道 bào dǎo,bào dào TCTraditional Chinese 報道  The critics accounted it a good play. account [sb/sth] [sth]⇒ vtr formal (consider)SCSimplified Chinese 把…看作 bǎ … kàn zuò   SCSimplified Chinese 认为...是...  This restaurant is accounted the best in town.  大家认为这家是镇上最好的餐厅。 account yourself [sth] vtr + refl formal (consider yourself) (正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 认为自己是   SCSimplified Chinese 把自己看作  He accounts himself poor.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 account balance n (bank: amount in an account)SCSimplified Chinese 账户余额 zhàng hù yú é TCTraditional Chinese 賬戶餘額  My account balance is slightly over $4000. account book n UK (finance ledger)SCSimplified Chinese 账本 zhàng běn   SCSimplified Chinese 账簿 zhàng běn,zhàng bù account book n US (accounting ledger)SCSimplified Chinese 会计账簿 kuì jì zhàng bù TCTraditional Chinese 會計賬簿  The bookkeeper kept two sets of account books: one for the tax man, and another for his investors. account executive n (sales representative)SCSimplified Chinese 客户经理 kè hù jīng lǐ TCTraditional Chinese 客戶經理   SCSimplified Chinese 业务经理 kè hù jīng lǐ,yè wù jīng lǐ accounting for [sth] expr (considering)SCSimplified Chinese 考虑到 kǎo lǜ dào TCTraditional Chinese 考慮到   SCSimplified Chinese 把…考虑在内  Even accounting for the bad weather, the number of visitors to the park has been very low.  即使把糟糕的天气考虑在内,来公园的游客数一直以来也太少了。 account manager n (looks after customers, accounts)SCSimplified Chinese 客户经理 kè hù jīng lǐ TCTraditional Chinese 客戶經理  We're hiring an account manager for the telecoms industry. bank account, also UK: banking account n (money kept in a bank)SCSimplified Chinese 银行账户 yín háng zhàng hù TCTraditional Chinese 銀行賬戶   SCSimplified Chinese 银行存款 yín háng zhàng hù,yín háng cún kuǎn  A debit card takes money directly from your bank account.  借记卡会直接从你的银行账户取钱。 bring [sb] to account, call [sb] to account v expr (force to explain or justify)SCSimplified Chinese 追究责任   SCSimplified Chinese 责问 charge account (US), credit account (UK) n (for deferred payment)SCSimplified Chinese 赊欠账 shē qiàn zhàng TCTraditional Chinese 賒帳   SCSimplified Chinese 赊购 shē qiàn zhàng,shē gòu checking account (US), chequing account (Can), current account (UK) n (bank account with instant access)SCSimplified Chinese (支票)活期帐户 zhī piào huó qī zhàng hù  I'd like to pay this money into my checking account. company account n (bank account in business name)SCSimplified Chinese 公司账户 company account n (customer account in business name)SCSimplified Chinese 企业客户账户 detailed account n (record of every event)SCSimplified Chinese 详细描述 xiáng xì miáo shù TCTraditional Chinese 詳細描述   SCSimplified Chinese 详细报道 xiáng xì miáo shù,xiáng xì bào dào  The witness gave the police a detailed account of what had happened. escrow account n (account held on [sb] else's behalf)SCSimplified Chinese 第三者保管帐户   SCSimplified Chinese 托管账户 expense account n (account for expenses)SCSimplified Chinese 支出账户 TCTraditional Chinese 支出帳戶   SCSimplified Chinese 费用账户  The director charged her business lunch to her expense account. have an account with [sth/sb] v expr (bank with)SCSimplified Chinese 有银行账户 yǒu yín háng zhàng hù   SCSimplified Chinese 在…银行设有户头 yǒu yín háng zhàng hù,zài yín háng shè yǒu hù tóu  I have an account with Lloyds Bank. have an account with [sth/sb] v expr (for purchases) (商户)SCSimplified Chinese 在…上开有账户,办了…的会员  I have an account with the university bookshop on the High Street. individual retirement account n US (personal pension fund)SCSimplified Chinese 个人退休金帐户  Individual retirement accounts let you save without paying income taxes until after you retire. IRA n initialism (individual retirement account) (individual retirement account的缩写形式)SCSimplified Chinese 个人退休账户 gè rén tuì xiū zhàng hù  Tom opened an IRA account when he joined the company. joint account, joint bank account n (bank account)SCSimplified Chinese 共同账户 gòng tóng zhàng hù TCTraditional Chinese 共同賬戶   SCSimplified Chinese 共有账户 gòng tóng zhàng hù,gòng yǒu zhàng hù   SCSimplified Chinese 联名账户 gòng tóng zhàng hù,lián míng zhàng hù  My wife and I have a joint account at the bank. no-account, no-count adj US, informal (of little worth)SCSimplified Chinese 无价值的 wú jià zhí de TCTraditional Chinese 無價值的 no-account, no-count n US, informal (worthless person)SCSimplified Chinese 不中用的人,无价值的人 bù zhōng yòng de rén on account prep + n (purchase: pay later)SCSimplified Chinese 赊购 shē gòu on account of [sth] expr (because of, due to)SCSimplified Chinese 因为 yīn wèi TCTraditional Chinese 因為   SCSimplified Chinese 由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú  The picnic is canceled on account of the rain.  