
您所在的位置:网站首页 50种常见食物的英语蔬菜 【英语单词趣谈】二十种经典英国食物(组图)


2024-07-15 00:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


英国饮食的名声一向不好:除了炸鱼薯条Fish and chips之外似乎就没有什么拿得上台面的东西?不过果真如此么?其实英国也有很多独特的美食不为人知,今天就和小编一起看看吧!

1. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding1.烤牛肉和约克郡布丁 2. Fish and chips2.鱼肉和薯条 3. Shepherd's pie3.肉馅土豆馅饼 4. Jellied eels4.鳝鱼冻 5. Trifle5.水果松糕 6. Marmite6.马麦酱(涂在面包上) 7. Steak and kidney pie7.排和牛腰馅饼 8. Mushy peas8.豌豆糊 9. Black pudding9.血肠 10. Toad in the hole10.布丁牛排 11. Bangers and mash11.肉泥与土豆泥 12. Lancashire hotpot12.兰开夏火锅(肉,洋葱,土豆等为主材料) 13. Cornish pasty13.康尔瓦郡菜肉烘饼 14. Pork pie14.猪肉馅饼 15. Chutney15.酸辣酱 16. Worcester sauce16.伍斯特沙司 17. Scones with jam17.果酱饼 18. Kippers18.腌鱼 19. Cheddar cheese19.车达奶酪 20. Bacon and eggs20.培根煎鸡蛋


Yorkshire Pudding is not a dessert inspite of its name, although it is similar in some ways to a pancake made with flour, milk and eggs. It is usually eaten with roast beef and gravy as part of a traditional Sunday lunch.虽然名字叫约克郡布丁,而且感觉上像是是用面粉、牛奶、鸡蛋做出来的煎饼,但它其实不是一道甜点。这道菜通常都和烤牛肉、调味肉汁一起,作为一道传统的周日午餐。


Shepherd's Pie, also known as cottage pie, is a traditional English dish comprising minced (ground) meat covered with mashed potato. The meat is typically lamb or beef left over from a Sunday roast. The term "shepherd's pie" tends to be used when the meat is lamb.肉馅土豆馅饼是一道传统英国菜肴,也叫农家馅饼。主要材料是肉丁和土豆泥。通常会使用周日烤肉剩下的羊牛肉。当肉是羊肉时,通常叫做“sheperd’s pie”(小编注:sheperd是牧羊人的意思)


Jellied eels are eels cooked for approximately half an hour and allowed to cool. The juices then solidify forming the jelly. The dish is an East End of London delicacy, often sold with pie and mash. They are no longer commonly eaten in London, but can still be found, especially around the East End.鳝鱼冻是煮了大概半个小时的鳝鱼,摊凉,汤就会凝固起来变成冻。这道菜是东伦敦的地道小吃,通常和馅饼、土豆泥一起出手。现在的伦敦人不太经常吃它,但还是能找到的,尤其是东伦敦。


Trifle is a dish made from thick custard, fruit, sponge cake, fruit juice, and whipped cream. These ingredients are usually arranged in layers with fruit and sponge on the bottom, and custard and cream on top. Some trifles contain a small amount of alcohol such as port or, most commonly, sweet sherry.水果松糕是由蛋奶沙司、水果、海绵蛋糕、果汁和搅打过的奶油特制而成。水果和海绵蛋糕放在下层,蛋奶沙司和奶油放在上层。有些水果松糕含有一点点究竟,比如波提葡萄酒,最常见的是加一点甜雪利酒。


Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing, and is a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour. The taste of Marmite is comparable in some ways to soy sauce. This distinctive taste is reflected in the British company's marketing slogan: "Love it or hate it." 马麦酱是用酵母提取物制成。酵母提取物是啤酒发酵的副产品,性状粘稠,颜色较深,味道浓郁易辨认。马麦酱的味道和酱油有点相似。卖马麦酱的公司营销口号就是:“马麦酱,让你爱恨分明。”


