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#华为Hisuite备份解密| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

最近在写东西的时候需要以前一个旧手机中的素材,幸运的是旧手机进行了全量备份,不幸的是手机不在了,而备份又是加密的文件( enc 格式),需要解密华为手机备份文件,要解决的就是 脱离手机解密 。于是在网上找来找去,找到了这个脚本:https://github.com/RealityNet/kobackupdec

# 源码#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## Huawei KoBackup backups decryptor.## Version History# - 20200705: fixed decrypt_large_package to read input's chunks# - 20200611: added 'expandtar' option, to avoid automatic expansion of TARs# added 'writable' option, to allow user RW on decrypted files# large TAR files are not managed in chunk but not expanded# - 20200607: merged empty CheckMsg, update folder_to_media_type by @realSnoopy# - 20200406: merged pull by @lp4n6, related to files and folders permissions# - 20200405: added Python minor version check and note (thanks @lp4n6)# - 2020test: rewritten to handle v9 and v10 backups# - 20200107: merged pull by @lp4n6, fixed current version# - 20191113: fixed double folder creation error# - 20190729: first public release# - 20190729: first public release## Note: it needs Python version >= 3.7## Released under MIT License## Copyright (c) 2019 Francesco "dfirfpi" Picasso, Reality Net System Solutions## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.## THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR# IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE# AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER# LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,# OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE# SOFTWARE.#'''Huawei KoBackup decryptor.'''import argparseimport binasciiimport enumimport ioimport loggingimport osimport os.pathimport pathlibimport sysimport tarfileimport xml.dom.minidomfrom Crypto.Cipher import AESfrom Crypto.Hash import SHA256from Crypto.Hash import HMACfrom Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF2from Crypto.Util import CounterVERSION = '20200705'# Disabling check on doc strings and naming convention.# pylint: disable=C0111,C0103MAX_FILE_SIZE = 536870912 # Files larger than that needs to be 'chuncked'.# --- DecryptMaterial ---------------------------------------------------------class DecryptMaterial: def __init__(self, type_name): self._type_name = type_name self._name = None self._encMsgV3 = None self._iv = None self._path = None self._records_num = None self._copy_file_path = None @property def type_name(self): return self._type_name @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value_string): if value_string: self._name = value_string else: logging.error('empty entry name!') @property def records_num(self): return self._records_num @records_num.setter def records_num(self, value_string): self._records_num = value_string @property def encMsgV3(self): return self._encMsgV3 @encMsgV3.setter def encMsgV3(self, value_hex_string): if value_hex_string: self._encMsgV3 = binascii.unhexlify(value_hex_string) if len(self._encMsgV3) != 48: logging.error('encMsgV3 should be 48 bytes long!') @property def iv(self): return self._iv @iv.setter def iv(self, value_hex_string): if value_hex_string: self._iv = binascii.unhexlify(value_hex_string) if len(self._iv) != 16: logging.error('iv should be 16 bytes long!') @property def copy_file_path(self): return self._copy_file_path @copy_file_path.setter def copy_file_path(self, value_string): self._copy_file_path = value_string @property def path(self): return self._path @path.setter def path(self, value_string): if value_string: self._path = value_string else: logging.error('empty file path!') def do_check(self): if self._name and (self._encMsgV3 or self._iv): return True return False def dump(self): dump = 'NAME: {}, TYPE: {}, '.format(self._name, self._type_name) if self._path: dump += 'PATH: {}, '.format(self._path) if self._copy_file_path: dump += 'COPY_FILEPATH: {}, '.format(self._copy_file_path) if self._records_num: dump += 'RECORDS_NUM: {}'.format(self._records_num) # Not reported: self._encMsgV3, self._iv dump += '\n' return dump# --- Decryptor ---------------------------------------------------------------class Decryptor: '''It provides algo and key derivations to decrypt files.''' count = 5000 dklen = 32 chunk_size = 1024*1024*64 def __init__(self, password): '''Initialize the object by setting a password.''' self._upwd = password self._good = False self._e_perbackupkey = None self._pwkey_salt = None self._type_attch = 0 self._checkMsg = None self._bkey = None self._bkey_sha256 = None @property def good(self): return self._good @property def password(self): return self._upwd @property def e_perbackupkey(self): return self._e_perbackupkey @e_perbackupkey.setter def e_perbackupkey(self, value_hex_string): if value_hex_string: self._e_perbackupkey = binascii.unhexlify(value_hex_string) if len(self._e_perbackupkey) != 48: logging.error('e_perbackupkey should be 48 bytes long!') @property def pwkey_salt(self): return self._pwkey_salt @pwkey_salt.setter def pwkey_salt(self, value_hex_string): if value_hex_string: self._pwkey_salt = binascii.unhexlify(value_hex_string) if len(self._pwkey_salt) != 32: logging.error('pwkey_salt should be 32 bytes long!') @property def type_attch(self): return self._type_attch @type_attch.setter def type_attch(self, value_int): self._type_attch = value_int @property def checkMsg(self): return self._checkMsg @checkMsg.setter def checkMsg(self, value_hex_string): if value_hex_string: self._checkMsg = binascii.unhexlify(value_hex_string) if len(self._checkMsg) != 64: logging.error('checkMsg should be 64 bytes long!') @staticmethod def prf(p, s): return HMAC.new(p, s, SHA256).digest() def __decrypt_bkey_v4(self): key_salt = self._pwkey_salt[:16] logging.debug('KEY_SALT[%s] = %s', len(key_salt), binascii.hexlify(key_salt)) key = PBKDF2(self._upwd, key_salt, Decryptor.dklen, Decryptor.count, Decryptor.prf) logging.debug('KEY[%s] = %s', len(key), binascii.hexlify(key)) nonce = self._pwkey_salt[16:] logging.debug('KEY NONCE[%s] = %s', len(nonce), binascii.hexlify(nonce)) cipher = AES.new(key, mode=AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=nonce) self._bkey = cipher.decrypt(self._e_perbackupkey)[:32] logging.debug('BKEY[%s] = %s', len(self._bkey), binascii.hexlify(self._bkey)) def crypto_init(self): if self._good: logging.info('crypto_init: already done with success!') return if self._type_attch != 3: logging.error('crypto_init: type_attch *should be* 3!') return if self._e_perbackupkey and self._pwkey_salt: logging.debug('crypto_init: using version 4.') self.__decrypt_bkey_v4() else: logging.debug('crypto_init: using version 3.') self._bkey = self._upwd self._bkey_sha256 = SHA256.new(self._bkey).digest()[:16] logging.debug('SHA256(BKEY)[%s] = %s', len(self._bkey_sha256), binascii.hexlify(self._bkey_sha256)) # [TBR][TODO] This check should be refactored. if self._checkMsg: salt = self._checkMsg[32:] logging.debug('SALT[%s] = %s', len(salt), binascii.hexlify(salt)) res = PBKDF2(self._bkey, salt, Decryptor.dklen, Decryptor.count, Decryptor.prf, hmac_hash_module=None) logging.debug('KEY check expected = %s', binascii.hexlify(self._checkMsg[:32])) logging.debug('RESULT = %s', binascii.hexlify(res)) if res == self._checkMsg[:32]: logging.info('OK, backup key is correct!') self._good = True else: logging.error('KO, backup key is wrong!') self._good = False else: logging.warning('Empty CheckMsg! Cannot check backup password!') logging.warning('Assuming the provided password is correct...') self._good = True def decrypt_package(self, dec_material, data): if not self._good: logging.warning('well, it is hard to decrypt with a wrong key.') if not dec_material.encMsgV3: logging.error('cannot decrypt with an empty encMsgV3!') return None salt = dec_material.encMsgV3[:32] counter_iv = dec_material.encMsgV3[32:] key = PBKDF2(self._bkey, salt, Decryptor.dklen, Decryptor.count, Decryptor.prf, hmac_hash_module=None) counter_obj = Counter.new(128, initial_value=int.from_bytes( counter_iv, byteorder='big'), little_endian=False) decryptor = AES.new(key, mode=AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter_obj) return decryptor.decrypt(data) def decrypt_large_package(self, dec_material, entry): if not self._good: logging.warning('well, it is hard to decrypt with a wrong key.') if not dec_material.encMsgV3: logging.error('cannot decrypt with an empty encMsgV3!') return None salt = dec_material.encMsgV3[:32] counter_iv = dec_material.encMsgV3[32:] key = PBKDF2(self._bkey, salt, Decryptor.dklen, Decryptor.count, Decryptor.prf, hmac_hash_module=None) counter_obj = Counter.new(128, initial_value=int.from_bytes( counter_iv, byteorder='big'), little_endian=False) decryptor = AES.new(key, mode=AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter_obj) data_len = entry.stat().st_size with open(entry, 'rb') as entry_fd: for x in range(0, data_len, self.chunk_size): logging.debug('decrypting chunk %d of %s', x, entry) data = entry_fd.read(self.chunk_size) yield decryptor.decrypt(data) def decrypt_file(self, dec_material, data): if not self._good: logging.warning('well, it is hard to decrypt with a wrong key.') if not dec_material.iv: logging.error('cannot decrypt with an empty iv!') return None counter_obj = Counter.new( 128, initial_value=int.from_bytes(dec_material.iv, byteorder='big'), little_endian=False) decryptor = AES.new( self._bkey_sha256, mode=AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter_obj) return decryptor.decrypt(data)# --- DecryptInfo -------------------------------------------------------------class DecryptInfo: '''It provides the information and keys to decrypt files.''' class info_type(enum.Enum): FILE = 1 MEDIA = 2 MULTIMEDIA = 3 SYSTEM_DATA = 4 SYSTEM_DATA_FOLDER = 5 def __init__(self): self._decryptor = None self._file_info = {} self._media_info = {} self._multimedia_file = {} self._system_data_info = {} self._system_data_folder_info = {} def search_decrypt_material(self, key): assert key decrypt_material = None if key in self._file_info: decrypt_material = self._file_info[key] elif key in self._media_info: decrypt_material = self._media_info[key] elif key in self._multimedia_file: decrypt_material = self._multimedia_file[key] elif key in self._system_data_info: decrypt_material = self._system_data_info[key] elif key in self._system_data_folder_info: decrypt_material = self._system_data_folder_info[key] else: pass return decrypt_material def get_decrypt_material(self, key, di_type, search=False): assert key assert isinstance(di_type, DecryptInfo.info_type) decrypt_material = None logging.debug('searching key [%s] of %s', key, di_type) if di_type is DecryptInfo.info_type.FILE: if key in self._file_info: decrypt_material = self._file_info[key] elif di_type is DecryptInfo.info_type.MEDIA: if key in self._media_info: decrypt_material = self._media_info[key] elif di_type is DecryptInfo.info_type.MULTIMEDIA: if key in self._multimedia_file: decrypt_material = self._multimedia_file[key] elif di_type is DecryptInfo.info_type.SYSTEM_DATA: if key in self._system_data_info: decrypt_material = self._system_data_info[key] elif di_type is DecryptInfo.info_type.SYSTEM_DATA_FOLDER: if key in self._system_data_folder_info: decrypt_material = self._system_data_folder_info[key] else: logging.critical('Unknown decrypt info type %s', di_type) return None if decrypt_material is None: if search is True: logging.debug('unable to get [%s], trying on all types', key) decrypt_material = self.search_decrypt_material(key) if decrypt_material is None: logging.debug('unable to get [%s] in decrypt material!', key) else: logging.debug('decrypt info [%s] found', key) return decrypt_material @property def