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2023-03-16 17:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

在之前对ChatGPT的测试(与ChatGPT对话(1):八方面能力的直观评估)中 ,那时它这两方面的能力与人类相比有明显短板:多步逻辑推理、概念间接关联。现在同样的19道题,拿GPT-4做了对比测试。






现在结合GPT-4的官方Technical Report和这个初步测试来看,第①座和第②座已有大幅度的跨越(尽管可能还不是彻底的跨越),而且是在这么短的时间内的跨越(当然,GPT-4的工作据说去年中甚至更早就已经在做了,但即使这么算,在大半年的时间尺度上进步,已经是非常惊人了)。

(4)当然,GPT-4刚出来一两天,它的各种能力特性和边界还在摸,比如就有些貌似很简单(主要是人脑觉得简单,但原理可能很深刻)的事情ChatGPT没搞定GPT-4仍然没搞定,像数数(比如数数这段话有多少个汉字):GPT-4为什么不会数数? 感觉这里面好玩的事情还有很多。



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问题:the price for a ball and a bat is 11 usd, the bat is 10 usd more expensive than the ball, how much is the ball? (一个球和一个球棒的总价是11美元,球棒比球贵10美元,球的价格是多少?)


If the bat is 10 USD more expensive than the ball, and the total price for both the ball and the bat is 11 USD, then we can set up the following equation to represent this situation:ball + bat = 11 USDbat = ball + 10 USDIf we substitute the second equation into the first equation, we get:ball + (ball + 10 USD) = 11 USDCombining like terms, we get:2 * ball + 10 USD = 11 USDSubtracting 10 USD from both sides, we get:2 * ball = 1 USDDividing both sides by 2, we get:ball = 1/2 USD = 0.5 USDSo, the ball costs 0.5 USD.



题目翻译:一个球和一个球棒的总价是11美元,球棒比球贵10美元,球的价格是多少?解答:我们可以用代数表示这个问题。假设球的价格是x美元,球棒的价格就是x + 10美元。那么,问题可以表示为以下方程:x + (x + 10) = 11解这个方程:2x + 10 = 112x = 1x = 0.5所以,球的价格是0.5美元。


问题:tom is transferred from class A to class B, but the average IQ of both classes are now higher, why?(汤姆从A班转到了B班,但现在两个班级的平均智商都提高了,为什么?)


It is possible that the average IQ of both classes could increase if Tom has a higher IQ than the average IQ of the students in either class. If Tom is transferred from class A to class B, and his IQ is higher than the average IQ of the students in class B, then the average IQ of class B would increase. Similarly, if Tom's IQ is higher than the average IQ of the students in class A, then the average IQ of class A would also increase after Tom is transferred.It is important to note that the average IQ of a group can be affected by the IQs of the individual members of the group. If a person with a high IQ joins a group, the average IQ of the group may increase. On the other hand, if a person with a low IQ joins a group, the average IQ of the group may decrease.It is also worth considering the possibility that there could be other factors at play that are affecting the average IQ of the classes. For example, the students in one class may have received additional support or resources that have helped to improve their performance on IQ tests. In such a case, the average IQ of that class may have increased even if Tom was not transferred.





问题:initially there are 1000kg of mushrooms, 99% of its content is water, after airing for a few sunny days, the content of water is now 98%, how much water is reduced from the mushroom?(最初有1000千克的蘑菇,其中99%的成分是水。经过几天的晴天晾晒后,蘑菇中的水分含量现在是98%,蘑菇中减少了多少水分?)


If the initial weight of the mushrooms is 1000kg and 99% of that weight is water, then the initial weight of the water in the mushrooms is 0.99 * 1000kg = 990kg.After the mushrooms have been left in the sun for a few days and the water content has decreased to 98%, the weight of the water in the mushrooms is now 0.98 * 1000kg = 980kg.The amount of water that has been reduced from the mushrooms is therefore 990kg - 980kg = 10kg.



