
您所在的位置:网站首页 80年代化妆特点 组图揭西方女性化妆审美百年变迁


2024-05-08 13:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Experts at cosmetics retailer Beauty Flash reveal how western beauty has changed with the times - and the icons who epitomised each look. From pencil-thin eyebrows to red lips and '70s disco culture, we reveal how beauty has evolved over the past century. 化妆品零售商Beauty Flash的专家揭示了西方审美的变迁,并列出了最佳诠释每种妆容的偶像明星。从细挑眉到大红唇再到上世纪70年代的迪斯科文化,我们将展示化妆审美的百年变迁。

1910s 20世纪10年代

American ballroom dancing legend and actress Irene Castle (1893 - 1969) epitomised western beauty during the 1910s. The Broadway star and all-round trendsetter helped popularise shorter skirts and loose, elasticised corsets and was credited with introducing American women to the bob at a time when makeup was becoming mainstream among everyday women. 美国芭蕾舞传奇舞者、女演员艾琳•卡索尔(1893 - 1969)在20世纪10年代是西方美的代表。这位百老汇明星在各方面都引领了潮流,是她让短裙、宽松有弹性的胸衣流行起来,是她让美国女性认识了波波头,也是在那个时候,女性日常化妆开始变得普遍。

1920s 20世纪20年代

For Hollywood icon Clara Blow, who rose to stardom in silent films during the 1920s, facial expressions were hugely important and her wide eyes and arched, heavily-pencilled eyebrows were vital for helping to frame her face. Meanwhile, women's post-war lifestyles had begun to celebrate individuality through fashion and makeup like never before. 对于在20世纪20年代成名的默片演员、好莱坞偶像明星克拉拉•布罗而言,面部表情极为重要,她那大大的眼睛和弯弯的、浓黑的眉毛对于塑造自己的面容至关重要。与此同时,女性在一战后开始通过时尚和化妆来展现个性,这是以前从未有过的。

1930s 20世纪30年代

Three-time Oscar nominee Joan Crawford (c. 1908-1977) is synonymous with the Golden Age of Hollywood thanks, in part, to her striking beauty look which favoured dark eyebrows, thick clumpy eyelashes. She was also a pioneer of soft grey eyeshadow and heavily-lined lips 三次获得奥斯卡奖提名的琼•克劳馥(约1908-1977)和好莱坞黄金时代同名,其中一部分要归功于她的绝世美貌。她偏好浓黑的眉毛和浓密的眼睫毛。她还是淡灰色眼影和深唇线的妆容先驱。

1940s 20世纪40年代

Beauty supplies were scarce during wartime rationing which forced women to adopt a more neutral look, and Grace Kelly's (1929-1982) understated elegance - even after she married into Monaco's fabulously wealthy royal family - was a source of inspiration to women the world over. 在二战定量配给时期,化妆品供应稀缺,迫使女性给自己画更中性化的妆容。代表是格蕾丝•凯利(1929-1982)的低调优雅的妆容——即使在她嫁入富裕的摩纳哥王室之后,她的妆容依然很低调,她的风格启发影响了世界各地的女性。

1950s 20世纪50年代

The 1950s saw the introduction of high-voltage glamour thanks to the dawn of colour cinema, with sirens like Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) leading the way. The blonde sex symbol, with her impossibly long lashes and bright red pout, championed a flawless glamour not seen before. 20世纪50年代迎来了女性魅力的大爆发,这要感谢彩色电影的出现,还有玛丽莲•梦露这样的美艳女星。这位金发碧眼的性感女神凭借超长的眼睫毛和撅起的明艳红唇完美展现出前所未有的个人魅力。

1960s 20世纪60年代

In the 1960s, vampy glamour made way for a simpler, low-maintenance look. The emphasis was on dramatic eyes, with supermodel Twiggy (b. 1949) showcasing thick, clumpy lashes and heavy liner along with her boyish pixie cut as women's rights movements began to take off. 20世纪60年代,吸血鬼风格的魅惑红唇被简单、朴素的妆容替代。重点在于修饰眼睛,超模崔姬(1949年出生)的浓密眼睫毛、厚重的眼线和男孩般的小仙女发型就是代表,这个时候女权运动刚刚起步。

1970s 20世纪70年代

The birth of disco in the 1970s gave rise to big hair, bright colours and glitter galore. Jerry Hall (b. 1956), who had graced more than 40 magazine covers by 1977, was the undisputed beauty icon of the decade thanks, in part, to her high-profile relationship with Mick Jagger. 20世纪70年代迪斯科的出现催生了爆炸头和五光十色亮闪闪的潮流。在1977年前就已经登上超40本杂志封面的瑞莉•霍尔(1956年出生)是70年代无可争议的女神,这一部分也要归功于她和米克•贾格尔的高调恋情。

1980s 20世纪80年代

Stars like Blondie's Debbie Harry (b. 1945) championed girl power during a time when women were gaining stronger roles in the world of work. Her choppy bold lips and colourful eyeshadow defined the edgy, rock 'n' roll glamour. 随着女性在世界职场的地位日益重要,金发女郎乐队的德比•哈利(出生于1945年)等明星开始倡导女性力量。她布满裂纹的醒目双唇和多彩的眼影诠释了前卫的摇滚风格的魅力。

1990s 20世纪90年代

The so-called 'age of the supermodel' during the 1990s saw catwalk queens like Kate Moss (b.1974) taking centre stage. Thin eyebrows, smoky eyes and lip liner were once again the order of the day while grunge and goth culture also had their moment 20世纪90年代是所谓的“超模时代”,也是凯特•摩丝等T台女王主导舞台的日子。细细的眉毛、烟熏眼妆、唇线又重新流行起来,垃圾摇滚和哥特文化也兴盛一时。

2000s 21世纪00年代

Pop princesses like Britney Spears (b.1981) had their heyday in the early noughties, with glitter, shimmer and lip gloss contributing to their ultra-girly image - not to mention lashings of fake tan. 像布兰妮这样的流行小天后(1981年出生)在本世纪00年代初红极一时,她们鲜活的少女脸庞加上亮闪闪的眼妆唇妆和美黑肤色,在当时迷倒一大片。

2010s 21世纪10年代

Supermodel Cara Delevigne's (b. 1992) ultra bushy brows burst onto the scene in 2011 and have since amassed a cult following, inspiring thousands of women to channel fuller brows whether by tinting, pencilling or even tattooing them on. Meanwhile stars like Kim Kardashian have extolled the virtues of face contouring to give your face the illusion of more definition. 自从2011年超模卡拉•迪瓦伊(1992年出生)和她超浓密的眉毛被世人所认识后,她的裙下就聚集了一众粉丝,并启发数千女性将自己的眉毛变浓,或染眉或画眉甚至纹眉。与此同时,金•卡戴珊等明星开始鼓吹轮廓塑造妆容,称其能将五官塑造得更为立体。

英文来源:每日邮报 翻译&编辑:丹妮




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