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2022年12月英语四级真题及答案(第二套完整版) 2022-12-10 10:49:10来源:新东方在线 【好课】 新东方英语四级精品课 | 【优惠】四级名师网课 | 四级名师免费课 【考试报名】 英语四级报名时间|入口 | 英语四级考试时间 | 英语四级考试流程 【四级备考】 英语四级重点词汇表 英语四级阅读理解100篇精析





  News report 1

  operations at one of Australia's largest gold mines had to be temporarily suspended on Friday after a partial wall collapse at one of the mines' dams (Question 1).The wall collapse at the cadia mine came just a few days atert wo earthquakes hit the area.

  The damage to the dam wall was noticed in the late afternoon on Friday when workers found a section of the northern dam wall had"collapsed into the southern dam.

  The dams contain waste products of mining and can contain materials which are harmful to the environment and human health. The dams are generally constructed using earth fill and are gradually raised over time. The company was unable to confirm whether the recent earthquakes had contributed to the dam's wall collapse, but said it was conducting a thorough investigation. A company spokesperson said that operations at the site had been halted while the investigation is ongoing, and that the brake had posed no safelyithreat to workers.(Ouestion2)


  Whathappenedatone,otAustrala's largestgoldmines?


  hatdidjhespokespersonsayabout theincident?


  News report 2

  Two boys and four girls were born on Monday to the surprise of a young couple and doctors who had expected five babies. This was the first record of 6 babies being born at the same time in that region.

  The doctors prepared from early in the morningtohelp deliver five tiny citizens. They were in the operating room with five teams of doctors, one for each baby (Question 3). The first five babies were detivered successfully, and all baby beds were occupied. And then allof a sudden, it turned out there was another waiting to come out.

  The doctors said the babies were in healthy condition but could not go home immediatel. They needed to stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 months for medical supervision. (Question 4)

  The mother, who was in stable condition, could return home a day later if all physical tests came back normal. The baby's mother commented that they had already-prepared room for five babies at home, so they will have to rearrange things for their happy surprise. The new parents have yet to name the 6th baby but are considering either Lily or rose.

  Question 3:

  What did the hospital do for the delivery gfthe babies?

  Question 4:

  What did the doctor say about the newborns?


  News Report 3

  A Spanish island called Palmador has been bought by a family from Europe for 18 million euros.(Question 5) Island is often described as heaven on earth by holiday makers. Decades tourists have been flocking to Palmador, which is located off the southeast coast of Spain.(Question 5)They come to enjoy its unspoiled beaches and crystal-clear waters.(Question 6) Its natural beauty is protected as it lies inside a natural park.

  Although Palmador is one of the most famous private lislands in the world, its seafront is public land and is a favorite destination for famous people. When the island was put up for sale, it was offered to the local government, but proved too expensive for the local authorities. It is unclear whether the new owners have the power to ban tourists from the island, but with their newfound luxury comes the responsibility for its protection and maintenance.

  The island is less than two miles long and half a mile wide. (Question 5)It is said to have a remarkable location that few other private islands of this size can match. According to estate agents, Palmador is the perfect place to retreat to get away from the city noise and relax in beautiful surroundings with zero stress.(Question 7)

  Question 5

  What do we learn from the news report about the Spanish island Palmador?

  Question 6

  What do hotiday makers come to Palmador to enjoy?

  Question 7

  What do estate agents say about Palmador?


  Conversation 1

  A: Hi Christi's Gym Center? How can I help you.

  B:Hi?Q8.I'mcallingtoaskaboutthenewly scheduled gym classes. I'm just wondering if l can get a discount on them.

  A: Are you already a member?

  B: Yes. I signed up 2 months ago but I haven't been to any of the group classes yet.

  A∶Can I take your name please?

  B:Yes, my name is CarolFriedman.

  A: Carol Friedman.That's right and you signed up 2 monthsl ago.Q9.Currently we are offering existing members discounts off 2 of our brand new classes. Hot yoga and advanced spinning. But the discount doesn't apply to any of our regular classes. I'm afraid.

  B: I'm only interested in the new classes, so how much of a discount is there on these 2 new classes?

  A:Q10.The same discount of 20% is being offered to everyone at the door on a first-come-first-serve basis for the first month. It's a shame you missed out on the general discount. B:I see.

  A: But you can get 25% off if you sign up in advance. Which of the 2 classes are-you thinking about?

