ArcGis JS 4.24离线地图部署详细过程

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ArcGis JS 4.24离线地图部署详细过程

2023-12-10 13:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

ArcGis JS 4.24离线地图部署详细过程-前端 说明下载ArcGis离线资源包将下载后的文件放到tomcat上配置执行js代码 完成修改测试



下载ArcGis离线资源包 在官方文档中可以发现提供了如何在离线环境下实现地图部署的说明,要求我们去下载包,链接如下:直接选择最新版本4.24,其中一个是API下载链接,另一个是说明文档,在说明文档中会指导如何部署,可以不用下载,根据本文走即可。 官方说明 下载界面 将下载后的文件放到tomcat上 下载完成后进行解压,我们可以得到下面的文件夹4.24 在这里插入图片描述将4.24整个文件夹放到tomcat目录下的webapps当中 在这里插入图片描述 配置 我们根据官方文档来进行配置在任意一处地方创建一个js文件,该js文件作用是修改4.24中的某些代码。.在js文件中copy下面代码一共有2处需要修改的地方 分别是 localHost 此处修改为tomcat的访问url地址,根据你自己的实际端口号进行修改还有一处是jssdkDownloadLocation = isWindows ? path.join(“H:”, “apache-tomcat-8.5.66”, “webapps”, “4.24”) 此处修改为你tomcat所在的路径即可 在这里插入图片描述 在这里插入图片描述 // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // update-documentation.js // // Helper script to replace the link and script tags such as: // // // // // found in the ArcGIS API For JavaScript SDK Samples // // Note: requires node version v14.17.0 and npm version 6.14.13 or higher. // The fs-extra and glob modules are also required, which can be installed using the // following command: npm install fs-extra glob // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* prettier-ignore */ const path = require("path"), // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // fs-extra 10.0.0 or higher // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- fs = require("fs-extra"), os = require("os"), // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // glob 7.1.7 or higher // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- glob = require("glob"), // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // hostname to replace in all the samples such as: // // apiDirectory would be the virtual directory in the web server hosting // the ArcGIS API for JavaScript // -------------------------------------------------------------------- localHost = "http://localhost:8080", apiDirectory = "4.24", // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // path to the downloaded ArcGIS API for JavaScript SDK // download archive contents arcgis_js_v424_sdk/javascript/4.24/ // to IIS virtual directory C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\javascript or // to Apache HTTP Server virtual directory /var/www/html/javascript/4.24/ // -------------------------------------------------------------------- isWindowsRegEx = /(win32|windows|windows_nt)/i, isWindows = isWindowsRegEx.test(`${os.type()},${os.platform()}`), jssdkDownloadLocation = isWindows ? path.join("H:", "apache-tomcat-8.5.66", "webapps", "4.24") : path.join("/", "var", "www", "html", "javascript", "4.24"), // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Regular expression to match the script tag in the samples such as: // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- jsapiURLRegEx = /js\.arcgis\.com\/\d\.\d+\/(?=">)/m, // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local url to host the ArcGIS API for JavaScript such as // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- jsapiURLLocal = `${localHost}/${apiDirectory}/init.js`, // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Regular expression to match the ArcGIS API for JavaScript version // for example: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- jsapiURLBaseRegEx = /js\.arcgis\.com\/\d\.\d+\/?/g, // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // base url for the locally hosted ArcGIS API for JavaScript such as: // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- jsapiURLBaseLocal = `${localHost}/${apiDirectory}/`, // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pattern to match all the live sample code in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript // -------------------------------------------------------------------- jsapiSampleCodeLiveFiles = glob.sync( "**/live/*.html", { cwd: path.join(jssdkDownloadLocation, "sample-code"), absolute: true } ); /** * Execute an asynchronous function to update sample code files. * * @returns {Promise} */ const run = async () => { // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1) Read all the files under sdk_download/sample-code // 2) Replace the script src attribute for the locally hosted ArcGIS API for JavaScript // 3) Replace the link href attribute for the locally hosted ArcGIS API for JavaScript stylesheet // -------------------------------------------------------------------- console.log("samples - replacing href and script tags in sample code"); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loop over all of the samples and replace their urls // -------------------------------------------------------------------- for (let filePath of jsapiSampleCodeLiveFiles) { console.log(`samples - reading ${filePath}`); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read the sample file contents from disk // -------------------------------------------------------------------- let rawContent = await fs.readFile(filePath, "utf-8"); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Replace the script src attribute for the locally hosted ArcGIS API for JavaScript // Replace the link href attribute for the locally hosted ArcGIS API for JavaScript stylesheet // -------------------------------------------------------------------- console.log(`samples - replacing link and script tags for ${filePath}`); let updatedContent = rawContent.replace(jsapiURLRegEx, jsapiURLLocal).replace(jsapiURLBaseRegEx, jsapiURLBaseLocal); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Save the sample file contents to disk // -------------------------------------------------------------------- console.log(`samples - saving ${filePath}`); await fs.writeFile(filePath, updatedContent, "utf-8"); } }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Replace the tags in the sample code files. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- run() .then(() => { console.log("samples - finished replacing href and script tags in sample code"); }) .catch((error) => { console.log(`samples - error - ${error.message}`); }); 执行js代码 完成修改 npm install globnpm install fs-extranode 刚刚创建的文件.js 若输出以下代表成功 samples - replacing href and script tags in sample code samples - finished replacing href and script tags in sample code 测试

测试之前先确保tomcat可以跨域并 启动tomcat,跨域可参考 使用一个最简单的demo代码测试即可,注意 端口改成你自己tomcat配置的端口

DOCTYPE html> Intro to MapView - Create a 2D map html, body, #viewDiv { padding: 0; margin: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; } require(["esri/Map", "esri/views/MapView"], function (Map, MapView) { var map = new Map({ basemap: "streets" }); var view = new MapView({ container: "viewDiv", // Reference to the scene div created in step 5 map: map, // Reference to the map object created before the scene zoom: 4, // Sets zoom level based on level of detail (LOD) center: [15, 65] // Sets center point of view using longitude,latitude }); }); ![在这里插入图片描述](




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