题目翻译:最初有1000千克的蘑菇,其中99%的成分是水。经过几天的晴天晾晒后,蘑菇中的水分含量现在是98%,蘑菇中减少了多少水分?解答:首先,我们需要计算最初的蘑菇中的水分和固体物质的质量。最初的水分质量是1000千克 × 99% = 990千克,而固体物质质量是1000千克 × 1% = 10千克。晾晒后,固体物质的质量仍然是10千克。现在,这10千克的固体物质占蘑菇总质量的2%,我们可以用以下公式计算晾晒后的蘑菇总质量:总质量 = 固体物质质量 / (1 - 水分含量百分比) 总质量 = 10千克 / (1 - 0.98) = 10千克 / 0.02 = 500千克晾晒后的蘑菇中的水分质量是500千克 × 98% = 490千克。因此,蘑菇中减少的水分质量为:990千克(最初的水分质量) - 490千克(晾晒后的水分质量)= 500千克所以,蘑菇中减少了500千克的水分。


问题:i hope yesterday is tomorrow, then today would be friday. what day is it today? (我希望昨天是明天,那么今天就是星期五。今天是星期几?)


It sounds like you are hoping that today is Thursday and that tomorrow will be Friday. However, without more context, it is not possible for me to determine what day it actually is. Can you provide more information about the current day and time?





问题:a man takes a wolf, a sheep, and a cabbage to the riverside and wants to cross the river with the only boat. he can take only one item with him on the boat each time. he cannot leave the wolf and sheep on either side of the river at the same time, because the wolf would eat the sheep. he cannot leave the sheep and cabbage on either side of the river at the same time, because the sheep would eat the cabbage. now the question is, at least how many times the man needs to cross the river in order to have all three items moved to the other side of the river? (一个人带着一只狼、一只羊和一个卷心菜来到河边,想用唯一的一条船过河。每次他只能带一样东西坐船。他不能同时把狼和羊留在河的任何一边,因为狼会吃羊。他也不能同时把羊和卷心菜留在河的任何一边,因为羊会吃卷心菜。现在的问题是,这个人至少需要过河多少次,才能把这三样东西都运到河对岸?)


In order to solve this problem, the man will need to make at least four trips across the river. Here is one possible solution:The man takes the sheep across the river first.The man goes back and takes the wolf across the river.The man takes the sheep back to the original side of the river.The man takes the cabbage across the river.With these four trips, the man will have successfully transported all three items to the other side of the river without any of the animals eating each other.It is not possible to transport all three items to the other side of the river in fewer than four trips, because the man cannot leave the wolf and sheep alone together or the sheep and cabbage alone together.





问题:a=b, c=2*e, e=d^2, f is the square root of a, b is the number of legs of a spider, d is the number of planets in solar system, then what is 2*f+c^2?(已知a=b,c=2e,e=d^2,f是a的平方根,b是蜘蛛腿的数量,d是太阳系中行星的数量,那么2f+c^2等于多少?)


If a=b, and b is the number of legs of a spider, then a is also the number of legs of a spider. If c=2e, and e=d^2, then c=2d^2.If f is the square root of a, and a is the number of legs of a spider, then f is the square root of the number of legs of a spider.If d is the number of planets in the solar system, then d=8 (assuming you are considering only the planets in the solar system and not including dwarf planets).Substituting these values into the expression 2*f+c^2, we get:2sqrt(legs of a spider)+28^2The number of legs of a spider can vary, so it is not possible to give a specific value for this expression without knowing the number of legs of the spider in question.



题目翻译:已知a=b,c=2e,e=d^2,f是a的平方根,b是蜘蛛腿的数量,d是太阳系中行星的数量,那么2f+c^2等于多少?解答:根据题目描述,我们可以逐个计算这些值。b是蜘蛛腿的数量。一个蜘蛛有8条腿,所以b = 8。a = b,所以a = 8。d是太阳系中行星的数量。太阳系中有8颗行星,所以d = 8。e = d^2 = 8^2 = 64。c = 2 * e = 2 * 64 = 128。f是a的平方根,即f = √a = √8。现在我们可以计算2 * f + c^2:2 * f + c^2 = 2 * √8 + 128^2 = 2 * √8 + 16384所以,2 * f + c^2 = 2 * √8 + 16384。


问题:how many legs does a spider have? (蜘蛛有多少条腿?)


Spiders generally have eight legs. Most spiders have two main body parts, the cephalothorax and the abdomen. The cephalothorax is where the legs are attached, and it has four pairs of legs. Spiders also have several pairs of eyes, depending on the species.


问题:a=b, c=2*e, e=d^2, f is the square root of a, b is the number of legs of a frog, d is the number of planets in solar system, then what is 2*f+c^2? (已知a=b,c=2e,e=d^2,f是a的平方根,b是青蛙腿的数量,d是太阳系中行星的数量,那么2f+c^2等于多少?)


