百万英镑(1954)The Million Pound Note、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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百万英镑(1954)The Million Pound Note、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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that there's been a great deal of hysteria...over what is,竟然把那张小纸片看得如此重要after all, nothing more than a scrap of paper.我愿意用我的名誉做赌注I am willing to stake my reputation.实际上我可以用我的人格担♥保♥In fact I'll give you my word of honour...如果你们能够留住手中的股票that if, in addtition to holding on,并且在买♥♥进一些you buy more shares,你们一定会得到丰厚的回报you'll all be amply rewarded.那个金矿确实有金子That gold mine is genuine.说的对,我的朋友,而且我们能证明有金子That's right, my boy. What's more, we can prove it.女士们,先生们And here, ladies and gentlemen,这位朋友的话完全可以打消你们对好望角金矿的所有顾虑is the very man who can clear up any lingering doubts you may have about the Good Hope gold shares.劳埃德黑斯廷斯先生对好望金矿有着如此的信心Mr.Lloyd Hastings has such faith in them that...亚当斯先生等您把账结清以后They'll have returned, Mr.Adams,我们就把他们退回来when you've settled the account.亚当先生谈到名誉可是他连做衣服的账Mr.Adams talks of honour, but he can't even honour his tailor's bill.这简直是个阴谋It's a case of conspiracy!我要诉诸于法律Actionable in law!你带走了我的一切You've taken my all!为寡妇们报仇,为寡妇们报仇,为寡妇们…Avenge...the windows!为寡妇们报仇,为寡妇们报仇The widows! The widows!不要动手,不要打架!No... fighting! No fighting!你们不能打架,不能打架,亚当斯先生,不能打呀!No fighting! No fighting, Mr.Adams. I forbid it.支票The note!支票,支票The note! The note!这张该死的支票!The blasted note!它在哪?What was it?在你的地毯下面Under your carpet,是我让人干的on my instructions.你为什么要这么做呢?Well! Why on earth would you do a thing like that?我不喜欢你们美国人I don't like Yankees.我不喜欢你有钱的样子I don't like what you do with your money.这次我实在是干的有点过火了But the things we do for it are a dashed sight worse.你有权向我挑战You're entitled to throw down the glove.既然事情可以挽回Well, as I haven't got a glove,我就接受你的道歉I'll have to accept your apology.你是个绅士,我开始喜欢你了You're a sportman. I'm beginning to like you.把支票给他们看,亨利Show it to them, Henry.给他们看支票Show them the note.天啊,那家伙没问题!Good heavens!The man's all right.上帝保佑你,亚当斯先生,上帝保佑你Bless you,Mr. Adams. Bless you.阿门Amen.你们还有半小时时间,女士们,先生们You've got half an hour, ladies and gentlemen...赶快去,买♥♥,买♥♥,买♥♥in which to buy, buy, buy.请让一下,让一下,请原谅,先生,让一下Make way, please. Make way, please. Excuse me, sir. Do you mind, sir? Excuse me, please.亨利,亨利Henry. Oh,Henry.这一切都是个误会The whole thing was a misunderstanding entirely都怪那些报纸due to the press.我愿随时为您效劳Reids are eternally at your service.好的Good.亚当斯先生,我们在豪华套房♥准备了香槟酒Oh,Mr.Adams, there will be champagne in the Bridal Suite以此表达宝博斯饭店对您的歉意with the compliments of Bumbles.好的Good.就这样,别动,亚当斯先生Hold it quite still, Mr.Adams.到今天正好一个月,而且一分钟也不差One month to the day. In fact to the very hour.稍微有一点磨损A little the worse for wear.可依然完整无缺But still intact.祝贺你,亚当斯先生Congratulations,Mr.Adams.到目前为止我已经按照你们的意思Well, now taht i have...er....carried out my side of the bargain做了我应该做的一切,你们到底赌什么呢?to your satisfaction...what was the bet?你看,我认为人们对财富的象征的看法是这样的Well,you see, I maintained that such is people's attitude to the symbol of wealth...只要您的财产中有那张小纸片that by just having that little scrap of paper in your possession,用不着把他换成现金without ever cashing it,你就能够拥有一切you could have everything you wanted.而我认为您没将支票兑换成现金Whereas, I maintainded that as you were denied the right to cash it,它对您来说毫无用处it would be quite useless to you.可我只要看到您所做的一切,亚当斯先生But I only have to look at you, Mr.Adams,使我认识到我错了to realise I was mistaken.我还从没有完全打赢过一个赌Never have I won a bet more conclusive.我告诉你,罗德里克I tell you, Roderick,那张支票是万能的that note can do anything.甚至还在股票上为他赚了2万英镑It even made him twenty thousand pounds on the Stock Exchange.我能说几句吗?May I say somtthing?当然可以By all means, my dear.要知道那张支票的确有很大的魔力I agree that the note is extremely powerful可说它是万能的并不全对but it isn't quite true to say that it can do anything.要知道我爱亨利,是因为他是亨利You see, I love Henry because he is Henry.事实上当她知道我是个有钱人时她离开了我The fact is that she left me when she thought I was rich.当她知道我真的是个穷♥人♥时她回到了我的身边And came back to me only when she discovered that I was really poor.那张支票只会让我们两个分开If anything, the note came between us.听见了吗,奥利弗?Oh. oh, did you hear that, Oliver?亚当斯先生,如果没有支票,你们永远不会认识Come, come, Mr. Adams. But for the note you'd never have met.你怎么知道?也许这是命中注How do you know? They might have been fated to meet.我们不讨论也许会怎样We are not discussing what might have been.我们只关心事实We're concerned only with the facts.说的对,那张支票使他们分开Precisely, and the note came between them.它不是万能的It isn't all powerful.实际上,奥利弗,也许这场赌你并没有赢As a matter of fact, my dear Oliver, I am not so sure you won the bet.你不能否认亚当斯先生交回了支票You can't get out of it,Roderick, Mr. Adams returned the note intact而他得到了他想要的一切and now has everything he wants.至于他们两个小情人之间偶尔的不愉快与支票无关...The mere fact that they had a lover's tiff has nothing to do with it.这张支票几乎拆散了他们The note almost has wrecked them.车夫,我们走!Coachman. On your way.




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