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2023-07-02 16:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

M: Oh, sorry, no. Two adults and two children.

W: OK. That’s six pounds, please.

3. How much will the man pay for the tickets?

A. $4. B. $6. C. $ 8.

4.M: Linda, you look happy today. Anything new?

W: Well, my mother is coming to see me this weekend.

4. Why is Linda happy?

A. She will se a movie.

B. She will see her mother.

C. She will get a new bike.

5.M: I need the TV for my game.

W: I’m watching a really interesting program.

M: But I want to get to the next level.

W: You’re always using the TV. I haven’t watched it for ages.

5. What does the girl mean?

A. She is very scared.

B. She is rally surprised.

C. She is a bit angry.

B)请听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题, 从题中所给的AB、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听每段对话前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)

请听第1段对话, 回答第6、7小题。

W: Good morning. So what’s the problem?

M: I’ve got a sore throat. It’s really painful.

W: Let me have a look. …ah…yes, it’s very red in there. Do you feel sick at all?

M: No, not really.

W: Let me check your temperature…Yes, it’s higher than normal. You need to take the medicine twice a day for seven days.

6. What's the matter with the man?

A. He's got a cough.

B. He's got a sore throat.

C. He's got a headache.

7. How long should the man take the medicine?

A. 3 days. B. 5 days. C. 7 days.

请听第2段对话, 回答第8、9小题。

W: Hello, Blue Restaurant.

M: I’d like to book a table for 3 for Sunday lunch, please.

W: Certainly, sir. What time?

M: 1:30, please.

W: That’s fine. Can I take your name?

M: Yes, it’s David.

W: OK, see you on Sunday.

8. What time is the Sunday lunch?

A. At 12:30. B. At 1:00. C. At 1:30.

9. What do we know about David?

A. He is a customer.

B. He is a manager.

C. He is a waiter.

诸听第3段对话, 回答第10至第12小题。

M: How was your holiday?

W: To be honest, I’m really happy to be home!

M: Why?

W: Well, on the first day at the hotel, someone stole my bag.

M: Did you catch the person?

W: No. Luckily, I’d packed my ID card and money in a different bag, so as soon as I’d bought some new clothes I went sightseeing.

M: Great.

W: The rest of the holiday went well until the last evening.

M: What happened then?

W: Suddenly it became dark in the hotel. The manager had some candles, then all the hotel guests sat in the reception area and sang songs from different countries. That was fun.

10. What happened to the woman on the first day?

A. Her bag was stolen.

B. Her ID card was lost.

C. Her money ran out.

11. What did she do in the last evening?

A. She had a big meal.

B. She joined in singing.

C. She went out for a walk.

12. What are they talking about?

A. The holiday.

B. The accident.

C. The concert.

请听第 4段对话, 回答第 13至第15小题。

M: Hi, Alice. How is it going?

W: Good. I finished all my courses yesterday so I can relax today.

M: Great. Would you like to come to my house? My family is coming over. We are having a party in the back garden. It’ll be fun.

W: Thanks, Mike. But it’s with your family so you probably don’t want other people there.

M: No, really. Don’t worry because I’m inviting a few people from our class as well. So you’ll know people. I’d really like you to come.

W: OK. Thanks, that would be great. Is it a special party?

M: Well, my oldest sister has a new baby girl, so it’s a bit of a celebration for that.

W: Oh! So I should bring something.

M: No, please don’t. It isn’t like that. There is no need…

13. Where do they have the party?

A. In the park.

B. in the hotel.

C. At home.

14. Why do they have the party?

A. Alice finished her courses.

B. Mike's sister has a new baby.

C. Alice's family is coming over.

15. What can we get from the conversation?

A. Alice is very busy today.

B. Alice and Mike are classmates.

C. Alice must bring a gift to the party.

C)请听下面一段独白, 根据独白内容完成下列句子, 每个空格不超过3个单词。将答案填写到答题卡的相应位置。听独白前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。(每小题1分)

In 2019, a group of friends and I took part in an event in India. The event was to raise money for a charity. About 30 teams attended the event. Each team had a car, which they drove to the east of India. The journey took eight days.

We used a website to ask our friends and family for donations. It was really easy to receive their donations online. Our team raised around $4,000, and in total, the event raised around $17,000.

And of course, the journey itself was lots of fun, too. We drove for about twelve hours every day, and saw some beautiful things along the way. We even managed to have a game of football with the local people! It was an experience I will never forget, and hopefully the money we raised will go some way to making people’s lives better.

16. In_______ , we took part in an event in India.

17. Each team drove a car to the ______ of India.

18. Our team raised around _______ dollars.

19. We drove for about _______ every day.

20. We managed to have a game of _______ with the local people.


1~5 CABBC 6~10 BCCAA11~15 BACBB

16. 2019 17. east 18. 4000/four thousand/4 thousand

19. 12 (twelve) hours 20. football

二、单项填空。(8 分)

请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(每小题 1 分)

21. Your leg kooks really bad! I think you should send for a ___ about that.

A.pilot B.doctor C.singer D.postman

【答案】 B

【解析】句意:你的腿看起来很糟糕!我认为你应该去请一个医生。pilot 飞行员;doctor 医生;singer 歌手;postman 邮递员。腿受伤了应该去请医生,故选 B。

【点评】考查名词辨析。注意识记 pilot,doctor,singer,postman 中文意思。

22.—What’s that terrible noise?