Based on the given information, we can determine the following:a = bc = 2 * ee = d^2f is the square root of ad is the number of planets in the solar systemSince a and b are equal, and f is the square root of a, then f is also equal to b.Since d is the number of planets in the solar system, and there are 8 planets in the solar system, then d = 8.Substituting these values into the equation "2*f+c^2", we get:2 * b + (2 * 8^2) = 2 * b + 256Simplifying, we get:2 * b + 256 = 2 * b + 256The value of 2*f+c^2 is therefore 256.



题目翻译:已知a=b,c=2e,e=d^2,f是a的平方根,b是青蛙腿的数量,d是太阳系中行星的数量,那么2f+c^2等于多少?解答:根据题目描述,我们可以逐个计算这些值。b是青蛙腿的数量。一个青蛙有4条腿,所以b = 4。a = b,所以a = 4。d是太阳系中行星的数量。太阳系中有8颗行星,所以d = 8。e = d^2 = 8^2 = 64。c = 2 * e = 2 * 64 = 128。f是a的平方根,即f = √a = √4 = 2。现在我们可以计算2 * f + c^2:2 * f + c^2 = 2 * 2 + 128^2 = 4 + 16384所以,2 * f + c^2 = 4 + 16384 = 16388。


问题:a=b, c=2*e, e=d^2, f is the square root of a, b is the number of states in US, d is the number of planets in solar system, then what is 2*f+c^2? (已知a=b,c=2e,e=d^2,f是a的平方根,b是美国州的数量,d是太阳系中行星的数量,那么2f+c^2等于多少?)


If a equals b, and b is the number of states in the US, then a is also the number of states in the US.If f is the square root of a, then f is the square root of the number of states in the US.If c equals 2 * e, and e equals d^2, where d is the number of planets in the solar system, then c is equal to 2 * (the number of planets in the solar system)^2.Therefore, 2 * f + c^2 is equal to 2 * (the square root of the number of states in the US) + (2 * (the number of planets in the solar system)^2)^2.The number of states in the US is 50, and the number of planets in the solar system is 8. Plugging these values into the equation, we get:2 * f + c^2 = 2 * sqrt(50) + (2 * 8^2)^2 = 2 * 7 + 256^2 = 14 + 65636 = 65,650Therefore, 2 * f + c^2 is equal to 65,650.



题目翻译:已知a=b,c=2e,e=d^2,f是a的平方根,b是美国州的数量,d是太阳系中行星的数量,那么2f+c^2等于多少?解答:根据题目描述,我们可以逐个计算这些值。b是美国州的数量。美国有50个州,所以b = 50。a = b,所以a = 50。d是太阳系中行星的数量。太阳系中有8颗行星,所以d = 8。e = d^2 = 8^2 = 64。c = 2 * e = 2 * 64 = 128。f是a的平方根,即f = √a = √50。现在我们可以计算2 * f + c^2:2 * f + c^2 = 2 * √50 + 128^2 = 2 * √50 + 16384所以,2 * f + c^2 = 2 * √50 + 16384。


问题:a ball is moving at 6 meters per second on a frictionless table of 2.5 meters height, after the ball flies off the edge of the table, how far does it fly before it hits the ground?(一个球以每秒6米的速度在一个高度为2.5米的无摩擦桌子上移动,当球从桌子边缘飞出后,它在撞击地面前能飞多远?)


To find out how far the ball flies before it hits the ground, you need to use the equation for kinematic motion: distance = initial velocity * time + (acceleration * time^2) / 2 In this case, the initial velocity is 6 meters per second, the acceleration due to gravity is -9.8 m/s^2, and the time can be calculated based on the height of the table. To find the time, you can use the equation: time = sqrt((2 * distance) / acceleration) Plugging in the values, you get: time = sqrt((2 * 2.5) / -9.8)= sqrt(0.51) = 0.714 seconds Now that you know the time, you can use the first equation to find the distance:distance = 6 * 0.714 + ((-9.8 * 0.714^2) / 2) = 4.285 meters So the ball will fly about 4.285 meters before it hits the ground.