  B: Well I guess I am only really interested in hot yoga. Can you sign me up for the 10 week course on Thursday evenings.

  A: Sure would you prefer to pay in advance?

  B: No,Q11.I don't like giving my card details over the phone anyway.

  A: OK then. As you are already a member, that fee for thel class will just be added to your monthly bill.

  B: That's perfect. Thanks for your help.

  A: See you Thursday.

  Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  Question 8

  What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?

  Question 9

  What is the gym center doing right now?

  Question 10

  What does the man say is a pity forithe woman?

  Question 11

  Why is the woman unwilling to pay in advance?





  29.M) relative

  30.E) differences







  46.What characterizes Japanese and Chinese foods? A





  47.What is typical of Amenicans in the way of eating?B


  B)They tend to eat quite a lot.

  C)They prioritize convenience.

  D) They care about flavors.

  48.What features in Mediterranean. Nordic and Okinawan diets?C

  A)Fruits and vegetables.

  B)Olive oil and red wine.



  49.What do people in most healthy eating cultures have in comman?D

  A)They get the whole family to eat at a table.

  B)They eat their meals regularly and punctually.

  C) They consume plenty of cereal for breakfast.

  D) They attach great importance to their meals.

  50.Comgared wth the average Amencan,people in heathy Soaetes___B

  A)welk at least 4 miles a day


  C)pay more attention to body shape

  D)consume a lot more organic food

  51. What is the finding of the new study?C

  A)Emotional intelligence helps people get along with others,

  B)Emotional intelligence is generally beneficial to its bearer.

  C)People who are aware of others' feelings may experience more stress.

  D)Peoplewhoareemotionallystressed may have trouble making friends.

  52.What was the purpose of psychologist Myriam Bechtoldt's experiment?B

  A) To define different types of human feelings.

  B) To assess the impacts of being emotionally clever,

  C)To demonstrate how to distinguish different feelings.

  D) To identify gender differences in emotional intelligence.

  53.What does the finding of Myriam Bechtoldt's study indicate?D


  B)Emotional intelligence helps people succoed in job interviews

  C) People's psychological wellbeing is related to various factors

  D)People may suffer from having a high emotional intelligence.

  54.What do we leorn about emotionalintelligencefromanumberofstucies?C

  A)Peoplesufferingfromdepression are emotionally immature.

  B) People who look at the dark side of life often feel depressed.

  C) Some people may take advantage of it and benefit themselves.

  D) Some people may lack it and are easily manipulated by others.

  55. What does the author suggest sensitive individuals do?A

  A) Avoid burdening themselves with others'feelings,

  B)Rid themselves of worries over worldly affairs.

  C)Learn to cope with people'snegauve feelings.

  D)Help people todeal with their troubl esinlife.



  Winter Solstice is the day with the shortest daytime and the longest nighttime, marking the beginning of the coldest time of a year. From this moment on, the temperature drops continuously, and people gradually reduce their outdoor ac-tivities. Farmers have less work in their field, mainly engag-ing themselves in the maintenance of the irrigation system and the prevention of freezing harm to crops to prepare for the spring sowing in the coming year.

  Chinese have always been attaching so much importance to Winter Solstice that it is regarded as a festival in many places, when people celebrate it in different ways. The people in the north have the custom of eating jiaozi and those in the south the tradition of eating tangyuan.


  the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle among college students


  It is a truth widely accepeted that a healthy lifestyle plays an important role in college students' study and life. Without it, it would be difficult for these young people to gain advantages when they compete with their peer groups.

  There are a range of reasons for my point of view. Firstly, col-lege students who live a healthy life are usually stronger and more energetic, because they lead a regular life, have a habit of taking exercise, and pay attention to their psychological health. Therefore, these young people can meet more chal-lenges and thus have more confidence. Secondly, such lifestyle helps a lot when they graduate and enter the workplace. Healthy and positive young men can definitely create a good impression on their bosses, who will in turn give them more opportunities, which is beneficial for their career develop-ment. Beside, students who lead a healthy life are more charm-ing and attractive, and people around them are fond of making friends with them.

  In sum, it is of great importance for college students to devel-op healthy lifestyle. In order to do so, they can make friends more with those who lead a regular and healthy life, and they should try to form good living habits, such as going to bed and getting up early, taking exercise, and eating healthily.









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