—It’s John. He ___ the violin.

A.practiced B.is practicing

C.was practicing D.has practiced

【答案】 B

【解析】句意:那个噪音是什么?是 John 正在练习小提琴。

【点评】考查时态辨析。根据语境(说话时正在发生)判断这是现在进行时。A 是一般过去时;B 是现在进行时; C 是过去进行时;D 是现在完成时,故选 B。

23. Sue works ___ , so she never seems to make mistakes.

A.late B.alone C.happily D.carefully

【答案】 D

【解析】句意:Sue 工作得很仔细,所以她似乎从没有犯错误。late 迟;晚,alone 独自;happily 开心地;carefully 仔细地。根据下文她似乎从没有犯错误,故选 D。

【点评】考查副词辨析。注意识记 late,alone,happily ,carefully 中文意思。

24 These beautiful animals are endangered. We must ___ them.

A.save B.show C.stop D.catch

【答案】 A

【解析】句意:这些美丽的动物濒临灭绝。我们必须拯救他们。save 拯救;show 展示;stop 组织;catch 抓住。根据上文这些美丽的动物濒临灭绝,故选 A。

【点评】考查动词辨析。注意识记 save,show,stop,catch 中文意思。

25. There are no buses to the beach. ___ you have a car, it’s difficult to get there.

A.Since B.After C.Unless D.Because

【答案】 C

【解析】句意:没有公交车去沙滩。除非你有车,否则到达那里很难。since 既然;after 之 后;unless 除非;because 因为。根据上文没有公交车去沙滩。故选 C。

【点评】考查连词辨析。注意识记 since,after,unless,because 中文意思。

26.—How do we turn on the ovens?

—I ___ yon, weren't you listening?

A. tell B. am telling

C.will tell D.have told

【答案】 D


【点评】考查时态辨析。根据语境判断这是现在完成时。A 是一般现在时;B 是现在进行时;C 是一般将来时;D 是现在完成时,故选 D。

27. —Are you going to the airport by bus?

—I’d rather take a taxi. It’s ___ .

A.quicker B.cheaper

C.the quickest D. the cheapest

【答案】 A

【解析】句意:你会坐公交车去机场吗? 我宁愿乘坐出租车。它更快一些。A 是更快的;B 是更便宜;C 是最快的;D 是最便宜的。语境中是公交车和租出车两者比较,排除最高级, 出租车比公交车更贵,但是更快,故选 A。


28. The man did a great job in fighting COVID-19.He ___ on TV and becomes widely known.

A. interviewed

B. has interviewed

C. was interviewed

D. will be interviewed

【答案】 C

【解析】句意:这位男人在抗击新冠肺炎上做得很棒。他在电视上被采访,然后变得很出名。他是被采访所以排除 A 和 B;变得出名是一般现在时,被采访是在变得出名后,所以被采 访是一般过去时,故选 C。

【点评】考查语态结合时态的辨析,A 是一般过去时;B 是现在完成时;C 是被动语态,一般过去时;D 是被动语态;一般将来时。

三、完型填空。(26 分)

A)请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出 可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(每小题 1 分)

They weigh almost nothing. Yet they are 29___ than steel. In fact, some spiders’ webs are among the world’s strongest materials, 30___ they can be pulled longer than elastic(橡皮筋). They can also be any 31___ . Spider webs are amazing.

A spider has hundreds of small openings in its body. Silk comes out of these openings as a liquid(液体), and, as it reaches the air, it becomes thread-like. These 32___ threads(线) come together to form a single thread.

The spider can make many different kinds of thread. The thread can be thick or thin, wet or dry,or sticky. Each kind has a different 33___ . Some webs create an egg box. Others 34___ hiding places. The most common purpose of a spider web, however, is to catch food.

There are many 35___ the spider uses its web to catch food. For example, some spiders produce a single thread. An insect then sits on it 36 __ realizing what it is doing, and becomes 37___ . Slowly, the spider moves towards the insect. 38___ , it covers its food in silk.

Some spiders use a different kind of 39___ . They make webs that cheat insects. An insect sees the web and thinks it’s a flower. It then 40___ the web. The spider can feel even the smallest movement of the web, and rushes at the insect 41___ it can get away.

Spider webs are so 42___ that engineers have been studying them for years. They want to learn why they are so strong and elastic. However, for the moment, spiders are keeping their 43___ . Although they have made great progress in science and technology. Humans still haven’t been able to copy natural webs.