因为下雨,野餐取消了。 on account of [sb], on [sb]'s account expr (for [sb]'s sake)SCSimplified Chinese 为了… wèi le … TCTraditional Chinese 為了...  Don't turn the music off on my account; it doesn't bother me.  不用为我关掉音乐,我并没有受到干扰。 on account of this adv (for this reason)SCSimplified Chinese 鉴于此 jiàn yú cǐ TCTraditional Chinese 鑒於此  The bridge collapsed; on account of this, we have to take the ferry. on no account expr (not for any reason)SCSimplified Chinese 决不,绝对不 jué bù ,jué duì bù TCTraditional Chinese 決不   SCSimplified Chinese 任何情况下都不 备注: When the subject and a modal auxiliary follow this expression, they are inverted. On no account should you let a stranger into your house without ID. On no account interrupt me while I'm in this conference call. open account, current account n (banking)SCSimplified Chinese 赊账 shē zhàng open an account v expr (register with a bank)SCSimplified Chinese 开户 kāi hù   SCSimplified Chinese 开设银行账户 kāi hù,kāi shè yín háng zhàng hù   SCSimplified Chinese 开立银行户头 kāi hù,kāi lì yín háng hù tóu  One of the first things you need to do on arrival in a new country is to go to a bank and open an account. own account n (personal admission)SCSimplified Chinese 自述,自白  By his own account, he wasn't there that night. own account n ([sb]'s personal version of events) (与别人不同)SCSimplified Chinese 自己的描述,自己的说辞 past-due account n (unpaid debt)SCSimplified Chinese 过期帐款,逾期账款  The past-due account will be reported to all national credit bureaus. render an account v expr (submit for payment or approval)SCSimplified Chinese 报账   SCSimplified Chinese 开出账目 savings account n (banking: current account)SCSimplified Chinese 储蓄存款账户 chǔ xù cún kuǎn zhàng hù  I put my tax refund into my savings account. settle accounts, settle your account vtr + npl (pay debts)SCSimplified Chinese 结清账目 jié qīng zhàng mù TCTraditional Chinese 結清賬目   SCSimplified Chinese 付清欠账  Students must settle their account before they become eligible to register for a subsequent semester. statement of account, account statement n (document showing bank balance)SCSimplified Chinese 结帐清单 jié zhàng qīng dān TCTraditional Chinese 結帳清單   SCSimplified Chinese 对账单 jié zhàng qīng dān,duì zhàng dān suspense account n (temporary ledger)SCSimplified Chinese 临时账户 lín shí zhàng hù TCTraditional Chinese 臨時賬戶   SCSimplified Chinese 暂记账户 lín shí zhàng hù,zàn jì zhàng hù   SCSimplified Chinese 悬账 lín shí zhàng hù,xuán zhàng take account of [sth] v expr (take into consideration)SCSimplified Chinese 考虑到 kǎo lǜ dào TCTraditional Chinese 考慮到  If you use a pesticide, you must take account of various health and safety considerations. take [sth] into account v expr (consider, allow for)SCSimplified Chinese 把…列入考虑范围 bǎ … liè rù kǎo lǜ fàn wéi   SCSimplified Chinese 考虑到 bǎ … liè rù kǎo lǜ fàn wéi,kǎo lǜ dào TCTraditional Chinese 考慮到  You should have taken their age into account. You must take into account both the exchange rate and the bank fees.  你必须同时把汇率以及银行费用列入考虑范围。  你应该考虑到他们的年龄。 trust account n (business: account of property)SCSimplified Chinese 信托账户 trust account, trustee account n (savings account)SCSimplified Chinese 信托账户   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: account [əˈkaunt] I n [c] 1 (with bank, at shop) 账(賬)户(戶) zhànghù [个 gè] I have an account with Barclays.我在巴克莱(萊)银(銀)行有一个(個)账(賬)户(戶)。 Wǒ zài Bākèlái yínháng yǒu yī gè zhànghù. 2 (Comm) (=client, customer) 客户(戶) kèhù The agency has won two important new accounts.代理公司赢(贏)得了两(兩)个(個)重要的新客户(戶)。 