stm32f103c8 使用cc1101模块

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stm32f103c8 使用cc1101模块

2023-12-15 13:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



stm32 SPI1


void SPIx_Init(void) { SPI_InitTypeDef SPI_InitStructure; GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; /* Enable SPI1 and GPIOA clocks */ RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SPI1|RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO| RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA |RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB, ENABLE); /* Configure SPI1 pins: NSS, SCK, MISO and MOSI */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_5 | GPIO_Pin_6 | GPIO_Pin_7; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP; GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure); //SPI1 NSS GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_12; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IPU; GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure); //GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_4); GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_4; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP; GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure); GPIO_SetBits(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_4); /* SPI1 configuration */ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_Direction = SPI_Direction_2Lines_FullDuplex; //SPI1设置为两线全双工 SPI_InitStructure.SPI_Mode = SPI_Mode_Master; //设置SPI1为主模式 SPI_InitStructure.SPI_DataSize = SPI_DataSize_8b; //SPI发送接收8位帧结构 SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPOL = SPI_CPOL_High; //串行时钟在不操作时,时钟为高电平 SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPHA = SPI_CPHA_2Edge; //第二个时钟沿开始采样数据 SPI_InitStructure.SPI_NSS = SPI_NSS_Soft; //NSS信号由软件(使用SSI位)管理 SPI_InitStructure.SPI_BaudRatePrescaler = SPI_BaudRatePrescaler_8; //定义波特率预分频的值:波特率预分频值为8 SPI_InitStructure.SPI_FirstBit = SPI_FirstBit_MSB; //数据传输从MSB位开始 SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CRCPolynomial = 7; //CRC值计算的多项式 SPI_Init(SPI1, &SPI_InitStructure); /* Enable SPI1 */ SPI_Cmd(SPI1, ENABLE); //使能SPI1外设 }


u8 SPIx_ReadWriteByte(u8 TxData) { u8 retry=0; while (SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(SPI1, SPI_I2S_FLAG_TXE) == RESET) //检查指定的SPI标志位设置与否:发送缓存空标志位 { retry++; if(retry>200)return 0; } SPI_I2S_SendData(SPI1, TxData); //通过外设SPIx发送一个数据 retry=0; while (SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(SPI1, SPI_I2S_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET) //检查指定的SPI标志位设置与否:接受缓存非空标志位 { retry++; if(retry>200)return 0; } return SPI_I2S_ReceiveData(SPI1); //返回通过SPIx最近接收的数据 } cc1101操作文件

个人感觉cc1101的坑在于配置初始化的参数,虽然说可以使用smartRF来进行生成,但是这个过程会产生很多问题,假如我要用ASK调通了,但是我换成GFSK发现不行;这个初始化的配置寄存器我没有深究,反正你看了初始化代码和发送接收代码和我的差不多,但是就是不通的话,大多数就是初始化的时候寄存器配置有问题。下面共享一下代码,我就不放GitHub,感觉嵌入式没什么人用GitHub,Linux和前端,服务端用得比较多: cc1101.h:

/******************************************************************************* ** 文件名: cc1101.h ** 版本: 1.0 ** 工作环境: RealView MDK-ARM 5 ** 作者: huangyong ** 生成日期: 2017-09-18 ** 功能: firmware_set文件的头文件声明 ** 相关文件: ** 修改日志: 2017-09-18 创建文档 *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CC1101_H #define _CC1101_H /* 包含头文件 *****************************************************************/ #include "stdint.h" #include "spi.h" /* define ********************************************************************/ //#define CSN PAout(4) #define CSN_L GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOA,GPIO_Pin_4) #define