29. A. stronger B. brighter C. heavier D. thicker

30. A. so B. but C. if D. or

31. A. shape B. price

C. weight D. temperature

32. A. wide B. broken C. tiny D. weak

33. A. direction B. purpose C. size D. name

34. A.provide B. choose C. find D. change

35. A.problems B. reasons C. steps D. ways

36. A.by B. for C. without D. in

37. A.lost B. stuck C. excited D. burnt

38. A.sadly B. clearly C. suddenly D. loudly

39. A.help B. material C. power D. trick

40. A.lands on B. moves towards

C. flies over D. looks into

41. A.when B. before C. until D. unless

42. A.soft B. expensive

C. important D. amazing

43. A.habits B. places C. secrets D. records

29-33:ABACB 34-38:ADCBC 39-43:DABDC


29. A steel 是钢铁的意思,可知本句的意思是“它比钢铁还……”。紧接着后文提到“some spider’s webs are among the world’s strongest materials. 一些蜘蛛网是世界上最坚硬的 材料”中的“strongest”对应,可知本空填“strong”。译为它比钢铁还坚硬。

30. B 填“but”表转折。按理最坚硬的材料弹性是不佳的,但事实上,蜘蛛网非常坚硬, 但又和橡皮筋一样弹性很足。

31. A 本空填“shape”译为“蜘蛛网可以是任一形状的”。B 选项 price“价格”,蜘蛛网 与价格毫无关系。C 选项“weight”带入选项译为“蜘蛛网可以是任一重量的”,根据 第 一 句 话 “ they weight almost nothing 他 们 几 乎 没 有 重 量 ” 可 知 C 错 误 。D 选 项 “temperature”温度,文中没有提到温度这一概念,与本文无关。

32. C 本空填“tiny”译为“这些微小的线汇聚在一起组成一条线”。本空应填形容词修 饰 threads(线)。A 选项 wide 译为宽广的线,B 选项 broken 译为破碎的线,D 选项 weak 唯一虚弱的线,ABD 三个选项皆翻译不通,无法修饰 thread。

33. B 本空填写“purpose”译为“每一种线都有不同的目的/作用”。根据后一句话“the most common purpose of a spider web”中的“purpose”对应本空可知。

34. A 本空填写“provide”译为有些蜘蛛网形成了一个卵箱,其他的…躲藏场所。可知 本空填写应与上句话的“create”相对应,意思相近。那么我们来看到 A 选项 provide 译为提供一个躲藏的场所,和 create 对应符合题意。B 选项 choose 译为选择躲藏的场所, 逻辑不通,和 create 无法对应。C 选项 find 找到躲藏场所,D 选项 change 改变躲藏场所 皆无法对 create 的“创造、形成”对应,与前后文逻辑不通,故排除。

35. D 本空填“ways”译为蜘蛛有多种方式来通过蜘蛛网获取食物,way 是方式的意思。本句话后面 for example 后面介绍的两个例子就是介绍关于蜘蛛是如何通过蜘蛛网获取 食物的,由此可知本空填的是 ways。A 选项 problems 译为这里有许多蜘蛛通过蜘蛛网 获取事物的问题,翻译不通。B 选项 reasons 译为这里有许多蜘蛛通过蜘蛛网获取事物 的原因,可是后文并未提及原因。D 选项 steps 译为这里有许多蜘蛛通过蜘蛛网获取事 物的步骤,后文确实提到了一定的步骤,但是这两个事例主要还是着重于介绍蜘蛛通过 蜘蛛网获取事物的方式,而不是在强调步骤。如果的强调步骤压根没必要介绍两个例子, 因为步骤都是一样的。既然介绍了两个事例,所以重在强调方式。

36. C 本空填“without”译为一只昆虫站在上面没有意识到它在干嘛。“without”译为没 有。后面提到的是,昆虫没有意识到它在干嘛,其实它以及陷入险境了,它要被蜘蛛吃 了,所以这空只能填 without,ABD 选项都不能兼顾文章逻辑。

37. B 本空填“stuck”译为被困住,陷入险境。Stuck 是卡住的、陷入的意思。A 选项 lost 迷路,昆虫并没有迷路,咋的可能一个蜘蛛网就给人昆虫整迷糊了。昆虫在花花世界的 森林都没迷路,区区一个蜘蛛网可能迷路吗?C 选项兴奋,根据后文“slowly, the spider moves towards the insect.”蜘蛛都要靠近它把它吃了,你觉得昆虫还兴奋的起来吗?D 选 项 burnt 烧焦的,这人蜘蛛网,蜘蛛身上又不带火,咋的昆虫还自焚烧起来了呢?所以选 A。

38. C 本空填“suddenly”译为突然,蜘蛛把他们食物裹在线里。慢慢靠近食物,再突然 吃掉它们。A 选项悲伤的是,蜘蛛把它们裹在线里。蜘蛛都要干饭了,它会悲伤吗?B 选 项清晰地,后文没提到有显微镜什么之类的,清晰无从体现排除。D 选项大声地,前一 句话都提到 slowly 慢慢的了,怎么又大声抓昆虫。把食物裹起来不需要大声,排除。

39. D 本空填“trick”诡计、恶作剧译为有些蜘蛛还会用一些恶作剧来抓昆虫。根据后 一句话中的 cheat 欺骗这个单词可以得出。正好对应,这就是关键信息点。

40. A 本空填“lands on”译为它们降落/停在蜘蛛网上。因为前面一句话的意思是昆虫 认为蜘蛛网像一朵花,所以它停在上面。故选 land on 停留的意思。B 选项 moves towards 朝那个方向移动,移动形容的不妥当,没有 A 项停留好。C 选项 flies over 飞过,昆虫 看着蜘蛛网像一朵花,为啥要飞过它?好看的花当然要停下来。D 选项 look into 调查, 昆虫又不是人,不会调查蜘蛛网的,它没那么厉害。

