Camp Buddy教官线新情报&夏令营翻译更新!

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Camp Buddy教官线新情报&夏令营翻译更新!

2024-04-09 01:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.今年下半年教官线会发布 目前进度大概是所有线路剧情已经做完 正在码字编排

2.小游戏会增加一个还原过去的相片 奖励机制同cb原作

3.四个新角色中 目前公开了一位程序猿和一位督察员 程序猿受雇佣帮助cb淡季时的工作 而督察员则是cb所处的夏令营联盟(大概是 不一定翻译准确)上级派来监督工作 另:关于两位的名字受本人能力所限很难给出翻译 跪求翻译dalao 百度的机翻程序员名叫崔玄真 督察员叫艾米莉娅·科玛洛娃


4.老角色中 Taiga(老虎) Yoichi(狼狗)和Naoto(大Na)会客串 可能会有更多人物出现


6.西语翻译完毕,正在校对中 葡语翻译完成40%(题外话:此前bltis暂时停止了中文日文法文等语言的翻译工作 如果这两个版本发售得比较好,那么官方中文版就有希望了)





Hey, buddies! It’s been a while since our last update when we released ademoforCamp Buddy: scoutmasters’ Season, and we’re finally ready to share more information with you regarding its development! In addition toCamp Buddy: scoutmasters’ Season updates, we’re also excited to share some news regardingCamp Buddy’s two translation teams!

The following post contains information for all fans of BLits and Camp Buddy, so please read below for full details!

Camp Buddy – scoutmasters’ Season Development Update!

We know everyone is eager for more news regarding Camp Buddy: scoutmasters’ Season most of all, and we’re excited to give it! Make sure and check out all the topics below for a full update on its development progress!

Story Progress

The last time we updated everyone, we announced that thestoryboard of the first arc of the gamehad been completed. Now, we’re happy to saythat the entire first arc of the game has been written and is undergoing the proofreading stage now!We hope to have it begin the coding process as well very soon, and will be reporting on that milestone when it’s reached as well!

In addition to this story progress, we’ve also made lots of progress onthe individual character arc’s storyboards,and are excited for you all to see the detailed story of Camp Buddy’s off season, and dive deeper into the pasts and futures ofAiden, Goro and Yoshinori!

New Minigame!

Another new feature in Camp Buddy: scoutmasters’ Season is abrand-new minigame! You can check out a look at its interface below:

* Preview images may be subject to change and may not represent the final product.

In the minigame,Yoshinoriwill be helping to digitizeYuri’s Old Journalby restoring the photos and text of the past, rewarding the players with bothcoins for the galleryas well asa fun scene from the past!As exciting as this is, we’re sure you’re all wondering how Yoshinori will end up handling a computer considering his record with technology. Luckily for him, he’s got some help…

New Characters!

We teased these two characters back in ourlast update, but now we’re happy to officially show them off to you all! Camp Buddy is undergoing a lot of changes during this off season thanks to the success ofKeitaro’s journal,as well as the efforts ofClermont Inc,and to make those changes happen, the cast is going to need some help!

First up in the new roster isHyunjin Choi, aTech Specialisthired to bring the camp into the modern era! He’s a bit of a shut in, but he’s going out of his comfort zone to work hard with everyone at the camp! He seems to have a secret side of him that he won’t be able to hold in when he gets too close with his new co-workers.

Next, we have aninspectorsent by Clermont Inc.,Emilia Komarova!She’s been sent out to make sure that Camp Buddy meets all of the requirements set by the sponsorship, so Yoshinori and everyone else at camp had better make sure they’re prepared! She’s also got a bit of a history with the camp, though what exactly it is will have to be revealed later…

These aren’t the only new characters to appear in Camp Buddy: scoutmasters’ Season, as a project this big requires a lot of help!Two more characterswill be making their debut soon, but for now, you’ll have to make due with just a little teaser~

All these new characters will definitely spice things up around the camp with brand new interactions and side-stories! We’ll be revealing thesetwo charactersin the nextscoutmasters’ Season development update, as well as releasing acasting call for all four new roles, so please stay tuned for that!

In addition to all thesenew faces, we’re sure you’re wondering about what theoriginal cast of Camp Buddyis up to! Wonder no more, as Camp Buddy scoutmasters’ Season will be featuring plenty ofcameo appearances, and we’ll tease just a few of them below…

New Music!

One of the reasons Camp Buddy was such an immersive experience was due to its wonderfulsoundtrack, and we’re happy to announce thatHMNK, KenoandMYMhave returned to make anall-new score for Camp Buddy: scoutmasters’ Season!We have tons ofnew themesand music on the way, and we want to show a little bit of them off to you all, so check out a compilation of thesample clipsbelow:


“Always with a brightest smile, forever it’s our Buddy Oath!”

You’ll be able to hearthe full OSTin game on release, as well as on ourYouTube channelat that same time, so stay tuned for that, buddies!

Release Date

Speaking of the release, we know the question on everyone’s mind– when does Camp Buddy: scoutmasters’ Season officially release?We still aren’t ready to give a firm release date of the game yet, but we’re confident that you will all be able to play it in thelater half of 2021!

Once we’ve made more progress and have a set release date in mind, we’ll announce it here, so please stay tuned for more information!

Camp Buddy – Translations Progress Report! (Spanish & Portuguese)

It’s been a while since we shared a progress report of ourCamp Buddy translation effort, but we’re happy to report that our Translation team led byAkidahas been hard at work these past few months! We’re very excited to announce thatthe entire game has been translated into Spanish as of this month,and is currently undergoing the review and implementation process! You can check out a small sample gif of the newly translated version below:


In addition to ourSpanish translation, we are happy to announce that ourPortuguese translation teamhas been fully hired andhas translated about 40% of the dialogue in game as well!Like we did with theSpanish Translations team, we want to take a moment to introduce thePortuguese translation teamto you all!

Portuguese Translator – Luban

Portuguese Translator – Derfel Cadarn

Portuguese Translator – Sailor Lulu

Portuguese Translation Reviewer – Howl

In addition to thesePortuguese translators, we also want to take a moment to announce ourSpanish Translation Reviewer, Retsu, who has been working hard with our previously announcedSpanish Translation teamto properly review all of the content that has been translated so far!

That’s all for now about translations, but please stay tuned for more info about them in the future!

Closing Note

That’s all for now buddies, and we hope you all enjoyed this development update! We’ll be back soon with more information regarding all of this, and we hope that you’ll stay tuned for news in the future! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask in the comments below, or send us an email [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!

Thank you again for all of your support, and we’ll see you guys in the next update!

Lots of love,













* 预览图像可能会发生更改,并且可能不代表最终产品。






















葡萄牙语翻译-Derfel cadarn

葡萄牙语翻译-Sailor Lulu





这就是现在的朋友们,我们希望你们都喜欢这个开发更新!我们将很快回来,提供更多有关这一切的信息,我们希望您在未来将继续关注新闻!如果您有任何问题或关切,请在下面的评论中随意提问,或将电子邮件发送给我们。[email protected]我们会很乐意帮忙的!









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