从 Windows 命令行打印 PDF

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从 Windows 命令行打印 PDF

#从 Windows 命令行打印 PDF | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

从 Windows 命令行打印 PDF 2023-05-13 14:33:41 other 阅读:1893

您可以使用Windows命令行中的Adobe Acrobat Reader DC工具来打印PDF文件。以下是您可以执行的步骤:

安装Adobe Acrobat Reader DC:如果您尚未在计算机上安装Adobe Acrobat Reader DC,请使用浏览器访问Adobe官方网站,下载并安装此软件。

添加Acrobat Reader到系统环境变量:为了能够在Windows命令提示符中运行Acrobat Reader,您需要将其路径添加到系统环境变量中。按下Win+R键打开运行,输入sysdm.cpl打开系统属性窗口,点击高级选项卡,点击环境变量,找到Path变量,点击编辑,然后在末尾添加Acrobat Reader的安装路径(例如 C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader)。


AcroRd32.exe /t "C:\Path\To\Your\File.pdf" "PrinterName"



AcroRd32.exe /t "C:\Users\Username\Documents\example.pdf" "MyPrinter"

这将启动Acrobat Reader并自动将指定的PDF文件发送到打印机进行打印。请注意,“/t”选项将Acrobat Reader设置为“传统打印模式”,这意味着直接将文件发送到打印机而不会打开Acrobat Reader界面。

以下是Python代码演示: 打开一个 PDF 文件 import os os.startfile("example.pdf", "print") 打印 PDF 文件 import win32api printer_name = "Microsoft Print to PDF" # 或者输入您想要使用的打印机名称 win32api.ShellExecute( 0, "print", "example.pdf", f'/d:"{printer_name}"', ".", 0 )

我正在尝试打印当前目录中的所有 pdf.当我在 cmd (singlepdf.sh) 中调用这个 bash 脚本时:'"C:Program Files (x86)AdobeReader 10.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe"'/t Gemeinde_348_BioID_842_alt.pdf 一切正常.

I'm trying to print all pdfs in current dir. When I call this bash script in cmd (singlepdf.sh): '"C:Program Files (x86)AdobeReader 10.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe"' /t Gemeinde_348_BioID_842_alt.pdf everything's working fine.

使用此内容调用 multiplepdfs.sh 时:

When calling multiplepdfs.sh with this content:

declare -a pdfs=(*.pdf) for pdf in ${pdfs[@]}; do echo -e " printing **$pdf** with AcroRd32.exe... " '"C:Program Files (x86)AdobeReader 10.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe"' /t $pdf sleep 3 done

回声显示文件在循环中被正确寻址 - 但随后我收到错误 "C:Program Files (x86)AdobeReader 10.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe": No such file or目录

The echo shows that files are addressed correctly in the loop - but then I get the error "C:Program Files (x86)AdobeReader 10.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe": No such file or directory


Can someone help out with this issue?

顺便说一句,我已经安装了 msys mingw

BTW, I have msys mingw installed



I know this is and old question, but i was faced with the same problem recently and none of the answers worked for me:

找不到旧的 Foxit Reader 版本 正如@pilkch 所说,2Printer 添加了一个报告页面 Adobe Reader 打开一个 gui


After searching a little more i found this: http://www.columbia.edu/~em36/pdftoprinter.html.

这是一个使用文件名调用的简单 exe,它会打印到默认打印机(或您指定的打印机).来自网站:

It's a simple exe that you call with the filename and it prints to the default printer (or one that you specify). From the site:

PDFtoPrinter 是一个用于从 Windows 命令行打印 PDF 文件的程序.该程序通常是为 Windows 命令行设计的,也适用于 vDos DOS 模拟器.

PDFtoPrinter is a program for printing PDF files from the Windows command line. The program is designed generally for the Windows command line and also for use with the vDos DOS emulator.

要将 PDF 文件打印到默认的 Windows 打印机,请使用以下命令:

To print a PDF file to the default Windows printer, use this command:

PDFtoPrinter.exe filename.pdf


To print to a specific printer, add the name of the printer in quotation marks:

PDFtoPrinter.exe filename.pdf "Name of Printer"

如果要打印到网络打印机,请使用出现在 Windows 打印对话框中的名称,如下所示(并注意名称开头的两个反斜杠和服务器名称后面的单个反斜杠):

If you want to print to a network printer, use the name that appears in Windows print dialogs, like this (and be careful to note the two backslashes at the start of the name and the single backslash after the servername):

PDFtoPrinter.exe filename.pdf "SERVERPrinterName"

这篇关于从 Windows 命令行打印 PDF的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,WP2


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