41. B 本空填 before 译为在昆虫逃离之前冲向它抓住它。Before 在…之前的意思。A 选 择当昆虫逃离的时候冲向它抓住它,人家都要逃走了你怎么抓人家。而且有的昆虫还会 飞,蜘蛛还不会飞,如果是填 when 当…时候,蜘蛛是抓不住昆虫的。C 选项 until 译为 直到昆虫飞走蜘蛛才冲向它,蜘蛛是疯了吗?昆虫不飞就不抓?D 选项 unless 除非也无 法翻译,逻辑不通。

42. D 本空填 amazing 译为蜘蛛网太神奇了以至于工程师研究了它很多年。与开头第一 段的最后一句话 spider webs are amazing 的 amazing 对应。

43. C 本空填 secrets 译为蜘蛛一直保守着它们的秘密。A 选项习惯,B 选项场所,D 选 项记录都无从体现。本段可知的是工程师想要探索为什么蜘蛛网这么强壮又弹性这么 强,但是他们没有破解蜘蛛的秘密。所以本空填 secrets 秘密。

B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写 到答题卡的相应位置,每个词限用一次。(每小题 1 分)

star still good rest up how pollution stop small see towards

Look up at the sky at night. What can you see? Before electric lights, people could often see about 2,500 different stars. Now, light fills the skies over our cities. This is called light 44___ . Because of it, people in cities can often only see about ten 45___ .

Most of the time, light helps us. We can 46___ because of it. It gives plants energy. But light isn’t always 47___ . We need times of dark 48___ . One hundred years ago, we had these times of dark. Now the night is like a day. Some scientists are worried about 49___ this light affects (影响) our health. These scientists are studying the effects of light pollution.

Other scientists are finding ways to 50___ light pollution and make our lives better. For example, many streetlights now have covers. The covers focus the light 51___ the ground. They stop the light from going 52___ into the sky. They also save energy. The covers are a 53___ change, but they can 54___ have a positive(正面的)effect.


44. pollution 解析:考察固定搭配,light pollution 光污染。

45. stars 解析:横线处前面是数词,所以后面接名词,ten 数量大于一,所以用复数形式。根据 前文可知以前星星有 2500 颗,现在由于电灯的出现,星星数量减少。

46. see 解析:横线处前面是 can 情态动词,后面跟动词原形,根据上文可知,电光可以帮助我 们看见,所以填 see。

47. good 解析:always 是频率副词,后面接动词或形容词,前面有动词 is,所以填形容词,根据 上下文可知填 good。

48. to rest 解析: 考察 need 的用法,need sth to do sth 需要做某事。根据上文可知,是需要黑暗 的时间去休息。

49. how 解析:考察宾语从句,be worried about 动词后面要接引导词,根据原文可知是灯光如何 影响人的健康,如何表方式,所以用 how。

50. stop 解析:考察 way to do sth。所以后面接动词,根据上下文可知,是想办法来阻止光污染。

51. towards 解析: 根据下文 to the sky,可知对应的是朝向地面,所以填 towards。

52. up 解析:考察固定搭配 go up,由上文的 towards the ground 可知是阻止灯光朝上。

53. small 解析:横线前有冠词,后有名词,所以中间用形容词修饰名词,文章后面有 but,表转折可知是小变化也有积极的影响。

54. still 解析:横线后面有动词 have,要用副词修饰,根据上下文可知用 still。


A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文所给内容从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(每小题 2 分)


55.When will A Cat’s Mind be performed?

A. 14-24 August. B. 15-23 August.

C. 22-24 August. D. 14-22 August.

56.What is the price of an adult ticket for the concert?

A. $80. B. $50. C. $20. D. $18.

57. Which of the following is true according to the ads above?

A. A group of children perform A Cat’s Mind.

B. Fawkins has won Prima Music Prize once.

C. The video show is presented by the parents.

D. You can buy Fawkins’ latest CD at the concert.


55. 答案:B

解析:由关键词“A Cat’s Mind”可定位答案在右侧表格 PERFORMANCE 这一部分中。题干 询问的是“When”询问时间,锁定答案为日期 Dates:15-23 August,选 B。

56. 答案:A。

解析:由题干中的关键词“adult ticket” 和“concert”可定位答案范围在下边表格 CONCERT 这 一部分中。由“ price” 价格锁定答案在最后一行中, 由 “ adult ticket” 成人票锁定答案为

$80(adult),选 A。

57. 答案:D

解析:首先应明确题干所问为下列哪一选项是“TRUE”,正确选项。分析 abcd 四选项,定位 原文寻找答案,再逐个排除。A 选项由关键词 A Cat’s Mind 中定位到右侧表格,在右侧表格 中得知 A Cat’s Mind is performed by 20 young people between 18 and 25 years of age, 不是 children. 因此 A 项排除。B 选项由 Fawkins 定位到下方表格,从下方表格第一句可得出, Fawkins was a two-time Prima Music Prize winner, 他得过两次该奖项,因此 B 项排除。C 选 项由 video show 定位到左侧表格,由第一句 videos presented by Pemberton Secondary School students.得知是由 students 展示的,不是由 parents。因此 C 项排除。D 选项从下方表格 Erie Fawkins’ latest CD will also be on sale.一句得知该选项 D 为正确选项。


British adventurer (冒险家)Alastair Humphreys had ridden his bike around the world,walked across India, and rowed(划船)from Africa to South America . In 2011,however,Humphreys had some of the biggest adventures of his life——and he never even left the United Kingdom.

