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#中国人均预期寿命到2030年可达79岁| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

China wants to increase its citizens' average life expectancy to 77.3 by 2020 and 79 by 2030, up from 76.34 in 2015, according to a health development plan.

据一份未来健康发展计划显示,到2020年,我国想把民众的人均预期寿命从2015年的76.34岁增至77.3岁,到2030年,将国人的人均预期寿命增至79岁。 In order to reach the goal, the "Healthy China 2030" blueprint, released by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, said that health education will be incorporated into the entire education system, and a national nutrition plan should be established and implemented, with efforts to research food nutrition and monitor residents' nutrition status. 中共中央、国务院日前发布的《"健康中国2030"规划纲要》提出,为达到这一目标,我国将把健康教育纳入整个教育体系中,建立实施全民营养计划,努力对食物营养进行研究并对居民的营养状况进行监测。


The blueprint noted that industrialization, urbanization, an aging population, environment and changes in lifestyle have created new challenges to people's health.

该蓝图指出,工业化、城市化、人口老龄化、环境、以及生活方式变化已经给人们的健康带来了新的挑战。 And it added that state-level strategies are needed to resolve "major and long-term health-related issues." 此外,该规划纲要还补充指出,有必要采取国家级战略来解决“重大、长期的健康相关问题”。 China will also endeavor to ensure residents of rural and urban areas enjoy equal access to basic health services, the blueprint said. 该规划纲要称,我国还将力争确保城乡居民享受同等基本医疗卫生服务。




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