decryptor(self): return self._decryptor @decryptor.setter def decryptor(self, new_decryptor): assert new_decryptor new_decryptor.crypto_init() if not new_decryptor.good: logging.warning('Setting a new decryptor which is not working!') self._decryptor = new_decryptor @property def has_media(self): '''Checks if media categories decryption info is provided.''' return bool(self._media_info) def add_file_info(self, decrypt_material): '''Add the decryption material for a BackupFileModuleInfo entry to the proper internal object. ''' assert decrypt_material.type_name == 'BackupFileModuleInfo' if decrypt_material.name in self._file_info: logging.error('Duplicate file info, cannot insert %s', decrypt_material.name) return self._file_info[decrypt_material.name] = decrypt_material def add_media_info(self, decrypt_material): '''Add the decryption material for a BackupFileModuleInfo_Media entry to the proper internal object. ''' assert decrypt_material.type_name == 'BackupFileModuleInfo_Media' if decrypt_material.name in self._file_info: logging.error('Duplicate media info, cannot insert %s', decrypt_material.name) return self._media_info[decrypt_material.name] = decrypt_material def add_multimedia_file(self, decrypt_material): '''Add the decryption material for a multimedia file entry to the proper internal object. ''' assert decrypt_material.type_name == 'Multimedia' if decrypt_material.path in self._multimedia_file: logging.error('Duplicate multimedia file path, cannot insert %s', decrypt_material.path) return # Note path is used for the key, not name. self._multimedia_file[decrypt_material.path] = decrypt_material def add_system_data_info(self, decrypt_material): '''Add the decryption material for a BackupFileModuleInfo_SystemData entry to the proper internal object. It handles the scenario where the entry is related to folders, double copying the material. ''' assert decrypt_material.type_name == 'BackupFileModuleInfo_SystemData' name = decrypt_material.name if name in self._system_data_info: logging.error('Duplicated system data info, cannot insert %s', decrypt_material.name) return self._system_data_info[decrypt_material.name] = decrypt_material copyfilepath = decrypt_material.copy_file_path if copyfilepath and copyfilepath.startswith('/'): if copyfilepath in self._system_data_folder_info: logging.error('Duplicated system data folder info, cannot ' 'insert %s', copyfilepath) else: self._system_data_folder_info[copyfilepath] = decrypt_material def dump(self): dump = 'DecryptInfo dump ---\n' dump += 'password:{}, '.format(self._decryptor.password) dump += 'good:{}, '.format(self._decryptor.good) dump += 'has media:{}, '.format(self.has_media) dump += 'file info:{}, '.format(len(self._file_info)) dump += 'media info:{}, '.format(len(self._media_info)) dump += 'multimedia file:{}, '.format(len(self._multimedia_file)) dump += 'system data info:{}, '.format(len(self._system_data_info)) dump += 'system folder data info:{}\n'.format(len( self._system_data_folder_info)) dump += 'DUMPING FILE INFO ITEMS\n' for _, ev in self._file_info.items(): dump += ev.dump() dump += 'DUMPING MEDIA INFO ITEMS\n' for _, ev in self._media_info.items(): dump += ev.dump() dump += 'DUMPING MULTIMEDIA FILE ITEMS\n' for _, ev in self._multimedia_file.items(): dump += ev.dump() dump += 'DUMPING SYSTEM DATA INFO ITEMS\n' for _, ev in self._system_data_info.items(): dump += ev.dump() dump += 'DUMPING SYSTEM DATA FOLDER INFO ITEMS\n' for _, ev in self._system_data_folder_info.items(): dump += ev.dump() return dump# --- xml_get_column_value ----------------------------------------------------def xml_get_column_value(xml_node): '''Helper to get xml 'column' value.''' child = xml_node.firstChild column_value = None try: if child.tagName == 'value': if child.hasAttribute('String'): column_value = str(child.getAttribute('String')) elif child.hasAttribute('Integer'): column_value = int(child.getAttribute('Integer')) elif child.hasAttribute('Null'): column_value = None else: logging.warning('xml column value: unknown value attribute.') else: logging.warning('xml_get_column_value: entry has no values!') except: logging.warning('*exception*, xml_get_column_value, child: %s', child) return column_value# --- parse_backup_files_type_info --------------------------------------------def parse_backup_files_type_info(decryptor, xml_entry): for entry in xml_entry.getElementsByTagName('column'): name = entry.getAttribute('name') if name == 'e_perbackupkey': decryptor.e_perbackupkey = xml_get_column_value(entry) elif name == 'pwkey_salt': decryptor.pwkey_salt = xml_get_column_value(entry) elif name == 'type_attch': decryptor.type_attch = xml_get_column_value(entry) elif name == 'checkMsg': decryptor.checkMsg = xml_get_column_value(entry)# --- parse_backup_file_module_info -------------------------------------------def parse_backup_file_module_info(xml_entry): decm = DecryptMaterial(xml_entry.getAttribute('table')) for entry in xml_entry.getElementsByTagName('column'): tag_name = entry.getAttribute('name') if tag_name == 'encMsgV3': decm.encMsgV3 = xml_get_column_value(entry) elif tag_name == 'name': decm.name = xml_get_column_value(entry) elif tag_name == 'copyFilePath': decm.copy_file_path = xml_get_column_value(entry) elif tag_name == 'checkMsgV3': # [TBR][TODO] Reverse this double sized checkMsgV3. pass if decm.do_check() is False: logging.warning('Decryption material checks failed for %s, type %s', decm.name, decm.type_name) return decm# --- parse_info_xml ----------------------------------------------------------def parse_info_xml(filepath, password): '''Parses the info.xml backup file. Creates and returns a DecryptInfo object. ''' logging.info('Parsing file %s', filepath.absolute()) info_dom = None with filepath.open('r', encoding='utf-8') as info_xml: info_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(info_xml) if info_dom.firstChild.tagName != 'info.xml': logging.error('First tag should be \'info.xml\', not %s', info_dom.firstChild.tagName) return None dec_info = DecryptInfo() for entry in info_dom.getElementsByTagName('row'): title = entry.getAttribute('table') if title == 'BackupFileModuleInfo': dec_info.add_file_info(parse_backup_file_module_info(entry)) elif title == 'BackupFileModuleInfo_SystemData': dec_info.add_system_data_info(parse_backup_file_module_info(entry)) elif title == 'BackupFileModuleInfo_Media': dec_info.add_media_info(parse_backup_file_module_info(entry)) elif title == 'BackupFilesTypeInfo': logging.debug('Parsing BackupFilesTypeInfo') decryptor = Decryptor(password) parse_backup_files_type_info(decryptor, entry) dec_info.decryptor = decryptor elif title == 'BackupFileModuleInfo_Contact': logging.debug('Ignoring BackupFileModuleInfo_Contact entry') elif title == 'HeaderInfo': logging.debug('Ignoring HeaderInfo entry.') elif title == 'BackupFilePhoneInfo': logging.debug('Ignoring BackupFilePhoneInfo entry') elif title == 'BackupFileVersionInfo': logging.debug('Ignoring BackupFileVersionInfo entry') else: logging.warning('Unknown entry in info.xml: %s', title) return dec_info# --- parse_generic_xml -------------------------------------------------------def parse_generic_xml(xml_file_path, decrypt_info): '''Parses a generic XML file, which contain single media (video, documents, pictures, etc.) decryption material. ''' xml_dom = None logging.info('parsing xml file %s', xml_file_path.name) with xml_file_path.open('r', encoding='utf-8') as xml_file: xml_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(xml_file) if xml_dom.firstChild.tagName != 'Multimedia': logging.error('First tag should be \'Multimedia\', not %s', xml_dom.firstChild.tagName) return for entry in xml_dom.getElementsByTagName('File'): path = entry.getElementsByTagName('Path')[0].firstChild.data iv = entry.getElementsByTagName('Iv')[0].firstChild.data if path and iv: if os.name != 'nt': path = path.replace('\\', '/') decrypt_material = DecryptMaterial('Multimedia') decrypt_material.path = path.lstrip('\\').lstrip('/') decrypt_material.iv = iv decrypt_info.add_multimedia_file(decrypt_material) else: logging.warning('No path and/or iv for %s!', entry)# --- tar_extract_win ---------------------------------------------------------def tar_extract_win(tar_obj, dest_dir): win_illegal = ':|"?