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2023-10-03 08:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




  而在去年的2019年下半年,YouTube用户“ZEROx”在模拟器上通关了此游戏,但在当时问题还非常的多,能够在非常不完善的情况下通关实属不易。同时制作各种补丁的作者Whatcookie发布了很多的MLAA补丁(实际为disable MLAA path,对应战神3,战神升天,神海3,美末等游戏)使很多的游戏速度提升巨大,龙背上的骑兵3亚洲中文版的解锁帧数补丁也是这位作者制作的。

  今年上半年Illusion发布了一系列关于美末神海3的CE补丁,ZEROx对其整合。后来ZEROx更是将CE(Cheat Engine)补丁的代码转换为金手指补丁的形式放进了path文件中,使得几乎不再需要CE,极大的降低了开启CE所带来的死机概率。







此游戏目前在金融大区死机概率非常的严重,需要关闭MLAA补丁。当然随之而来的是帧数极大的降低。对我而言关闭MLAA补丁:在zerox版本中会出现黑屏,主线版本会出现绿屏,而主线版本如果想图形正常必须开启上图GPU设置界面中的strict rendering mode即精确渲染。但同时也会无法开启高分辨率只能720P运行。各位小伙伴可以尝试在关闭MLAA补丁的情况下尝试最适合自己的设置。同样在大学这个章节也是一样(只要进入了科学实验室这个章节就没有了)。







具体请查看此网站 https://tcrf.net/The_Last_of_Us



PPU-9df60dc1aa5005a0c80e9066e4951dc0471553e6: #TLOU BCUS98174, BCES01585 v1.00

  - [ be32, 0x00a46ad0, 0x38000001 ] #Debug

  - [ be32, 0x00a46ad4, 0x980b2db0 ] #Menu

  - [ be32, 0x00923a94, 0x98090004 ] # Disable mesh trimming

  - [ be32, 0x00a7991c, 0x38000003 ] # Bloom control

  #- [ be32, 0x00a7a3e8, 0x9b630024 ] # 60 FPS limit    

  #- [ be32, 0x00a7a3e8, 0x9b830024 ] # No FPS limit   

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a470, 0x9b830067 ] # Disable SSAO

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a4d4, 0x9b830086 ] # Disable motion blur

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a4e0, 0x9b830089 ] # Disable depth of field 

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a514, 0x9b83009c ] # Disable MLAA

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a760, 0x9b6302f5 ] # Depth buffer viewport  

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a7ac, 0x9b830319 ] # Depth border fix

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a7b8, 0x90e303e8 ] # Depth buffer = 2

PPU-38e5c927cd4e2b18ad9613c607822aca2798c172: #TLOU BCES01585 v1.06

  - [ be32, 0x00a82258, 0x38000001 ] #Debug

  - [ be32, 0x00a8225c, 0x980b2db0 ] #Menu

  - [ be32, 0x00a6fc20, 0x48000a64 ] #MLAA

  - [ be32, 0x00b182f4, 0x48000010 ] #SPU Lightning

PPU-120fb71f7352d62521c639b0e99f960018c10a56: # TLOU BCES01585, BCUS98174 v1.11

  - [ be32, 0x009515D8, 0x98090004 ] # Disable mesh trimming

  - [ be32, 0x00a92640, 0x2f800000 ] #Debug

  - [ be32, 0x00a92644, 0x419e01b8 ] #Menu

  - [ be32, 0x00aa944c, 0x38000003 ] # Bloom control

  - [ be32, 0x00aa9f9c, 0x9b830067 ] # Disable SSAO    

  #- [ be32, 0x00aa9f10, 0x93630024 ] # 60 FPS limit    

  #- [ be32, 0x00aa9f10, 0x93830024 ] # No FPS limit   

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa000, 0x9b830086 ] # Disable motion blur

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa00c, 0x9b830089 ] # Disable depth of field 

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa040, 0x9b83009c ] # Disable MLAA

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa290, 0x9b6302f9 ] # Depth buffer viewport  

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa2d8, 0x9b83031d ] # Depth border fix

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa2e4, 0x90c303ec ] # Depth buffer = 2