For a year, Humphreys went on microadventures ——small, low-cost trips close to home. Why did he do this?“I started to think that it was possible to have an adventure anywhere,”he explains. For his first trip, he went hiking with a friend around the M25——a 188-kilometer road that goes all the way around London. Other adventures when we try something new.

Humphreys wanted other people to make this discovery, too, so he decided to share his idea. he challenged people to go on microadventures and send him four-minute videos of their trips. He asked them to do things like climb a hill, go away for a weekend, or choose a random(任意的) place on a map and go there. People from all over the world accepted his challenge and posted their videos on Twitter.

58. Which of the following belong to microadventures? Check and choose the right answer.

①walk across India

②sleep outside on a hill

③go away for a weekend

④swim in the River Thames

⑤row from Africa to South America

⑥hike around the road around London.

A. ①③④⑤ B.①④⑤⑥

C.②③④⑥ D.②③⑤⑥

59. What can we know about Humphreys’ personality according to the passage?

A.Brave, creative and active.

B.Proud, humorous and kind.

C .Careful, quiet and hard-working.

D.Confident, strict and warm-hearted.

60. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. A Big Challenge

B. An Amazing Travel

B. Keep a Trip Record

D.Go for a Microadventure



解析:考察推理判断, 由第一段的 In 2011, however, Humphreys had some of the biggest adventures of his life---and he never even left the United Kingdom 可知,就算他不离开英国,他 也可以体会到冒险的乐趣。而选项①是去印度,选项⑤是从非洲划船去南美洲,都属于出国 游,不符合题意。本题 C 选项正确。


解析:考察事实细节,因为选项 B 的 humorous 没有体现,选项 C 的 quite 没有体现,选项D 的 strict 也没有体现,因此都可以排除,本题 A 选项正确。


解析:考察主旨大意,全文都是围绕 microadventure 展开,并不是单讲一场令人惊异的旅行, 因此排除选项 B,选项 C 只体现第三段的一小部分,而 A 选项表达的意思过于宽泛,可知 本题 D 选项正确。


Today, by carefully choosing dog parents, humans have created many different kinds of dog. Each kind has its own look and talents, and its own role within human society. Here are three examples of “a dog’s life” in the world.

Today,many hospitals let specially trained dogs in to bring love and cheer to patients.

Shaynee is a therapy(治疗) dog. She visits children who are in hospital. Dogs like shaynee help patients feel calm and at peace, which can be hard in a busy hospital. They help both children and adults stay strong during long hospital stays, and, some suggest, even help them get better.

Today, some beagles(小猎犬) work in airports for the government. They are part of the program called the Beagle Brigade. A beagle is good for the work because of its powerful nose, and ability to follow smells. The Beagle Brigade’s job is to smell everything that comes into the country. They make officers notice illegal(非法的) fruits, vegetables, and other foods in luggage or in mail.The beagles do the job far better than any human could.

While some dogs are working hard, others are free to spend their days resting and playing. Across the world, many pet dogs are treated like children. Many have they own rooms and all the things a dog could want. Some even have their own clothes. Many kinds of wild dogs playing, learning to follow, or even going to classes. Their owners give them the best, and enjoy doing so.

Whether as workers or objects of affection(钟情), dogs have become helpful to humans in many ways. There are plenty of advantages for the dog, too. Many kinds of wild dogs have nearly disappeared from the Earth. However, the domesticdog’s special place as “man’s best friend” has allowed it to survive(存活) in a human world.

61. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A.Hospitals need many special dogs.

B.Dogs can take care of patients.

C.Patients need love in the hospital.

D.Doctors are too busy to see patients.

62. what does the underline word “domestic” in Paragraph 5 mean? A.Trained.




63. What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To ask people to treat dogs as their own children.

B.To explain why humans need beagles in their work.

C.To tell people about the history of dog’s development.

D.To show a good relationship between dogs and humans.

64. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

【答案】 (61)B(62)A(63)D(64)C

【解析】本文主要介绍了犬在当代人类世界中扮演的角色,并详细列举了犬的三种不同生活。第一种犬能够在医院为病人和病人家属带来慰藉和鼓励;第二种犬能够在机场为政府工作, 帮助找出行李中的非法物品;第三种犬被主人像孩子一样对待,能够无忧无虑自由玩耍,主 人也乐在其中。最后,文章进行了总结,犬对人类有诸多帮助,是人类最好的朋友,也正因 为如此,家养犬得以生存繁衍。

(61)段落大意题。第二段首句为段落主题句:现如今,很多医院让经过特殊训练的犬为 病人带去爱和鼓励。接下来详细列举的犬 Shaynee 在医院为病人带去帮助的实例,最后一 句再次点明段落主旨犬能为病人带去帮助。A 选项“医院需要许多特殊犬”文中未提及, C 选项“病人在医院需要爱”及 D 选项“医生太忙而无法看望病人”过于片面,不符合段 意。B 选项“犬能照顾病人”符合段意,故选 B.