*\n' table = str.maketrans(win_illegal, '_' * len(win_illegal)) for member in tar_obj.getmembers(): if member.isdir(): new_dir = dest_dir.joinpath(member.path.translate(table)) new_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: dest_file = dest_dir.joinpath(member.path.translate(table)) try: with open(dest_file, "wb") as fout: fout.write(tarfile.ExFileObject(tar_obj, member).read()) except FileNotFoundError: logging.warning('unable to extract %s', dest_file)# --- decrypt_entry -----------------------------------------------------------def decrypt_entry(decrypt_info, entry, type_info, search=False): cleartext = None skey = entry.stem decrypt_material = decrypt_info.get_decrypt_material(skey, type_info, search) if decrypt_material: cleartext = decrypt_info.decryptor.decrypt_package( decrypt_material, entry.read_bytes()) else: logging.warning('entry %s has no decrypt material!', skey) return cleartext# --- decrypt_large_entry -----------------------------------------------------def decrypt_large_entry(decrypt_info, entry, type_info, search=False): skey = entry.stem decrypt_material = decrypt_info.get_decrypt_material(skey, type_info, search) if decrypt_material: for x in decrypt_info.decryptor.decrypt_large_package( decrypt_material, entry): yield x else: logging.warning('entry %s has no decrypt material!', skey)# --- decrypt_files_in_root ---------------------------------------------------def decrypt_files_in_root(decrypt_info, path_in, path_out, expandtar): data_apk_dir = path_out.absolute().joinpath('data/app') data_app_dir = path_out.absolute().joinpath('data/data') #data_app_dir.mkdir(0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) data_unk_dir = path_out.absolute().joinpath('unknown') for entry in path_in.glob('*'): if entry.is_dir(): continue cleartext = None extension = entry.suffix.lower() # XML files in the 'root' were already managed. if extension == '.xml': continue logging.info('working on %s', entry.name) if extension == '.apk': dest_file = data_apk_dir.joinpath(entry.name + '-1') dest_file.mkdir(0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest_file = dest_file.joinpath('base.apk') dest_file.write_bytes(entry.read_bytes()) elif extension == '.db': cleartext = decrypt_entry(decrypt_info, entry, DecryptInfo.info_type.SYSTEM_DATA, search=True) if cleartext: dest_file = data_app_dir.joinpath(entry.name) dest_file.parent.mkdir(0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest_file.write_bytes(cleartext) else: logging.warning('unable to decrypt entry %s', entry.name) elif extension == '.tar' and entry.stat().st_size = MAX_FILE_SIZE: logging.info('Decrypting LARGE entry %s', entry.name) logging.info('TAR will not be expanded') dest_file = data_app_dir.joinpath(entry.name) dest_file.parent.mkdir(0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(dest_file, 'wb') as fd: for x in decrypt_large_entry(decrypt_info, entry, DecryptInfo.info_type.FILE): fd.write(x) else: logging.warning('entry %s unmanged, copying it', entry.name) dest_file = data_unk_dir.joinpath(entry.name) dest_file.parent.mkdir(0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest_file.write_bytes(entry.read_bytes())# --- decrypt_files_in_folder -------------------------------------------------def decrypt_files_in_folder(decrypt_info, folder, path_out, expandtar): folder_to_media_type = {'movies': 'video', 'pictures': 'photo', 'audios': 'audio', } media_out_dir = path_out.absolute().joinpath('storage') media_unk_dir = path_out.absolute().joinpath('unknown') # Dirty 'hack' to see if an XML file is inside the folder with IVs # needed to decrypt .enc files... Not tested for side effects. xml_files = folder.glob('*.xml') for entry in xml_files: parse_generic_xml(entry, decrypt_info) for entry in folder.glob('**/*'): if entry.is_dir(): continue logging.info('working on [%s]', entry.name) extension = entry.suffix.lower() cleartext = None if extension == '.enc': skey = str(entry.relative_to(folder).with_suffix('')) decrypt_material = decrypt_info.get_decrypt_material( skey, DecryptInfo.info_type.MULTIMEDIA) if decrypt_material: cleartext = decrypt_info.decryptor.decrypt_file( decrypt_material, entry.read_bytes()) if cleartext and decrypt_material: tmp_path = decrypt_material.path.lstrip('/').lstrip('\\') dest_file = path_out.joinpath(tmp_path) dest_file.parent.mkdir(0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest_file.write_bytes(cleartext) continue decrypt_material = decrypt_info.get_decrypt_material( folder.name, DecryptInfo.info_type.MEDIA) if not decrypt_material: # Some folders share a common type even if with different names. if folder.name in folder_to_media_type: decrypt_material = decrypt_info.get_decrypt_material( folder_to_media_type[folder.name], DecryptInfo.info_type.MEDIA) if decrypt_material: cleartext = decrypt_info.decryptor.decrypt_package( decrypt_material, entry.read_bytes()) if cleartext: dest_file = media_out_dir.joinpath(entry.relative_to(folder)) dest_file.parent.mkdir(0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest_file.write_bytes(cleartext) continue skey = '/' + str(entry.relative_to(folder).parent) decrypt_material = decrypt_info.get_decrypt_material( skey, DecryptInfo.info_type.SYSTEM_DATA_FOLDER) if decrypt_material: cleartext = decrypt_info.decryptor.decrypt_package( decrypt_material, entry.read_bytes()) if cleartext: dest_file = media_out_dir.joinpath(entry.relative_to(folder)) dest_file.parent.mkdir(0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) if entry.suffix.lower() == '.tar' and expandtar: with tarfile.open(fileobj=io.BytesIO(cleartext)) as tdata: if os.name == 'nt': tar_extract_win(tdata, dest_file.parent) else: tdata.extractall(path=dest_file.parent) # Double copy here the tar and the extracted one, no overwrite. if dest_file.exists(): new_name = str(folder.name) + '_' + str(dest_file.name) dest_file = dest_file.parent.joinpath(new_name) dest_file.parent.mkdir(0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest_file.write_bytes(cleartext) continue if cleartext is None: logging.warning('decrypting [%s] failed, copying it', entry.name) dest_file = media_unk_dir.joinpath(entry.name) dest_file.parent.mkdir(0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest_file.write_bytes(entry.read_bytes())# --- decrypt_backup ----------------------------------------------------------def decrypt_backup(password, path_in, path_out, expandtar): decrypt_info = parse_info_xml(path_in.joinpath('info.xml'), password) if not decrypt_info: logging.critical('failed to parse info.xml') return if not decrypt_info.decryptor.good: logging.critical('Decryptor checks failed. Unable to decrypt') return xml_files = path_in.glob('*.xml') for entry in xml_files: if entry.name != 'info.xml' and not entry.name.startswith('._'): parse_generic_xml(entry, decrypt_info) logging.debug(decrypt_info.dump()) decrypt_files_in_root(decrypt_info, path_in, path_out, expandtar) for entry in path_in.glob('*'): if entry.is_dir(): decrypt_files_in_folder(decrypt_info, entry, path_out, expandtar)# --- decrypt_media -----------------------------------------------------------def decrypt_media(password, path_in, path_out, expandtar): # [TODO][TBR] Should parse media.db sqlite. decrypt_info = None subfolder = None for entry in path_in.glob('**/info.xml'): decrypt_info = parse_info_xml(entry, password) subfolder = entry.parent if decrypt_info is None or subfolder is None: logging.error('unable to find or parse info.xml in media folder!') return if not decrypt_info.decryptor.good: logging.critical('Decryptor checks failed. Unable to decrypt') return logging.debug(decrypt_info.dump()) for entry in subfolder.glob('*'): if entry.is_dir(): decrypt_files_in_folder(decrypt_info, entry, path_out, expandtar)# --- main --------------------------------------------------------------------def main(password, backup_path_in, dest_path_out, expandtar, writable): logging.info('searching backup in [%s]', backup_path_in) files_folder = None if backup_path_in.joinpath('info.xml').exists(): files_folder = backup_path_in else: if backup_path_in.joinpath('backupFiles1').is_dir(): files_folder = backup_path_in.joinpath('backupFiles1') info_xml = next(files_folder.glob('**/info.xml'), None) if info_xml: files_folder = info_xml.parent else: logging.error('Unable to find info.xml in backupFiles1!') return else: logging.error('No backup1 folder nor info.xml file found!') return if files_folder: logging.info('got info.xml, going to decrypt backup files') decrypt_backup(password, files_folder, dest_path_out, expandtar) media_folder = None if backup_path_in.joinpath('media').is_dir(): logging.info('got media folder, going to decrypt media files') media_folder = backup_path_in.joinpath('media') else: logging.info('No media folder found.') if media_folder: decrypt_media(password, media_folder, dest_path_out, expandtar) if writable: logging.info('Not setting read-only on decrypted files') else: logging.info('setting all decrypted files to read-only') for entry in dest_path_out.glob('**/*'): # Set read-only permission if entry is a file. if os.path.isfile(entry): os.chmod(entry, 0o444) # *nix directories require execute permission to read/traverse elif os.path.isdir(entry): os.chmod(entry, 0o555)# --- entry point and parameters checks ---------------------------------------if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.version_info[0] py -3 kobackupdec.py -vvv 123456 "Z:\HUAWEI P30 Pro_2019-06-28 22.56.31" Z:\HiSuiteBackup INFO:root:getting files and folder from Z:\HUAWEI P30 Pro_2019-06-28 22.56.31 INFO:root:parsing XML files... INFO:root:parsing xml audio.xml DEBUG:root:parsing xml file audio.xml INFO:root:parsing xml document.xml DEBUG:root:parsing xml file document.xml INFO:root:parsing xml info.xml DEBUG:root:ignoring entry HeaderInfo DEBUG:root:ignoring entry BackupFilePhoneInfo DEBUG:root:ignoring entry BackupFileVersionInfo INFO:root:parsing xml picture.xml DEBUG:root:parsing xml file picture.xml INFO:root:parsing xml soundrecorder.xml DEBUG:root:parsing xml file soundrecorder.xml INFO:root:parsing xml video.xml DEBUG:root:parsing xml file video.xml DEBUG:root:crypto_init: using version 3. DEBUG:root:SHA256(BKEY)[16] = b'8d969eef6ecad3c29a3a629280e686cf' ...

The output folder structure will be similar to the following one: data/data applications will be exploded in their proper paths, and the APKs will be restored too (not icons, actually). Note that the db folder will contain the special databases as created by the Huawei backups.

HiSuiteBackup |-- data | |-- app | | |-- de.sec.mobile.apk-1 | | | [...] | | `-- org.telegram.messenger.apk-1 | `-- data | |-- de.sec.mobile | | [...] | `-- org.telegram.messenger |-- db | |-- HWlanucher.db | |-- Memo.db | |-- alarm.db | |-- calendar.db | |-- calllog.db | |-- camera.db | |-- clock.db | |-- contact.db | |-- harassment.db | |-- phoneManager.db | |-- setting.db | |-- sms.db | |-- soundrecorder.db | |-- systemUI.db | |-- weather.db | `-- wifiConfig.db `-- storage |-- DCIM |-- Download |-- Huawei |-- MagazineUnlock |-- Notifications |-- Pictures |-- WhatsApp |-- mp3 |-- parallel_intl `-- s8-wallpapers-9011.PNG 手机 hisuite 解密




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