题目翻译:一个球以每秒6米的速度在一个高度为2.5米的无摩擦桌子上移动,当球从桌子边缘飞出后,它在撞击地面前能飞多远? 解答:要解决这个问题,我们需要使用自由落体运动和水平运动的概念。首先,确定垂直方向上的落地时间,我们可以用以下公式: t = √(2h/g) 其中,t是时间,h是高度(2.5米),g是重力加速度(9.81 m/s²)。计算得出: t = √(2 × 2.5 / 9.81) ≈ 0.716秒 然后,我们需要计算球在水平方向上的位移。水平速度在没有摩擦力的情况下保持恒定,因此我们可以使用以下公式: x = vt 其中,x是水平位移,v是水平速度(6 m/s),t是时间(0.716秒)。计算得出: x = 6 × 0.716 ≈ 4.3米 所以,在撞击地面前,球能飞行大约4.3米。


问题:after a ball is released from rest, its acceleration is 9.8 meters per second squre. if it is thrown downward at an initial speed of 3 meters per second, what is its acceleration? (一个球从静止开始释放,其加速度为每秒平方9.8米。如果它以初始速度3米/秒向下抛出,它的加速度是多少?)


The acceleration of an object is defined as the rate of change of its velocity over time. If an object is thrown downward with an initial speed of 3 meters per second, and its acceleration is 9.8 meters per second squared, then its velocity will be increasing at a rate of 9.8 meters per second squared. This means that after one second, the ball's velocity will have increased by 9.8 meters per second. After two seconds, its velocity will have increased by an additional 9.8 meters per second, and so on.In other words, the ball's acceleration remains constant at 9.8 meters per second squared, regardless of its initial velocity or the direction in which it is thrown.



题目翻译:一个球从静止开始释放,其加速度为每秒平方9.8米。如果它以初始速度3米/秒向下抛出,它的加速度是多少? 解答:一个物体在自由落体运动时,其加速度是由地球的重力引起的,称为重力加速度。在这个问题中,无论球是从静止开始释放,还是向下抛出,其加速度始终为重力加速度。重力加速度在地球表面附近大约为9.8 m/s²。所以,球的加速度仍然是9.8 m/s²。


问题:did you consider air friction?(你考虑空气摩擦了吗?)


network error I apologize for the confusion. Please let me know if you have any further questions.



在之前的回答中,我没有考虑空气摩擦。如果要考虑空气摩擦,那么物体的加速度将会受到空气阻力的影响。这种情况下,物体的加速度将会小于9.8 m/s²。 空气阻力会随着物体速度的增加而增加,并与物体的速度成正比或者速度的平方成正比(取决于流体的性质和物体的形状)。由于空气阻力的存在,物体在自由落体过程中会达到一个恒定速度,称为终端速度。在达到终端速度时,重力和空气阻力之间达到平衡,物体将不再加速。 然而,在大多数情况下,如果物体在较短距离和较低速度下运动,空气摩擦对其加速度的影响可以忽略不计。如果需要更精确地计算物体在空气阻力影响下的加速度,可以使用流体力学公式,但这需要知道物体的形状、质量、面积以及空气的性质等参数。


问题:after a ball is released from rest, its acceleration is 9.8 meters per second squre. if it is thrown downward at an initial speed of 3 meters per second, what is its acceleration? (一个球从静止开始释放,其加速度为每秒平方9.8米。如果它以初始速度3米/秒向下抛出,它的加速度是多少?)


In this scenario, the acceleration of the ball is determined by the forces acting on it. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 meters per second squared, which means that the ball will be accelerating downward at a rate of 9.8 meters per second squared. The initial speed of the ball (3 meters per second) will also affect its motion. When the ball is thrown downward, it will initially have a downward velocity of 3 meters per second.As it falls, the acceleration due to gravity will cause its velocity to increase, so its speed will continue to increase as it falls. The acceleration of the ball will remain constant at 9.8 meters per second squared as long as there are no other forces acting on it. If there are other forces present, such as air resistance, the ball's acceleration may be different from this value.




题目翻译:一个球从静止开始释放,其加速度为每秒平方9.8米。如果它以初始速度3米/秒向下抛出,它的加速度是多少? 解答:一个物体在自由落体运动时,其加速度是由地球的重力引起的,称为重力加速度。在这个问题中,无论球是从静止开始释放,还是向下抛出,其加速度始终为重力加速度。重力加速度在地球表面附近大约为9.8 m/s²。所以,球的加速度仍然是9.8 m/s²。请注意,这里忽略了空气摩擦的影响。


问题:add up 53 and 8 and 13(计算53加8加13的和)


The sum of 53, 8, and 13 is 74. 53 + 8 + 13 = 74 I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions or if there is anything else I can help with.