(62)词义推断题。第五段第三句:“许多野狗在地球上已几乎灭绝。但是,domestic dog 作为人类‘最好的朋友’得以在世界上存活下来”。从 However 得知,此句前后为转折关 系,与灭绝的“野狗”相对应的是存活下来的“训养的狗”,A.训练过的,B.聪明的,C. 饥饿的,D.有价值的。故选 A。

(63)主旨大意题。A.“为了倡导人们对待犬像对待自己的孩子一样”,文章并未倡导, 只是在第四段提到有些主人对待宠物犬像对待孩子一样这个事实。B 选项“为了解释为什 么人类在工作中需要小猎犬”,小猎犬只在文中第三段作为列举犬在人类生活中扮演的其 中一种角色时出现过,与全文主旨不符。C 选项“为了告诉人们犬的发展历史”,不符合 全文主旨。D 选项“为了展示犬和人类的友好关系”符合全文主旨,故选 D.

(64)主旨题。根据全文结构,文章第一段指出,犬在人类生活中扮演着不同角色;第二、 三、四段详细列举了犬在人类生活中扮演的三种不同的角色;最后一段点明主旨,犬对人 类有多种帮助,是人类的好朋友。故为总分总结构,选 C.


Eight hundred years ago, a man in southern Turkey invented an amazing clock. It was more than 7 meters high. At its base(基座)was a life-size model elephant. Every half hour, something amazing happened. The whole clock came alive: Model birds, dragons, and people started to move.

The clock’s inventor was an engineer named al-Jazari. He lived in Turkey. Al-Jazari was probably one of the greatest engineers in history. Some historians call him “the father of modern-day engineering”.

We know about al-Jazari mostly from a book that he wrote. ____ They include clocks and hand-washing machines. The book also has drawings that show how each machine works.

Many everyday things today-from toys to car engines(发动机)—still use al-Jazari’s ideas.

Without his machines with moving parts, we might not have modern-day robots.

Today,it is still possible to see what al-Jazari’s elephant clock looked like. A full-size working model is in Dubai’s Ibn Battuta Mall. There, every half hour, al-Jazari’s most amazing invention comes to life once again.

How Dose the Elephant Clock Work?

Every half hour, the water bowl becomes full and sinks completely. Thiscauses a ball to fall from the top of the clock. The movement of the ball causes a phoenix to move and make a sound.

The ball then drops out of a falcon’s mouth into the mouth of a Chinese dragon. The weight of the ball causes the dragon’s head to move down, and the dragon’s tail pulls the water bowl back up.

Finally, the ball drops out of the dragon’s mouth and into a vase. As the ball lands in the vase, the elephant driver moves and makes a sound. The cycle begins again until there are no more balls in the top of the clock.

65. Why is al-Jazari called “the father of modern-day engineering”?

A. His ideas are still widely used in machines.

B. The elephant clock is an amazing invention.

C. His inventions include some parts of modern robots.

D. His book about machines is still popular with readers

66. Choose the best sentence to fill in the blank “___ ”in paragraph 3.

A. He became famous when he was a young man.

B. He invented a lot of everyday machines in history.

C. It describes a number of machines of all shapes and sizes.

D. People in Turkey enjoy reading his books in their free time.

67. What does the underlined word “ This” in paragraph 7 refer to?

A. The pen moves.

B.The ball drops.

C. The bowl sinks completely

D.The bowl pulls the ropes.

68. How does the elephant clock work? Put the steps in the correct order.

a. The ball drops into vase.

b. The ball drops into dragon’s mouth.

c. The elephant driver moves and makes a sound.

d. After 30 minutes, a ball starts to fall from the top.

e. The bowl moves down in the water and pulls on ropes.

A. b-d-a-c-e B. e-d-b-a-c

C.a-c-b-d-c D.c-a-d-e-b



65. A. 本题为段落理解题,根据段落之间的衔接含义找答案。第二段指出 al-Jazri 是世界上 最有名的工程师之一,连接到第三段第一句话指出我们大多数人认识他是因为他的书,但其 实他有很多日常生活中的发明,并且根据第四段最后一句话没有他的发明,我们就不会有现 代日常机器的出现。可得出答案 A

66. C 本题为段落理解题,根据横线后的 clocks and hand-washing machines 表明横线处应该 填 al-Jazri 有很多不同类型的机器,包括了这些。故答案选 C

67. C. 本题为词义猜测题。根据 This 前水箱装满并完全下沉后,指的是水箱完全下沉后才 让凤凰开始移动。所以得出答案 C

68. B. 本题考察行文顺序理解,根据第六段第二句话,水箱下沉后,会拉动绳子,可得出第 一步为选项 e,则可直接得出答案 B。


Many scientists once believed that physical similarities between identical twins are genetic(基因的), while their personalities, intelligence, and other differences between them are an effect of their environment. Now scientists are discovering that the boundaries (界限) between genes and environment are not so clear.

Twins Jim Springer and Jim Lewis were adopted as babies and raised by different couples. When the Jims finally met at age 39, they discovered they had plenty in common. Both were six feet tall, 180 pounds. They had the same smile and the same voice. When scientist Thomas Bouchard Jr. invited the Jim twins to his lab, people there found it very hard to tell them apart.