Mushy peas are dried peas which are first soaked overnight in water, and then simmered with a little sugar and salt until they form a thick green lumpy soup. They are a very traditional northern English accompaniment to fish and chips. 要做豌豆糊,必须先把豌豆置于水中一晚,次日晾干,后与盐、糖少量炖至绿色浓汤。这是英国北部常与鱼、薯条搭配食用的传统菜肴。


Black pudding is a sausage made by cooking pig's or cow's blood. It is usually served as part of a traditional full breakfast in England. 血肠是用猪血或牛血灌制而成的,通常都是传统的英格兰早餐会吃到。


Toad in the hole is a traditional British dish comprising sausages in Yorkshire pudding batter, usually served with vegetables and gravy. The origin of the name 'Toad-in-the-Hole' is vague. Most suggestions are that the dish's resemblance to a toad sticking its little head out of a hole provide the dish with its somewhat unusual name.布丁香肠是一道传统英国食物。主要材料有香肠和做约克郡布丁的面糊,通常和蔬菜、肉汁一起食用。这个名字的来源并不清楚,流传最广的说法是这道菜像是一只蟾蜍稍微从洞中探头出来,于是才有了这个如此特别的名字。(小编注:这道菜名直译为洞中蟾)


Bangers and mash is a British colloquial name for sausage (bangers) served with mashed potatoes. The dish is usually served with a rich onion gravy.肉泥和土豆泥是通俗的说法,其实就是香肠和土豆泥一起吃。这道菜通常都和浓郁的洋葱肉汁一起食用。


Lancashire hotpot is a dish consisting essentially of meat, onion and potatoes left to bake in the oven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat.兰开夏火锅主要有肉、洋葱、土豆组成,这些食材要在一个非常重的锅里面低火烹制一天方可食用。


A Cornish pasty is a baked savoury pastry case traditionally filled with diced meat, sliced potato and onion. Traditionally, pasties have a semicircular shape.康瓦尔郡菜肉馅饼很可口,通常它是一块烤成半圆的馅饼,里面会有肉丁、土豆块和洋葱。


Chutney is a term for a variety of sweet and spicy condiments, originally from India. 酸辣酱指那种甜辣甜辣的调味料,从印度传入英国。


Worcester sauce is a flavouring used in many dishes, both cooked and uncooked, and particularly with beef. It is an important ingredient in a Bloody Mary (vodka, tomato juice and Worcester sauce).英国许多菜肴都喜欢放伍斯特沙司,包括生的、熟的,他们尤其喜爱以其佐牛肉食用。伍斯特沙司也是血腥玛丽的重要材料之一(伏特加,番茄汁和伍斯特沙司)。


Scones are a British snack of Scottish origin, similar to a quickbread made of wheat, barley or oatmeal. British scones are often lightly sweetened, but may also be savoury. They are often eaten with jam and cream. 烤饼是从苏格兰流传而来的英国小吃,与小麦、大麦或燕麦烤制的面包有几分相像。英国烤饼通常有一点点甜,也有比较咸的。烤饼通常搭配着果酱、奶油一起食用。


A kipper is a whole herring fish that has been split from tail to head, salted, and smoked. In the UK they are often eaten grilled for breakfast. 腌鱼是整条鲱鱼去头去尾后以盐腌制而后烟熏而成。在英国,通常都是早上把腌鱼烤一烤当早餐。


Cheddar cheese is a hard, pale yellow to orange, sharp-tasting cheese originally (and still) made in the English village of Cheddar, in Somerset. It is the most popular cheese in the United Kingdom, accounting for just over 50% of the country's annual cheese market.车达奶酪很硬,从淡黄色到橙色都有,奶酪味很重,在英国桑莫塞郡车达村产出。在英联邦,车达奶酪是最受欢迎的,占有全国奶酪市场50%的份额。

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