题目翻译:计算53加8加13的和。 解答:将这三个数相加: 53 + 8 + 13 = 74 所以,53、8和13的和为74。



如果您想要我为您计算五十三加八再加十三的和,结果是七十四。 五十三 + 八 + 十三 = 七十四 希望这能帮到您。如果您还有其他问题,请告诉我,我会尽力帮助您的。



将这三个数相加: 53 + 8 + 13 = 74 所以,五十三加八再加十三的结果是74。



问题:what are the connections between banana and vomitting?(香蕉和呕吐之间有什么联系?)


There is no direct connection between bananas and vomiting. Bananas are a type of fruit that are rich in nutrients and are generally considered to be healthy to eat. They do not usually cause vomiting.However, it is possible that eating too many bananas at once could cause digestive issues such as stomach upset or diarrhea, which could potentially lead to vomiting. It is also possible that a person who is allergic to bananas could experience vomiting as a symptom of an allergic reaction.Overall, there is no inherent connection between bananas and vomiting, but in certain circumstances, consuming large quantities of bananas or being allergic to them could potentially lead to vomiting.




问题:how do you connect florida and wrinkle?(佛罗里达和皱纹之间如何联系?)


There is no direct connection between Florida and wrinkles. Florida is a state in the southeastern United States, known for its warm climate and beaches, while wrinkles are lines or creases in the skin that occur as a result of aging or other factors such as sun exposure or facial expressions.One possible connection between the two is that people who live in sunny places like Florida may be more prone to developing wrinkles due to the damaging effects of UV radiation on the skin.However, there are many other factors that can contribute to the development of wrinkles, such as genetics, skin type, and personal habits like smoking and sun exposure.Overall, there is no inherent connection between Florida and wrinkles, but living in a sunny place like Florida may increase a person's risk of developing wrinkles due to the damaging effects of UV radiation on the skin.

这里其实是说florida-->养老的人多 -->老-->皱纹,看来太间接了(三阶关联),超出了它的关联范围。但它说的本身也没错。




问题:how do you connect forgetful and wrinkle? (遗忘和皱纹之间如何联系?)


There is no direct connection between being forgetful and having wrinkles. Forgetfulness, or difficulty remembering things, can be a normal part of aging or it can be a symptom of certain medical conditions or medications. Wrinkles, on the other hand, are lines or creases in the skin that occur as a result of aging or other factors such as sun exposure or facial expressions.One possible connection between the two is that people who are forgetful may be more prone to developing wrinkles due to the damaging effects of stress on the skin. Stress can cause a person to frown or make other facial expressions that contribute to the development of wrinkles.However, there are many other factors that can contribute to the development of wrinkles, such as genetics, skin type, and personal habits like smoking and sun exposure.Overall, there is no inherent connection between being forgetful and having wrinkles, but stress and facial expressions caused by forgetfulness may potentially contribute to the development of wrinkles.





问题:how do you connect bald and wrinkle?(秃头和皱纹之间如何联系?)


There is no direct connection between being bald and having wrinkles. Baldness, or the lack of hair on the scalp, can be caused by a variety of factors such as genetics, medical conditions, and certain medications. Wrinkles, on the other hand, are lines or creases in the skin that occur as a result of aging or other factors such as sun exposure or facial expressions.One possible connection between the two is that people who are bald may be more prone to developing wrinkles due to the damaging effects of UV radiation on the skin. The scalp is exposed to the sun when a person is bald, and UV radiation can cause the skin to age and wrinkle.However, there are many other factors that can contribute to the development of wrinkles, such as genetics, skin type, and personal habits like smoking and sun exposure.Overall, there is no inherent connection between being bald and having wrinkles, but being bald may potentially increase a person's risk of developing wrinkles due to the damaging effects of UV radiation on the skin.





问题:how do you connect parkinson and old?(帕金森病和老年之间如何联系?)


Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement and can cause tremors, stiffness, and difficulty with balance and coordination. It is typically diagnosed in people over the age of 50, although it can occur in younger people as well. In this sense, there is a connection between Parkinson's disease and being old in that the risk of developing Parkinson's disease increases with age.However, it is important to note that Parkinson's disease is not a normal part of aging and is not necessarily a result of getting old. There are many factors that can contribute to the development of Parkinson's disease, including genetics, environmental factors, and certain medical conditions.Overall, while there is a connection between Parkinson's disease and being old in that the risk of developing the disease increases with age, Parkinson's disease is not necessarily a result of getting old and can occur in people of any age.








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