But the similarities didn’t stop at the physical. They both had dogs named Toy. They had both married woman named Linda, and then their marriage broke up. They’d both been policemen, enjoyed music, and left love notes around the house for their wives. They had so much in common, it seemed unlikely these were just coincidences(巧合).

The Jim twins were just one of 137 sets of separated twins Bouchard tested. When they compared the twins’ IQ scores, Bouchard and his team reached a surprising conclusion( 结 论 ). They concluded that intelligence was mostly connected to genes rather than to training or education. It seemed the differences in family and environment had little effect.

However, genes can’t control everything, argues geneticist Danielle Reed, who also studies twins. Reed’s research shows that though nothing can truly change our DNA, environmental differences that a child experiences before birth and in their first year can sometimes affect the way the DNA behaves, making even identical twins into very different people. “What I like to say is that Mother Nature writes some things in pencil and some things in pen,” she explains. “Things written in pen you can’t change. That’s DNA. But things written in pencil you can.”

69. How many physical similarities between the Jim twins are mentioned? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.

70. What did Bouchard’s study find about the twins?

A. Each seemed to be as tall as their twin.

B. Each had the same hobby as their twins.

C. Each had almost the same ability as their twin.

D. Each had about the same IQ level as their twin.

71. What is Reed’s opinion about genes and environment?

A. Only DNA had an effect on our development.

B. Environment could possibly change some things about us.

C. There are so boundaries between genes and environment.

D. Environmental differences can sometimes change our DNA.

72. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The way the DNA behaves.

B. The similarities between the Jim twins.

C. The connection between intelligence and families.

D. The effects of genes on personality and intelligence.



69. C. 本题为细节理解题,根据问句中询问 Jim 双胞胎的相似之处,可以直接定位到原 文的第二段的第三行,文中说明了他们有着相同:身高、体重、微笑、声音。一共四个 地方相似,故选 C。

70. D. 本题为段落理解题,Bouchard 的结论可以定位到原文的第四段的第三行,强调了 双胞胎的智力绝大部分与基因有关,而不是后天的训练和教育。这里强调了智力的作用, 故选 D。

71. B.本题为段落理解题,Reed 对于基因与环境的的结论可以定位到原文的第五段的第 二行的长句,那句话主要表明了没有什么可以完全的改变我们的 DNA,但是孩子出生前 后的环境的不同在某种程度上可以影响 DNA 的行为,从而让双胞胎变得不同。A,C 选 项不符合句意;D 选项中 change 不符合句意中的 affect,故选 B。

72. D.本题为文章主旨大意题,文章中主要强调了基因在人的各方面所产生的影响。A 选项过于片面;B 选项中只是文章中的例子,并不是文章的主题;C 选项文章并未强调 智力与家庭的关系;D 选项正是指出基因在性格和智力方面的影响,符合文章主题,故 选 D。

B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文 中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整,并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑。一空一句。(每小题 2 分)

The Value of Negative Results

We all avoid failure(失败), and most of us fear it. However, without failure, progress would be impossible. What does success usually come after? Failure. It seems that one cannot exist(存在)without the other.

Accepting failure is not easy for many, though. We are often unwilling to accept failure because our professional fame depends on success. 73___ In the past ten years, for example, some scientific magazines have published reports of failed tests. It is believed that scientists can learn from “negative(负面的)” results and that this can finally lead to positive results.

74___ The ABN AMRO bank started an Institute(机构)of Brilliant Failures to learn more about what works and what doesn’t in banking. Similarly, Eli Lilly and Company had failure parties to study the drugs(药物)that don’t work.

In fact, one of the business world’s most famous failures became one of its biggest successes, in part because the product’s makers learned from their mistakes. 75___ The product, though unique(独特的)at the time, was expensive and heavy; besides, some of its most important features(特点)didn’t work properly. As a result, it became one of Apple’s biggest failures, and in 1998, the company stopped selling it. However, Apple’s CEO, Steve Jobs, believed in the product and he began to find out ways of improving it. In time, this led to the production of the iPhone and the iPad, two of the company’s most successful products.

76___ Not only should we try to learn from it; if we want to succeed, we must also be persistent(执着的). Though Apple stopped selling the Newton in 1998, the first iPhone wasn’t available until 2007. It took a lot of research and hard work to go from the Apple Newton to iPhone, but in the end, the effort became successful.

All in all, there is a lot we can learn by studying mistakes. Perhaps the most important lesson is that failure and success are two sides of the same coin. 77___

A. One truly cannot exist without the other.B. We are brave enough to face difficulties.C In the early 1990s, Apple created a phone called the Apple Newton.D. The business world already understands the value of negative results.E. The Apple Newton has won popularity with people all over the world.F. However, things are slowly changing, especially in business and science.G. The story of the Apple Newton can teach us an important lesson about failure.

【答案】F; D; C; G; A

【解析】文章大意:本文谈论了负面结果的价值,认为没有失败就不可能获得成功,并以商 界和科技圈为例,强调失败的重要性,最后得出了失败与成功是同一枚硬币的两面,两者相 互依存的结论。

A. One truly cannot exist without the other. 失败与成功无法离开彼此而存在。

B. We are brave enough to face difficulties. 我们都很勇敢,可以面对困难。

C In the early 1990s, Apple created a phone called the Apple Newton.