CSN_H GPIO_SetBits(GPIOA,GPIO_Pin_4) #define GDO0 GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_12) typedef enum {false,true}bool; /* 变量 **********************************************************************/ typedef enum { TX_MODE, RX_MODE }TRMODE; typedef enum { BROAD_ALL, BROAD_NO, BROAD_0, BROAD_0AND255 }ADDR_MODE; typedef enum { BROADCAST, ADDRESS_CHECK} TX_DATA_MODE; /* 方法 **********************************************************************/ /*read a byte from the specified register*/ uint8_t CC1101ReadReg( uint8_t addr ); /*Read a status register*/ uint8_t CC1101ReadStatus( uint8_t addr ); /*Set the device as TX mode or RX mode*/ void CC1101SetTRMode( TRMODE mode ); /*Write a command byte to the device*/ void CC1101WriteCmd( uint8_t command ); /*Set the CC1101 into IDLE mode*/ void CC1101SetIdle( void ); /*Send a packet*/ void CC1101SendPacket( uint8_t *txbuffer, uint8_t size, TX_DATA_MODE mode ); /*Set the address and address mode of the CC1101*/ void CC1101SetAddress( uint8_t address, ADDR_MODE AddressMode); /*Set the SYNC bytes of the CC1101*/ void CC1101SetSYNC( uint16_t sync ); /*Receive a packet*/ uint8_t CC1101RecPacket( uint8_t *rxBuffer ); /*Initialize the WOR function of CC1101*/ void CC1101WORInit( void ); /*Initialize the CC1101, User can modify it*/ void CC1101Init( void ); //***************************************************************************************** // CC1100 STROBE, CONTROL AND STATUS REGSITER #define CC1101_IOCFG2 0x00 // GDO2 output pin configuration #define CC1101_IOCFG1 0x01 // GDO1 output pin configuration #define CC1101_IOCFG0 0x02 // GDO0 output pin configuration #define CC1101_FIFOTHR 0x03 // RX FIFO and TX FIFO thresholds #define CC1101_SYNC1 0x04 // Sync word, high u8 #define CC1101_SYNC0 0x05 // Sync word, low u8 #define CC1101_PKTLEN 0x06 // Packet length #define CC1101_PKTCTRL1 0x07 // Packet automation control #define CC1101_PKTCTRL0 0x08 // Packet automation control #define CC1101_ADDR 0x09 // Device address #define CC1101_CHANNR 0x0A // Channel number #define CC1101_FSCTRL1 0x0B // Frequency synthesizer control #define CC1101_FSCTRL0 0x0C // Frequency synthesizer control #define CC1101_FREQ2 0x0D // Frequency control word, high u8 #define CC1101_FREQ1 0x0E // Frequency control word, middle u8 #define CC1101_FREQ0 0x0F // Frequency control word, low u8 #define CC1101_MDMCFG4 0x10 // Modem configuration #define CC1101_MDMCFG3 0x11 // Modem configuration #define CC1101_MDMCFG2 0x12 // Modem configuration #define CC1101_MDMCFG1 0x13 // Modem configuration #define CC1101_MDMCFG0 0x14 // Modem configuration #define CC1101_DEVIATN 0x15 // Modem deviation setting #define CC1101_MCSM2 0x16 // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration #define CC1101_MCSM1 0x17 // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration #define CC1101_MCSM0 0x18 // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration #define CC1101_FOCCFG 0x19 // Frequency Offset Compensation configuration #define CC1101_BSCFG 0x1A // Bit Synchronization configuration #define CC1101_AGCCTRL2 0x1B // AGC control #define CC1101_AGCCTRL1 0x1C // AGC control #define CC1101_AGCCTRL0 0x1D // AGC control #define CC1101_WOREVT1 0x1E // High u8 Event 0 timeout #define CC1101_WOREVT0 0x1F // Low u8 Event 0 timeout #define CC1101_WORCTRL 0x20 // Wake On Radio control #define CC1101_FREND1 0x21 // Front end RX configuration #define CC1101_FREND0 0x22 // Front end TX