
您所在的位置:网站首页 aban词根 以“ab”开头的单词表


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This list of words has been divided into 3 parts: Part 1 has all the words that have the ‘root prefix’ ‘ab’. Part 2 has all the words beginning with ‘ab’ that come from a different Latin ‘root prefix’, and Part 3, which has all the words beginning with ‘ab’ that come from other languages.



Part 1


Words from the Latin that have the ‘root prefix’ ‘ab’



This part has been divided into 2 sections to distinguish the 2 forms, ‘ab’ and ‘abs’


Section 1 has all the words that have ‘ab’, and Section 2 lists the words with the ‘abs’ form. The words with the ‘abs’ form have been set apart, because they are difficult to distinguish without a detailed knowledge of Latin roots. For example:



Is it ‘ab’ + ‘stain’ or ‘abs’ + ‘tain’?

是“ab” + “stain”还是“abs”+ “tain”?




Is it ‘ab’ + ‘scissa’ or ‘abs’ ‘cissa’?

是“ab” + “scissa”还是“abs” + “cissa”?


Section 1


abdicate ab- "away" + dicare "proclaim."

abdomen ab- "away" + ducere "to lead."  aberration ab- "away" + errare "to wander."

abhor ab- "away" + horrere "tremble at, shudder," lit.

Abitur - Ger. school exam, short for abiturium, from L. abire "to go away."  abject from ab- "away, off" + jacere "to throw" (see jet (v.)).

abjure ab- "away" + jurare "to swear," related to jus (gen. juris) "law."  ablative ab- "away" + ferre "carry."

ablution ab- "off" + luere "wash," related to lavere (see lave).  abnegation ab- "off, away from" + negare "to deny" (see negation).

abnormal ab- "from" + adolere "to grow.", one meaning "to grow," the other "to destroy."  abolition - 1529, see abolish.  abomination ab- "off, away from" + omin-, (see omen).

aborigine from ab origine, lit. "from the beginning."

abortive ab- "amiss" + oriri "appear, be born, arise;"

abound ab- "off" + undare "rise in a wave," from unda "water, wave" (see water).  abrade (see abrasion).  abrasion ab- "off" + radere "to scrape."

abrogate ab- "away" + rogare "propose a law, request."  abrupt ab- "off" + rumpere "break."

abscissa ab- "off, away" + scindere "to cut."  absence ab- "away" + esse "to be."  absent (see absence).

absolute (see absolve).  absolution (see absolve).  absolve ab- "from" + solvere "loosen."  absorb ab- "from" + sorbere "suck in."  absquatulate "Facetious U.S. coinage"

absurdity ab- intens. prefix + surdus "dull, deaf, mute."

abundance (see abound).  abuse ab- "away" + uti "use." 

Section 2


abscess ab- "away" + cedere "to go."

abscond ab "away" + condere "put together, store," from com- "together" + dere "put,"

abstain ab"from, away from" + tenere "to hold."

abstemious ab"from" + stem of temetum "strong drink," related to temulentus "drunken."

abstention (see abstain).  abstinence  (see abstain).  abstract ab"away" + trahere "draw."

abstruse ab- "away" + trudere "to thrust, push,"


Part 2


Words beginning with ‘ab’ that come from a different Latin ‘root prefix’



This part has been divided into 2 sections: Section 1 has all the commonly used words, and Section 2 has those words which are rarely used.


Section 1


Commonly used words


abandon à "at, to" + bandon "power, jurisdiction," from L. bannum, "proclamation,"  abattoir - "slaughterhouse for cows," (see abate).

abbreviation ad "to" + breviare "shorten," (see brief

ability from habilis "easy to manage, handy" (see able).

able L. habilis "easily handled, apt," verbal adj. from habere "to hold." "Easy to be held," hence "fit for a purpose." The silent h- was dropped in Eng. and resisted academic attempts to restore it 16c.-17c., but some derivatives acquired it (e.g. habiliment, habilitate), via Fr.

abridge (see abbreviate).