D. The business world already understands the value of negative results.


E. The Apple Newton has won popularity with people all over the world.


F. However, things are slowly changing, especially in business and science.


G. The story of the Apple Newton can teach us an important lesson about failure.


(73)根据文中 Accepting failure is not easy for many, though. We are often unwilling to accept failure because our professional fame depends on success.可知人们并不愿意接受失败,但通过 空格后的内容可以知道,人们开始接受失败,并在科技和商业界做一些与失败有关的研究。前后存在转折关系,故选 F。

(74)根据空格后的内容 The ABN AMRO bank started an Institute(机构) of Brilliant Failure to learn more about what works and what doesn’t in banking. Similarly , Ei Lily and Company had failure parties to study the drugs (药物) that don’t work.可知商界已有人士到失败的价值,并进 行相应的研究,故选 D。

(75)根据下文 The product, though unique (独特的) at the time, was expensive and heavy 可知 这个产品在那个时候是昂贵且笨重的,尽管很独特。备选句子中,In the early 1990s, Apple created a phone called the Apple Newton.符合题意,故选 C。

(76)根据前文 However, Apple’s CEO, Steve Jobs, believed in the product and he began to find out ways of improving it. In time, this led to the production of the iPhone and the iPad, two of the company’s most successful products.举苹果公司由失败到成功的例子,可知失败极为重要,与 后文“Not only should we try to learn from it ; if we want to succeed , we must also be persistent (执着的) .如果我们想要获得成功,不仅要从中学习,还要坚持不懈。”相衔接。

(77)根据前文 Perhaps the most important lesson is that failure and success are two sides of the same coin。可知失败与成功是同一枚硬币的两面,所以二者相互依存,故选 A。

五、补全对话(5 分)

请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个填入空白处,使对话通 顺、合理,意思完整,并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑,一空一句。(每小题 1 分)

(Jack and Reem are talking in front of the house. Jack-J Reem-R)

J: Hey, Reem. 78___ What's wrong?

R: I’ve fallen out (闹翻) with Lee!

J: I can't believe that. Calm down! 79___

R: Well, you know we were planning to go horse riding in the summer holidays.

J: Yes.

R: Well, it’s not going to happen! He said his friend has invited him to visit him and his family in the USA this summer.

J: Well, that’s not so bad! He probably thought it was a good chance. 80___

R: I know,but I was really looking forward to learning to ride! Anyway, we argued, and he hasn't spoken to me all day!

J: Look, Reem, it's not the end of the world. He's probably upset at the moment, too. 81___

R: Good idea. He usually listens to you.

J: Cheer up! 82___ And Lee is, too!

R Yes. I know. Thanks, Jack.

A. What happened?B. You look upset.C. I can talk to him.D. I'm still your friend.E. What's your idea for that?F. You can go horse riding with others.G. I'm sure he didn 't want to hurt your feelings.

【答案】 B;A;G;C;D

【解析】大意:这是 Jack 和 Reem 的对话。Reem 和他的好朋友 Lee 吵架了,感到了沮丧,Jack 在安慰他,并给了他一些建议。

A. What happened? 发生什么了?

B. You look upset. 你看上去很沮丧。

C. I can talk to him. 我可以和他聊聊。

D. I'm still your friend. 我仍然是你的朋友。

E. What's your idea for that? 你对那个的想法是?

F. You can go horse riding with others. 你可以和其他人去骑马。

G. I'm sure he didn 't want to hurt your feelings. 我确定他不想伤害你的感情。

(78)根据下文,问我发生什么事情了,结合选项,可知是你看起来沮丧,故选 B。

(79)根据下文,Reem 和他的好朋友 Lee 相约暑假去骑马,结合选项,可知是 Jack 问发生 什么事情了,故选 A。

(80)根据上文,结合上文,Jack 推测 Lee 暑假受邀去拜访在美国的朋友及家人是一个好机 会,结合下文 Reem 说的 I know,可知 Lee 虽然毁约,但其实也并不想伤害 Reem 的感情, 结合选项,故选 G。

(81)根据下文 Good idea,可知 Jack 给了 Reem 一个建议,故选 C。

(82)根据下文,Lee 也是你的好朋友,可知我(Jack)仍然是你的朋友,结合选项,故选D。



失败乃成功之母。本卷阅读理解 B 部分文章讨论了失败对于获取成功具有重要的价值。请你根据下面 提示,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你如何借鉴 Apple 的成功经验,采取有效行动,变失败为成功。


1.What have you learned from Apple’s story?

2.Have you ever experienced a failure? What was it?

3.What will you do to turn it into a success?




3.词数不少于 80。

A Possible Version

Failure can lead to success. We should study it and learn why we make mistakes, then find ways to solve our problems. Also, we should never give up!

I once tried out for a speech competition. I practiced it many times. Unexpectedly, I failed. I’ve

never spoken in front of the public ever since.

Apple’s story is quite an inspiration for me. What can I do to make it? First, be confident and try to speak in public places. Second, ask my teachers or friends for some advice and improve my language skills. Finally, be persistent and practice speeches over and over again.

I’m sure I will succeed some day.


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