configuration #define CC1101_FSCAL3 0x23 // Frequency synthesizer calibration #define CC1101_FSCAL2 0x24 // Frequency synthesizer calibration #define CC1101_FSCAL1 0x25 // Frequency synthesizer calibration #define CC1101_FSCAL0 0x26 // Frequency synthesizer calibration #define CC1101_RCCTRL1 0x27 // RC oscillator configuration #define CC1101_RCCTRL0 0x28 // RC oscillator configuration #define CC1101_FSTEST 0x29 // Frequency synthesizer calibration control #define CC1101_PTEST 0x2A // Production test #define CC1101_AGCTEST 0x2B // AGC test #define CC1101_TEST2 0x2C // Various test settings #define CC1101_TEST1 0x2D // Various test settings #define CC1101_TEST0 0x2E // Various test settings // Strobe commands #define CC1101_SRES 0x30 // Reset chip. #define CC1101_SFSTXON 0x31 // Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer (if MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1). // If in RX/TX: Go to a wait state where only the synthesizer is // running (for quick RX / TX turnaround). #define CC1101_SXOFF 0x32 // Turn off crystal oscillator. #define CC1101_SCAL 0x33 // Calibrate frequency synthesizer and turn it off // (enables quick start). #define CC1101_SRX 0x34 // Enable RX. Perform calibration first if coming from IDLE and // MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1. #define CC1101_STX 0x35 // In IDLE state: Enable TX. Perform calibration first if // MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1. If in RX state and CCA is enabled: // Only go to TX if channel is clear. #define CC1101_SIDLE 0x36 // Exit RX / TX, turn off frequency synthesizer and exit // Wake-On-Radio mode if applicable. #define CC1101_SAFC 0x37 // Perform AFC adjustment of the frequency synthesizer #define CC1101_SWOR 0x38 // Start automatic RX polling sequence (Wake-on-Radio) #define CC1101_SPWD 0x39 // Enter power down mode when CSn goes high. #define CC1101_SFRX 0x3A // Flush the RX FIFO buffer. #define CC1101_SFTX 0x3B // Flush the TX FIFO buffer. #define CC1101_SWORRST 0x3C // Reset real time clock. #define CC1101_SNOP 0x3D // No operation. May be used to pad strobe commands to two // u8s for simpler software. #define CC1101_PARTNUM 0x30 #define CC1101_VERSION 0x31 #define CC1101_FREQEST 0x32 #define CC1101_LQI 0x33 #define CC1101_RSSI 0x34 #define CC1101_MARCSTATE 0x35 #define CC1101_WORTIME1 0x36 #define CC1101_WORTIME0 0x37 #define CC1101_PKTSTATUS 0x38 #define CC1101_VCO_VC_DAC 0x39 #define CC1101_TXBYTES 0x3A #define CC1101_RXBYTES 0x3B #define CC1101_PATABLE 0x3E #define CC1101_TXFIFO 0x3F #define CC1101_RXFIFO 0x3F #define WRITE_BURST 0x40 //连续写入 #define READ_SINGLE 0x80 //读 #define READ_BURST 0xC0 //连续读 #define BYTES_IN_RXFIFO 0x7F //接收缓冲区的有效字节数 #define CRC_OK 0x80 //CRC校验通过位标志 #endif


/******************************************************************************* ** 文件名: cc1101.c ** 版本: 1.0 ** 工作环境: RealView MDK-ARM 5 ** 作者: huangyong ** 生成日期: 2017-09-18 ** 功能: 获取外部flash的关于要跳转的应用程序的配置信息 ** 目前外部flash的配置信息存在w25x32的第一个block(0x000000h) ** imageA地址在第二个block(0x010000h),imageB地址在第三个block(0x020000h) ** 相关文件: ** 修改日志: 2017-09-18 创建文档 *******************************************************************************/ /* 包含头文件 *****************************************************************/ #include "cc1101.h" /* 变量 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /******************************************************************************* * @函数名称 cc1101_init * @函数说明 初始化cc1101模块 * @输入参数 无 * @输出参数 无 * @返回参数 无 *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * @函数名称 cc1101_sentData * @函数说明 cc1101模块发送数据 * @输入参数 无 * @输出参数 无 * @返回参数 无 *******************************************************************************/ /*================================================================================ Copyright : Ebyte electronic co.,LTD Website : Description : This module contains the low level operations for CC1101 ================================================================================*/ //10, 7, 5, 0, -5, -10, -15, -20, dbm output power, 0x12 == -30dbm //u8 PaTabel[] = { 0xc0, 0xC8, 0x84, 0x60, 0x68, 0x34, 0x1D, 0x0E};//433M的table u8 PaTabel[] = { 0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; // Sync word qualifier mode = 30/32 sync word bits detected // CRC autoflush = false // Channel spacing = 199.951172 // Data format = Normal mode // Data rate = 2.00224 // RX filter BW = 58.035714 // PA ramping = false // Preamble count = 4 // Whitening = false // Address config = No address check // Carrier frequency = 400.199890 // Device address = 0 // TX power = 10 // Manchester enable = false // CRC enable = true // Deviation = 5.157471 // Packet length mode = Variable packet length mode. Packet length configured by the first byte after sync word // Packet length = 255 // Modulation format = GFSK // Base frequency = 399.999939 // Modulated = true // Channel number = 1 // PA table #define PA_TABLE {0xc2,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,} static const u8 CC1101InitData[24][2]= { /* {CC1101_IOCFG0, 0x06}, {CC1101_FIFOTHR, 0x47}, {CC1101_PKTCTRL0, 0x05}, {CC1101_CHANNR, 0x00}, {CC1101_FSCTRL1, 0x08}, {CC1101_FREQ2, 0x10},//433.92 {CC1101_FREQ1, 0xB0}, {CC1101_FREQ0, 0x3f}, // {CC1101_FREQ2, 0x10},//433.862 // {CC1101_FREQ1, 0xAf}, // {CC1101_FREQ0, 0xdf}, {CC1101_MDMCFG4, 0x5B}, {CC1101_MDMCFG3, 0xF8}, {CC1101_MDMCFG2, 0x03}, {CC1101_DEVIATN, 0x47}, {CC1101_MCSM0, 0x18}, {CC1101_FOCCFG, 0x1D}, {CC1101_WORCTRL, 0xFB}, {CC1101_FSCAL3, 0xEA}, {CC1101_FSCAL2, 0x2A}, {CC1101_FSCAL1, 0x00}, {CC1101_FSCAL0, 0x11}, {CC1101_TEST2, 0x81}, {CC1101_TEST1, 0x35}, {CC1101_MCSM1, 0x3B},*/ //2-FSK {CC1101_IOCFG0, 0x06}, {CC1101_FIFOTHR, 0x47}, {CC1101_PKTCTRL0, 0x05}, {CC1101_CHANNR, 0x01}, {CC1101_FSCTRL1, 0x06}, {CC1101_FREQ2, 0x10}, //433.92 {CC1101_FREQ1, 0xB0}, {CC1101_FREQ0, 0x3f}, {CC1101_MDMCFG4, 0xF6}, {CC1101_MDMCFG3, 0x43}, //2.00224kBaud 58.035714khz {CC1101_MDMCFG2, 0x03}, {CC1101_MDMCFG1, 0x20}, {CC1101_MDMCFG0, 0x00}, {CC1101_DEVIATN, 0x15}, //0x15:5.157471khz 0x34:19khz, 0x77:380.85khz,0x64:152khz,0x71:228.5khz {CC1101_MCSM0, 0x18}, {CC1101_FOCCFG, 0x16}, {CC1101_WORCTRL, 0xFB}, {CC1101_FSCAL3, 0xE9}, {CC1101_FSCAL2, 0x2A}, {CC1101_FSCAL1, 0x00}, {CC1101_FSCAL0, 0x1F}, {CC1101_TEST2, 0x81}, {CC1101_TEST1, 0x35}, {CC1101_TEST0, 0x09}, }; /*read a byte from the specified register*/ u8 CC1101ReadReg( u8 addr ); /*Read some bytes from the rigisters continously*/ void CC1101ReadMultiReg( u8 addr, u8 *buff, u8 size ); /*Write a byte to the specified register*/ void CC1101WriteReg( u8 addr, u8 value ); /*Flush the TX buffer of CC1101*/ void CC1101ClrTXBuff( void ); /*Flush the RX buffer of CC1101*/ void CC1101ClrRXBuff( void ); /*Get received count of CC1101*/ u8 CC1101GetRXCnt( void ); /*Reset the CC1101 device*/ void CC1101Reset( void ); /*Write some bytes to the specified register*/ void CC1101WriteMultiReg( u8 addr, u8 *buff, u8 size ); /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101WORInit( ) Initialize the WOR