OG剑桥雅思官方指南Test4 Section1听力原文与答案 Community Center Evening Classes

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OG剑桥雅思官方指南Test4 Section1听力原文与答案 Community Center Evening Classes

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OG剑桥雅思官方指南Test4 Section1听力原文与答案 Community Center Evenin […]


OG剑桥雅思官方指南Test4 Section1听力原文与答案 Community Center Evening Classes


OG Test4 Section1听力原文

Woman: Hello.Eastwood Community Centre.

Man: Oh, hello. My name’s Andrew Dyson. I’m calling about the evening classes you offer.

Woman: OK, Mr. Dyson, are there any classes in particular that you’re interested in?

Man: Yes, you’ve got a class called ‘Painting with watercolors’, I believe.

Woman: That’s right. It’s a popular class so this term it’ll be moving to the hall, so they’ve got more room.

Man: Right. I know it’s on Tuesdays but what time exactly?

Woman: It was 6.30 last term, but let me just have a look at the details. OK, it’ll be 7.30 (Q1) this time, probably it suits more people.

Man: Well, it’s my wife who’s really interested and that’ll be good for her because she’s home from work by 7.15 – that’ll give her just enough time to get there. Um, what does she need to bring?

Woman: OK, well paints are provided by the tutor, I know that. Um, the information says she’ll need just a jar for water – and some pencils (Q2) for drawing. This article is from Laokaoya website. There are also lots of aprons here, so she needn’t worry what she’s wearing. And the cost for four classes is £45, including paints, as I said.

Man: OK, now we’re both quite keen on the Maori language class.

Woman: There are spaces on the next course, so you could join that.

Man: Oh, good. Which room will that be in?

Woman: When you come in through the entrance of the community centre building, you’ll need to go straight up the stairs in front of you, all the way to the top (Q3). And it’s the small room you’ll find there.

Man: I see. All right, and let me just check when it’s starting. I heard from someone that the July course has been delayed until August (Q4).

Woman: I’m afraid so. And we’re halfway through the June course at the moment so there’s not much point you taking that.

Man: I guess we’ll have to wait, then.

Woman: Well, when you do come, the tutor recommends bringing a small recorder with you just so you can listen again later, and er, the cost for five classes is currently £40.

Man: OK, useful information to know. Um, there’s one more class I’m interested in – that’s the digital photography class.

Woman: Oh, I’ve taken that class myself. The tutor’s very good. That’ll be in room 9 and it’s starting in two weeks’ time – in the evening – every Wednesday at 6 o’clock.

Man: Um, obviously I need to bring the camera with me. 1 suppose it’d be useful to have the instructions (Q5) that go with the camera, too.

Woman: I’d say so. Um, some people bring along a lot of accessories like extra lenses, but there’s really no need for this class. It’s mainly focusing on composition really, and getting the most out of the basic camera.

Man: That’s exactly what I need. And how much does it cost?

Woman: Let’s see. For four classes, it’s £35, but if you take eight, it works out as £55 (Q6), so you’re making a bit of a saving-£15 that is.

Man: I see.

Man: OK, now just another question for the watercolors class; I’ve just remembered that my wife asked me to find out about the level – who’s it for?

Woman: OK, well you don’t have to be very skilled or anything like that. It’s designed for beginners (Q7), actually. People who might see art as a hobby rather than as a professional opportunity.

Man: That sounds like my wife. And er, who do I talk to if I want to find out some more about the Maori language classes?

Woman: Probably best to talk to the tutor directly. He’ll be in the office in about half an hour. His name’s Jason Kahui. That’s K-A-H-U-I (Q8).

Man: Good – I’ll give him a call.

Woman: Oh, if you do decide to come to the photography class, don’t forget to look at your camera battery (Q9) and make sure it’s charged. I know it sounds obvious but I’ve seen a few people suddenly find the camera’s stopped working right in the middle of class.

Man: Yes, I can imagine it’d be easy to forget that. Oh, that reminds me, in the final week of the photography course, is it right that there’s a visit to a show (Q10) in the local area? I work in the city, you see, so I might have to come home early for that one.

Woman: Yes. They’ll decide the date once the class has started. Is there anything else I can …

OG Test4 Section1听力答案

1. 7.30

2. pencils

3. top

4. August

5. instructions

6. 55

7. beginners

8. Kahui

9. battery

10. show

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