Dàilǐ gōngsī yíngdéle liǎng gè zhòngyào de xīn kèhù. 3 (=report) 描述 miáoshù [番 fān] He gave an account of what happened.他对(對)发(發)生的事情做了一番描述。 Tā duì fāshēng de shìqing zuòle yīfān miáoshù. IIaccounts n pl (Comm) 账(賬) zhàng He kept the accounts.他记(記)账(賬)。 Tā jì zhàng. III vt ▶ to be accounted sth (frm) 被视(視)为(為)某事 bèi shìwéi mǒushì to buy/pay for sth on account 分期付款购(購)买(買)某物 fēnqī fùkuǎn gòumǎi mǒuwù to give a good account of o.s. 使自己表现(現)不错(錯) shǐ zìjǐ biǎoxiàn bùcuò to be brought or called or held to account for sth被要求就某事作出解释(釋) bèi yāoqiú jiù mǒushì zuòchū jiěshì to be of no/little account (frm)完全不/不大重要 wánquán bù/bù dà zhòngyào on no account绝(絕)对(對)不 juéduì bù on account of因为(為) yīnwèi to take sth into account, take account of sth考虑(慮)到某事 kǎolǜ dào mǒushì by or from all accounts根据(據)大家所说(說) gēnjù dàjiā suǒ shuōaccount for vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=explain) 解释(釋) jiěshì How do you account for the company's high staff turnover?你如何解释(釋)公司如此频(頻)繁的人事变(變)动(動)? Nǐ rúhé jiěshì gōngsī rúcǐ pínfán de rénshì biàndòng? 2 (=represent) 占(佔) zhàn Software accounts for over half of our product range.软(軟)件产(產)品占(佔)我们(們)产(產)品系列的一半以上。 Ruǎnjiàn chǎnpǐn zhàn wǒmen chǎnpǐn xìliè de yībàn yǐshàng. to be not accounted for 未解释(釋)的 wèi jiěshì de 在这些条目还发现'account': 在英文解释里: a/c - account balance - acct - airbrush out - amenable - balance - bank - bank balance - bank deposit - bank statement - bankbook - bear in mind - because - because of - biographical sketch - blow-by-blow - bring to book - C/A - cash balance - certificate of deposit - checking account - chronicler - clear - clearance - close out - closing balance - cock-and-bull story - company account - consider - consider the circumstances - credit - credit transfer - depositor - docudrama - dramatization - drawee - email address - escrow account - expense account - explain - explain away - financial record - financial statement - firsthand - fish story - followed - FSA - good story - graphic description - guest 中文: 帐户 - 账 - 不计 - 交代 - 信箱 - 基于 - 帐簿 - 开户 - 明细帐 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Accounting terms, Bank terms, 更多……同义词: description, explanation, report, telling, depiction, 更多……习惯性搭配: which accounts for their [actions, decisions], a [new, free] account, account [information, password, number], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'account' 的论坛讨论:

a balanced account (banking) account Account history, Customer history I'm having problems registering for a Wechat account. Lead, Account reactivate, deactivate (an account) run large current account deficits You have a fine on your account ... which account for comepetitive relationships - English Only forum 'count/account' - English Only forum (have considered, taken into account, focused, ....) - English Only forum [Made up] [comprise] [account for] - English Only forum £.s.d. account - English Only forum 401(k) retirement account - English Only forum a bank account in/ under the name of Mr Smith - English Only forum a conversation that takes into account consent - English Only forum a detailed account of - English Only forum A Facebook account - English Only forum a fascinating account of adventures - English Only forum a few moments for this transaction/deal to appear in your account. - English Only forum a good job of holding the monarchy to account - English Only forum a key focus of interest in my account - English Only forum a lucrative new account - English Only forum a matter of great account - English Only forum a more reasonable account of the matter would be... - English Only forum A new account opening⁄opening a new account - English Only forum a purely functional account, even one that... - English Only forum A savings account vs A saving account - English Only forum a savings account with/at a bank - English Only forum a sum on my bank account is blocked/frozen/locked/...? - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'account'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "account" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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