Section 2


Less commonly used words


abase V.L. *ad bassiare "bring lower," from L.L. bassus "thick, fat, low;" related to the adj. base abash  from es "out" + ba(y)er "to be open," from L. *batare "to gape," from root *bat

abate L. ad "to" + battuere "to beat" (see batter (v.)).

abatis - "defense made of felled trees," (see abate).

abeyance O.Fr. abeance "aspiration, desire," from L. *batare "to yawn, gape" (see abash).

ablaut - vowel gradation, 1849, from Ger. Ablaut, lit. "off-sound," coined by J.P. Zweigel in 1568 from ab "off" + Laut "sound, tone." Popularized by Jacob Grimm.


Part 3


Words beginning with ‘ab’ that come from other languages.


aback - O.E. on bæc, "at or on the back." Now surviving mainly in taken aback,

abacus Gk. abax (gen. abakos) "counting table," from Heb. abaq "dust,"

Abaddon Heb. Abhaddon "destruction," from abhadh "he perished."

abaft - O.E. on bæftan "backwards,"  abalone Amer.Eng., from Sp. abulon from Costanoan (a California coastal Indian language) aluan "red abalone."  Abbassid Abbas (566-652), uncle of Muhammad. For his name, see abbot.  abbé (see abbot).  abbess (see abbot).  abbey see abbot.  abbot L. abbatem (nom. abbas), from Gk. abbas, from Aramaic abba, title of honor, lit. "the father, my father," emphatic state of abh "father." The L. fem. abbatissa is root of abbess.  abeam a- (1) + beam.

abed - O.E. on bedde "in bed," from a- (1) + bed.  Abel second son of Adam and Eve, from Heb. Hebhel, lit. "breath," also "vanity."  Abenaki - Algonquian, lit. "person of the dawn land."  abet à "to" + beter "to bait," from a Gmc. source, or O.N. beita "cause to bite."  abide O.E. abidan, gebidan "remain," (see bide)..  Abigail Heb. Abhigayil, lit. "my father is rejoicing," from abh "father" + gil "to rejoice."  ablaze a "on" (see a- (1)) + blaze.  ABM acronym for anti-ballistic missile.  Abner Heb. Abhner, lit. "my father is light," from abh "father" + ner "light."  aboard Fr. à "on" + board "board," from Frank. *bord (see board abode (see abide

about - O.E. on "on" + be "by" + utan "outside." By 13c. it had forced out O.E. ymbe for meaning "in the neighborhood of." Abouts, with adverbial genitive, still found in hereabouts,  above - O.E. abufan, from on "on" + bufan "over," compound of be "by" + ufan "over/high,"  abracadabra Late Gk. Abraxas,

abreast on brest, from a- (1) + breast; the notion is of "with breasts in line."

abroad O.E. on brede, which meant something like "at wide."

Abraham Heb. Abraham "father of a multitude," from abh "father" + *raham

Absalom Heb. Abhshalom, lit. "father is peace," from abh "father" + shalom "peace."  absinthe Fr., name for the plant L. absinthum, from Gk. apsinthion,

abut Fr. abouter "join end to end," from à "to" + bout "end."

abysmal (see abyss).

abyss Gk. abyssos from a- "without" + byssos "bottom," related to bathos "depth Abyssinia - old name for "Ethiopia," 1638, from Mod.L., from Ar. Habasah,

Exercises for self study


1.     Practice visually comparing the words in Part 1 to the words in Part 3.

Compare the word endings, and make a list of all the latin word endings that you can find.

练习从视觉上将第一部分中的单词与第三部分中的单词进行比较。比较它们的词尾, 并将你能找出的拉丁语词尾列成一个表。

2.     Look at the words in Part 2, and learn those in the ‘Commonly used section’.


3.     Give 3 possible meanings for this ‘root prefix’





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