function of CC1101 INPUT : None OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101WORInit( void ) { CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_MCSM0,0x18); CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_WORCTRL,0x78); //Wake On Radio Control CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_MCSM2,0x00); CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_WOREVT1,0x8C); CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_WOREVT0,0xA0); CC1101WriteCmd( CC1101_SWORRST ); } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101ReadReg( ) read a byte from the specified register INPUT : addr, The address of the register OUTPUT : the byte read from the rigister ================================================================================ */ u8 CC1101ReadReg( u8 addr ) { u8 i; CSN_L; //CSN = 0; SPIx_ReadWriteByte( addr | READ_SINGLE); i = SPIx_ReadWriteByte( 0xFF ); CSN_H;//CSN = 1; return i; } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101ReadMultiReg( ) Read some bytes from the rigisters continously INPUT : addr, The address of the register buff, The buffer stores the data size, How many bytes should be read OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101ReadMultiReg( u8 addr, u8 *buff, u8 size ) { u8 i, j; CSN_L; //CSN = 0; SPIx_ReadWriteByte( addr | READ_BURST); for( i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) { for( j = 0; j < 20; j ++ ); *( buff + i ) = SPIx_ReadWriteByte( 0xFF ); } CSN_H;//CSN = 1; } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101ReadStatus( ) Read a status register INPUT : addr, The address of the register OUTPUT : the value read from the status register ================================================================================ */ u8 CC1101ReadStatus( u8 addr ) { u8 i; CSN_L; //CSN = 0; SPIx_ReadWriteByte( addr | READ_BURST); i = SPIx_ReadWriteByte( 0xFF ); CSN_H;//CSN = 1; return i; } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101SetTRMode( ) Set the device as TX mode or RX mode INPUT : mode selection OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101SetTRMode( TRMODE mode ) { if( mode == TX_MODE ) { CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_IOCFG0,0x46); CC1101WriteCmd( CC1101_STX ); } else if( mode == RX_MODE ) { CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_IOCFG0,0x46); CC1101WriteCmd( CC1101_SRX ); } } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101WriteReg( ) Write a byte to the specified register INPUT : addr, The address of the register value, the byte you want to write OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101WriteReg( u8 addr, u8 value ) { CSN_L; //CSN = 0; SPIx_ReadWriteByte( addr ); SPIx_ReadWriteByte( value ); CSN_H;//CSN = 1; } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101WriteMultiReg( ) Write some bytes to the specified register INPUT : addr, The address of the register buff, a buffer stores the values size, How many byte should be written OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101WriteMultiReg( u8 addr, u8 *buff, u8 size ) { u8 i; CSN_L; //CSN = 0; SPIx_ReadWriteByte( addr | WRITE_BURST ); for( i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) { SPIx_ReadWriteByte( *( buff + i ) ); } CSN_H;//CSN = 1; } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101WriteCmd( ) Write a command byte to the device INPUT : command, the byte you want to write OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101WriteCmd( u8 command ) { CSN_L; //CSN = 0; SPIx_ReadWriteByte( command ); CSN_H;//CSN = 1; } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101Reset( ) Reset the CC1101 device INPUT : None OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101Reset( void ) { u8 x; CSN_H;//CSN = 1; CSN_L; //CSN = 0; CSN_H;//CSN = 1; for( x = 0; x < 100; x ++ ); CC1101WriteCmd( CC1101_SRES ); } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101SetIdle( ) Set the CC1101 into IDLE mode INPUT : None OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101SetIdle( void ) { CC1101WriteCmd(CC1101_SIDLE); } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101ClrTXBuff( ) Flush the TX buffer of CC1101 INPUT : None OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101ClrTXBuff( void ) { CC1101SetIdle();//MUST BE IDLE MODE CC1101WriteCmd( CC1101_SFTX ); } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101ClrRXBuff( ) Flush the RX buffer of CC1101 INPUT : None OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101ClrRXBuff( void ) { CC1101SetIdle();//MUST BE IDLE MODE CC1101WriteCmd( CC1101_SFRX ); } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101SendPacket( ) Send a packet INPUT : txbuffer, The buffer stores data to be sent size, How many bytes should be sent mode, Broadcast or address check packet OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101SendPacket( u8 *txbuffer, u8 size, TX_DATA_MODE mode ) { u8 address; if( mode == BROADCAST ) { address = 0; } else if( mode == ADDRESS_CHECK ) { address = CC1101ReadReg( CC1101_ADDR ); } CC1101ClrTXBuff( ); if( ( CC1101ReadReg( CC1101_PKTCTRL1 ) & ~0x03 ) != 0 ) { CC1101WriteReg( CC1101_TXFIFO, size + 1 ); CC1101WriteReg( CC1101_TXFIFO, address ); } else { CC1101WriteReg( CC1101_TXFIFO, size ); } CC1101WriteMultiReg( CC1101_TXFIFO, txbuffer, size ); CC1101SetTRMode( TX_MODE ); while( GDO0 != 0 ); while( GDO0 == 0 ); CC1101ClrTXBuff( ); } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101GetRXCnt( ) Get received count of CC1101 INPUT : None OUTPUT : How many bytes hae been received ================================================================================ */ u8 CC1101GetRXCnt( void ) { return ( CC1101ReadStatus( CC1101_RXBYTES ) & BYTES_IN_RXFIFO ); } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101SetAddress( ) Set the address and address mode of the CC1101 INPUT : address, The address byte AddressMode, the address check mode OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101SetAddress( u8 address, ADDR_MODE AddressMode) { u8 btmp = CC1101ReadReg( CC1101_PKTCTRL1 ) & ~0x03; CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_ADDR, address); if ( AddressMode == BROAD_ALL ) {} else if( AddressMode == BROAD_NO ) { btmp |= 0x01; } else if( AddressMode == BROAD_0 ) { btmp |= 0x02; } else if( AddressMode == BROAD_0AND255 ) { btmp |= 0x03; } } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101SetSYNC( ) Set the SYNC bytes of the CC1101 INPUT : sync, 16bit sync OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101SetSYNC( u16 sync ) { CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_SYNC1, 0xFF & ( sync>>8 ) ); CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_SYNC0, 0xFF & sync ); } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101RecPacket( ) Receive a packet INPUT : rxBuffer, A buffer store the received data OUTPUT : 1:received count, 0:no data ================================================================================ */ u8 CC1101RecPacket( u8 *rxBuffer ) { u8 status[2]; u8 pktLen; u16 x; if ( CC1101GetRXCnt( ) != 0 ) { pktLen = CC1101ReadReg(CC1101_RXFIFO); // Read length byte if( ( CC1101ReadReg( CC1101_PKTCTRL1 ) & ~0x03 ) != 0 ) { x = CC1101ReadReg(CC1101_RXFIFO); } if( pktLen == 0 ) { return 0; } else { pktLen --; } CC1101ReadMultiReg(CC1101_RXFIFO, rxBuffer, pktLen); // Pull data CC1101ReadMultiReg(CC1101_RXFIFO, status, 2); // Read status bytes CC1101ClrRXBuff( ); if( status[1] & CRC_OK ) { return pktLen; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } // Error } /* ================================================================================ Function : CC1101Init( ) Initialize the CC1101, User can modify it INPUT : None OUTPUT : None ================================================================================ */ void CC1101Init( void ) { volatile u8 i, j; CC1101Reset( ); for( i = 0; i < 24; i++ ) { CC1101WriteReg( CC1101InitData[i][0], CC1101InitData[i][1] ); } CC1101SetAddress( 0x05, BROAD_0AND255 ); CC1101SetSYNC( 0x8799 ); CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG1, 0x72); //Modem Configuration CC1101WriteMultiReg(CC1101_PATABLE, PaTabel, 8 ); //CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_FREND0,0x40); i = CC1101ReadStatus( CC1101_PARTNUM );//for test, must be 0x80 i = CC1101ReadStatus( CC1101_VERSION );//for test, refer to the datasheet CC1101WriteReg(CC1101_TEST1,0xaa); i=CC1101ReadStatus(CC1101_TEST1); i=0; } /* ================================================================================ ------------------------------------THE END------------------------------------- ================================================================================ */ 另外附上另外一篇cc1101的文章 1、 木棉黑虎狼狗的专栏:

利尔达的Demo板,软件SmartRF Studio 7.0,有问题可以找寻利尔达的FAE门帮忙。















typedef struct { u8 IOCFG2; u8 IOCFG1; u8 IOCFG0; u8 FIFOTHR; u8 SYNC1; u8 SYNC0; u8 PKTLEN; u8 PKTCTRL1; u8 PKTCTRL0; u8 ADDR; u8 CHANNR; u8 FSCTRL1; u8 FSCTRL0; u8 FREQ2; u8 FREQ1; u8 FREQ0; u8 MDMCFG4; u8 MDMCFG3; u8 MDMCFG2; u8 MDMCFG1; u8 MDMCFG0; u8 DEVAITN; u8 MCSM2; u8 MCSM1; u8 MCSM0; u8 FOCCFG; u8 BSCFG; u8 AGCCTRL2; u8 AGCCTRL1; u8 AGCCTRL0; u8 WOREVT1; u8 WOREVT0; u8 WORCTRL; u8 FREND1; u8 FREND0; u8 FSCAL3; u8 FSCAL2; u8 FSCAL1; u8 FSCAL0; u8 RCCTRL1; u8 RCCTRL0; u8 FSTEST; u8 PTEST; u8 AGCTEST; u8 TEST2; u8 TEST1; u8 TEST0; }Struct_RF_Reg; 做初始化 #if RF_BAUD_RATE == 2400 Struct_RF_Reg My_RF_Config = { 0x0B, // IOCFG2 0x2E, // IOCFG1 0x01, // IOCFG0 0x07, // FIFOTHR 0xB3, // SYNC1 0x9C, // SYNC0 0x40, // PKTLEN 0x0C, // PKTCTRL1 0x45, // PKTCTRL0 0x00, // ADDR 0x00, // CHANNR 0x06, // FSCTRL1 0x00, // FSCTRL0 #if RF_FREQUENCY == 431 0x10, // FREQ2 0x93, // FREQ1 0xB1, // FREQ0 #elif RF_FREQUENCY == 433 0x10, // FREQ2 0xA7, // FREQ1 0x62, // FREQ0 #elif RF_FREQUENCY == 435 0X10, 0XBB, 0X13, #endif 0xF6, // MDMCFG4 0x83, // MDMCFG3 0x13, // MDMCFG2 0x22, // MDMCFG1 0xF8, // MDMCFG0 0x15, // DEVIATN 0x07, // MCSM2 0x3C, // MCSM1 0x18, // MCSM0 0x16, // FOCCFG 0x6C, // BSCFG 0x03, // AGCCTRL2 0x40, // AGCCTRL1 0x91, // AGCCTRL0 0x87, // WOREVT1 0x6B, // WOREVT0 0xFB, // WORCTRL 0x56, // FREND1 0x10, // FREND0 0xE9, // FSCAL3 0x2A, // FSCAL2 0x00, // FSCAL1 0x1F, // FSCAL0 0x41, // RCCTRL1 0x00, // RCCTRL0 0x59, // FSTEST 0x7F, // PTEST 0x3F, // AGCTEST 0x81, // TEST2 0x35, // TEST1 0x09 // TEST0 };



TI_CC_SPIWriteBurstReg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG2, &(RFConfig -> IOCFG2), 47);





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