# Title         : The Last of Us

# Game versions : BCES01584 (v1.00, v1.11), BCES01585 (v1.00, v1.11), BCUS98174 (v1.00, v1.11), BCJS37010 (v1.00, v1.11)

# Subject       : Disable inbuilt MLAA

# Author        : Whatcookie

# Patch version : 1.0

# Notes         : Allows for the use of Resolution Scaling in the title and also improves performance. However, please

#                 note that this patch causes a few issues such as the subchapter "The Cargo" only showing a

#                 blackscreen, incorrect bloom effect and the hearing feature no longer working. However, the first two

#                 issues can be addressed with the post-processing patch below.

tlou100_mlaa: &tlou100_mlaa

  - [ be32, 0x00a51a8c, 0x48000a64 ] # unconditonally branch to disable MLAA

tlou111_mlaa: &tlou111_mlaa

  - [ be32, 0x00a80350, 0x48000ab8 ] # unconditonally branch to disable MLAA

# Subject       : Post-processing modes

# Author        : JohnHolmesII, ZEROx, illusion, Juhn

# Patch version : 1.0

# Notes         : This patch addresses issues caused by the MLAA patch such as the subchapter "The Cargo" only showing a

#                 blackscreen and incorrect bloom effect.

# Special thanks to HdHereidme for debug menu, Smasher248 for inital memory addresses and Skye Mods for mesh trimming 

# address. Without them this patch wouldn't have been possible.

# This patch cycles through various post-processing modes. Values accepted are:

#    0 = None

#    1 = Bloom

#    2 = Depth of Field

#    3 = ??? (Tonemapping)

#    4 = Bloom & Depth of Field

#    5 = Bloom & Depth of Field & Tonemapping (Default)

tlou100_post: &tlou100_post

  - [ be32, 0x00a7991c, 0x38000003 ] # Post-Processing modes                    (mem address: 0x14C79C7)

tlou111_post: &tlou111_post

  - [ be32, 0x00aa944c, 0x38000003 ] # Post-Processing modes                    (mem address: 0x1571867)

# Subject       : Disable Mesh trimming

# Author        : JohnHolmesII, ZEROx, illusion, Juhn

# Patch version : 1.0

# Notes         : NA

tlou100_mesh: &tlou100_mesh

  - [ be32, 0x00923a94, 0x98090004 ] # Disable Mesh trimming       (r3  => r0 ) (mem address: 0x142C584)

tlou111_mesh: &tlou111_mesh

  - [ be32, 0x009515d8, 0x98090004 ] # Disable Mesh trimming       (r3  => r0 ) (mem address: 0x14A9604)

# Many settings below are enabled/disabled in sub_AA9E6C. In this subroutine,

#    r6  = 2

#    r27 = 1

#    r28 = 0

# and these are stored into some memory blob to represent settings. Most values can be switched by just changing the

# source register from one to the other, though some are words and some are bytes, so be careful.

# Subject       : Disable SSAO

# Author        : JohnHolmesII, ZEROx, illusion, Juhn

# Patch version : 1.0

# Notes         : NA

tlou100_ssao: &tlou100_ssao

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a470, 0x9b830067 ] # Disable SSAO                (r27 => r28) (mem address: 0x14C7C0F)

tlou111_ssao: &tlou111_ssao

  - [ be32, 0x00aa9f9c, 0x9b830067 ] # Disable SSAO                (r27 => r28) (mem address: 0x1571AAF)

# Subject       : Disable Motion Blur

# Author        : JohnHolmesII, ZEROx, illusion, Juhn

# Patch version : 1.0

# Notes         : NA

tlou100_mb: &tlou100_mb

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a4d4, 0x9b830086 ] # Disable motion blur         (r27 => r28) (mem address: 0x14C7C2E)

tlou111_mb: &tlou111_mb

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa000, 0x9b830086 ] # Disable motion blur         (r27 => r28) (mem address: 0x1571ACE)

# Subject       : Disable Depth of Field

# Author        : JohnHolmesII, ZEROx, illusion, Juhn

# Patch version : 1.0

# Notes         : NA

tlou100_dof: &tlou100_dof

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a4e0, 0x9b830089 ] # Disable depth of field      (r27 => r28) (mem address: 0x14C7C31)

tlou111_dof: &tlou111_dof

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa00c, 0x9b830089 ] # Disable depth of field      (r27 => r28) (mem address: 0x1571AD1)

# Subject       : Depth buffer viewport

# Author        : JohnHolmesII, ZEROx, illusion, Juhn

# Patch version : 1.0

# Notes         : NA

tlou100_dbv: &tlou100_dbv

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a760, 0x9b6302f5 ] # Depth buffer viewport       (r28 => r27) (mem address: 0x14C7E9D)

tlou111_dbv: &tlou111_dbv

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa290, 0x9b6302f9 ] # Depth buffer viewport       (r28 => r27) (mem address: 0x1571D41)

# Subject       : Depth border fix

# Author        : JohnHolmesII, ZEROx, illusion, Juhn

# Patch version : 1.0

# Notes         : NA

tlou100_dbf: &tlou100_dbf

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a7ac, 0x9b830319 ] # Depth border fix            (r27 => r28) (mem address: 0x14C7EC1)

tlou111_dbf: &tlou111_dbf

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa2d8, 0x9b83031d ] # Depth border fix            (r27 => r28) (mem address: 0x1571D65)

