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    练习英语口语必背的10篇文章 2016-07-26  你好今天b... 展开全文   练习英语口语必背的10篇文章,背熟它们英语口语不再是难题。   练习英语口语必背的文章1.   Mrs. Brown is forty-two years old, and has two sons and one daughter, Alice. Mrs. Brown gets up earlier than any other member of her family. She is very busy every day. She is a good cook. Alice sometimes helps her mother with the cooking.   练习英语口语必背的文章2.   Yesterday was Sunday. Because there was no school, I went to a movie with three of my friends. It was raining, so we took our umbrellas. There were many people on the train.   The movie began at two o’clock. We liked it very much. We enjoyed the movie for two hours. After the movie, we went to a coffee shop. My friends drank coffee, but I drank tea. It was a good day. 从零开始学口语从零开始学口语英语口语英语口语法语培训班法语培训班雅思口语培训班雅思口语培训班进口食品加盟进口食品加盟英语口语培训英语口语培训鲜花速递鲜花速递进口零食加盟进口零食加盟   练习英语口语必背的文章3.   Every Saturday, John goes to the store with his mother. They get on the bus at 9:00 in the morning. The trip doesn’t take long and they reach the store at 9:30.   John’ s mother buys meat and vegetables. John looks at the magazines. He wants to buy candy, but he has no money. Sometimes John’ s mother buys him candy. They leave the store at 11:30.   练习英语口语必背的文章4.   Mr. Brown often goes to the park with his family on Sundays. He goes with his wife, son, and two daughters. They get on the train after lunch and ride for an hour to the park. They usually leave the park at dinner time.   At the park, they walk together and look at the trees. Mr. Brown’ s daughters often read books. Sometimes, Mr. Brown and his son, Peter, play catch. They have a good time at the park.   练习英语口语必背的文章5.   Linda comes home at eight o’clock. She is surprised to find the front gate is open. When she gets into the kitchen, she notices that the gas oven is missing and a lamp has been knocked over. You can tell what must have happened to the gas oven and what Linda should do about it.   练习英语口语必背的文章6.   Mr. White owns a bar in New York. He likes children. He has two children himself. But he thinks that children should not come into his bar. In New York, children under eighteen can not drink alcohol and they can’ t go into bars. In Mr. White’ s bar, there is a sign over the bar. It says: Anyone under eighteen is prohibited from drinking. It’ s the law of New York.   练习英语口语必背的文章7.   Whenever I have a meeting, Mary is always the first person that I’ d like to invite. She is a talkative lady. This is the reason why I want her to come to the meeting. She will be able to make my other guests laugh. She doesn’t get any angry even if someone tries to make fun of her. She can also discuss almost anything you can think of.   练习英语口语必背的文章8.   Anna was five years old. Her mother took her to the biggest shop in town. Anna found a beautiful doll in one of the show windows, and looked at it for a few minutes. When she looked around, she could not find her mother. She was very young, but she did not cry. She saw a policeman in the street, and went to him. She asked, “Have you seen a lady without a small girl?” “Yes, I have,” answered the policeman. Anna said with a smile, “I am the small girl. Where is the lady?”   练习英语口语必背的文章9.   Last Sunday was a beautiful day. Paul went on a picnic to a mountain with his parents. They went to the foot of the mountain by car. Then they walked up to the top, and it took about one hour and a half. Paul was the first to reach the top, the next was his father, and his mother was the last. on the top of the mountain they saw some people who were enjoying hand gliding. Down below a lot of cows were eating grass in the field. Paul and his parents had a very good time at the picnic.   练习英语口语必背的文章10.   This is a story of one of the most famous men in the world. His name is Albert Schweitzer. When he was thirty years old, he began to study to become a doctor. He wanted to help many poor and sick people in Africa. In 1913 he went to Africa. He was very busy every day, because he had to take care of many people who needed his help. He did everything he could for them. They did not have to pay for his help. The 1952 Nobel Peace Prize was given to Albert Schweitzer.

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