# Subject       : Depth buffer

# Author        : JohnHolmesII, ZEROx, illusion, Juhn

# Patch version : 1.0

# Notes         : NA

tlou100_db: &tlou100_db

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a7b8, 0x90e303e8 ] # Depth buffer                (r27 => r6 ) (mem address: 0x14C7F93)

tlou111_db: &tlou111_db

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa2e4, 0x90c303ec ] # Depth buffer                (r27 => r6 ) (mem address: 0x1571E37)

# Subject       : Speedboost patches

# Author        : ZEROx, illusion

# Patch version : 1.0

# Notes         : NA

tlou100_speed: &tlou100_speed

#  - [ be32, 0x00a7a504, 0x9b830090 ] # Speedboost                               (mem address: 0x14c7c38)

  - [ be32, 0x00a7a6b8, 0x938302b4 ] # Speedboost                               (mem address: 0x14c7e5f)

tlou111_speed: &tlou111_speed

#  - [ be32, 0x00aaa030, 0x9b830090 ] # Speedboost                               (mem address: 0x1571ad8)

  - [ be32, 0x00aaa1e8, 0x938302b8 ] # Speedboost                               (mem address: 0x1571d03)

# Subject       : Disable RSX trap errors

# Author        : Aphelion Gaming

# Patch version : 1.0

# Notes         : Disables most fatal RSX trap errors encountered while playing the game. However, this patch must be

#                 disabled after the elevator scene in the hotel chapter, as they cause a black screen immediately after

#                 you get past the trap error trigger spots and reach the autosave point.

tlou100_trap: &tlou100_trap

  - [ be32, 0x79af9c, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 1st RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x485638, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 2nd RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x2bd53c, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 3rd RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x2bedb4, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 4th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x74b354, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 5th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x9a19f0, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 6th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x74bcc8, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 7th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x8fbd3c, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 8th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x8fbdc8, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 9th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x74bdf8, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 10th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x74bec0, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 11th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x74c0a0, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 12th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x9a0914, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 13th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0xa41dd8, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 14th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0xa41e3c, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 15th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x70c7c0, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 16th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x74b584, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 17th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x71471c, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 18th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

tlou111_trap: &tlou111_trap

  - [ be32, 0x7bb5c4, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 1st RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x579a4c, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 2nd RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x2c9868, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 3rd RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x2ca7f4, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 4th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x76f68c, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 5th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x9cf568, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 6th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x770000, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 7th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x91b0a8, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 8th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x91b134, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 9th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x770130, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 10th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x7701f8, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 11th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x7703d8, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 12th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x9ce48c, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 13th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0xa71538, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 14th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0xa7159c, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 15th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x7306b0, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 16th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x76f8bc, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 17th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x738a48, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 18th RSX Trap Error in the Hotel Elevator/Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0x738a48, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 19th RSX Trap Error in the Underground Tunnel

  - [ be32, 0xa7159c, 0x60000000 ] # Fixes 20th RSX Trap Error in the Underground Tunnel

# Comment a line with # at the beginning if you don't want a particular mod

PPU-9df60dc1aa5005a0c80e9066e4951dc0471553e6: # The Last of Us BCES01584, BCES01585, BCUS98174, BCJS37010 v1.00

  - [ load, tlou100_mlaa ]  # Disable inbuilt MLAA

  - [ load, tlou100_post ]  # Post-Processing modes

  - [ load, tlou100_mesh ]  # Disable Mesh trimming

  - [ load, tlou100_ssao ]  # Disable SSAO

  - [ load, tlou100_mb ]    # Disable Motion Blur

  - [ load, tlou100_dof ]   # Disable Depth of Field

  - [ load, tlou100_dbv ]   # Depth buffer viewport

  - [ load, tlou100_dbf ]   # Depth border fix

  - [ load, tlou100_db ]    # Depth buffer

  - [ load, tlou100_speed ] # Speedboost patch

  - [ load, tlou100_trap ]  # Disable RSX trap errors

# Comment a line with # at the beginning if you don't want a particular mod

PPU-120fb71f7352d62521c639b0e99f960018c10a56: # The Last of Us BCES01584, BCES01585, BCUS98174, BCJS37010 v1.11

  - [ load, tlou111_mlaa ]  # Disable inbuilt MLAA

  - [ load, tlou111_post ]  # Post-Processing modes

  - [ load, tlou111_mesh ]  # Disable Mesh trimming

  - [ load, tlou111_ssao ]  # Disable SSAO

  - [ load, tlou111_mb ]    # Disable Motion Blur

  - [ load, tlou111_dof ]   # Disable Depth of Field

  - [ load, tlou111_dbv ]   # Depth buffer viewport

  - [ load, tlou111_dbf ]   # Depth border fix

  - [ load, tlou111_db ]    # Depth buffer

  - [ load, tlou111_speed ] # Speedboost patch

  - [ load, tlou111_trap ]  # Disable RSX trap errors





强制跳过这个traps, 当电梯剧情结束后将会得到黑屏请等一会儿, 然后重启模拟器 你将会得到下一个场景.












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