ACL 2017接受了哪些论文?这份可视化分析让你轻松看懂(附论文列表)

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ACL 2017接受了哪些论文?这份可视化分析让你轻松看懂(附论文列表)

2024-07-12 04:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

选自ACL 2017



国际计算语言学协会 (ACL,The Association for Computational Linguistics),是世界上影响力最大、最具活力的国际学术组织之一,其会员遍布世界各地。

国际计算语言学协会(ACL)第 55 届年会将在加拿大温哥华举行。这一次会议将于 2017 年 7 月 30 日至 8 月 4 日在温哥华市中心的威斯汀湾海岸酒店(Westin Bayshore Hotel)举办。

ACL 2017 除了主要会议之外,还如同其他顶级会议一样包含研讨会、专题报告、研习会和演示等。ACL 会议是计算语言学领域的首要会议,广泛涉及自然语言的计算方法及其各类研究领域。

下面列出了 ACL 2017 所接收的长篇论文、短篇论文和软件展示,所有论文或展示采取分类无序排列。


在我们详细了解这些论文和作者之前,可以通过可视化看一看 ACL 2017 接收论文的标题特点与分布。



下图展示了 TACL 与长篇论文的区别。有趣的是没有 TACL 使用「网络」这一单词,但长篇论文很多都使用了。

下面几张可视化图表展示了 ACL 2017 接收论文的一些描述性统计学数据,并能了解论文类别的变化。


下面是具体的 ACL 2017 接收论文和软件展示等名单(由于篇幅限制,以下只展示了部分接收的长篇论文,完整名单请点击「阅读原文」查阅)。


生物医学(Biomedical/共 1 篇)

Enriching Complex Networks with Word Embeddings for Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment from Speech TranscriptsAuthors: Leandro Santos, Edilson Anselmo Corrêa Júnior, Osvaldo Oliveira Jr, Diego Amancio, Letícia Mansur and Sandra Aluísio

认知建模与心理语言学(Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics/共 3 篇)

Representations of language in a model of visually grounded speech signalAuthors: Grzegorz Chrupała, Lieke Gelderloos and Afra AlishahiSpectral Analysis of Information Density in Dialogue Predicts Collaborative Task PerformanceAuthors: Yang Xu and David Reitter

交互式对话系统(Dialog Interactive Systems/共 13 篇)

Adversarial Adaptation of Synthetic or Stale DataAuthors: Young-Bum Kim, Karl Stratos and Dongchan KimAffect-LM: A Neural Language Model for Customizable Affective Text GenerationAuthors: Sayan Ghosh, Mathieu Chollet, Eugene Laksana, Stefan Scherer and Louis-Philippe Morency

语篇语用学(Discourse Pragmatics/共 8 篇)

Adversarial Connective-exploiting Networks for Implicit Discourse Relation ClassificationAuthors: Lianhui Qin, Zhisong Zhang, Hai Zhao, Eric Xing and Zhiting HuArgument Mining with Structured SVMs and RNNsAuthors: Vlad Niculae, Claire Cardie and Joonsuk Park

摘要生成(Generation Summarization/共 16 篇)

Abstractive Document Summarization with a Graph-Based Attentional Neural Model Authors: Jiwei Tan and Xiaojun Wan Automatically Generating Rhythmic Verse with Neural Networks Authors: Jack Hopkins and Douwe Kiela

IE QA 文本挖掘应用(IE QA Text Mining Applications/共 37 篇)

A Constituent-Centric Neural Architecture for Reading Comprehension Authors: Pengtao Xie and Eric XingA FOFE-based Local Detection Approach for Named Entity Recognition and Mention Detection Authors: Mingbin Xu, Hui Jiang and Sedtawut WatcharawittayakulAdversarial Multi-task Learning for Text Classification Authors: Pengfei Liu, Xipeng Qiu and Xuanjing Huang

机器学习(Machine Learning/共 13 篇)

An Algebra for Feature ExtractionAuthors: Vivek SrikumarBayesian Modeling of Lexical Resources for Low-Resource Settings Authors: Nicholas Andrews, Jason Eisner, Mark Dredze and Benjamin Van DurmeContext Sensitive Lemmatization Using Two Successive Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Networks Authors: Abhisek Chakrabarty, Onkar Arun Pandit and Utpal Garain

机器翻译(Machine Translation/共 15 篇)

A Convolutional Encoder Model for Neural Machine TranslationAuthors: Jonas Gehring, Michael Auli, David Grangier and Yann DauphinA Teacher-Student Framework for Zero-Resource Neural Machine TranslationAuthors: Yun Chen, Yang Liu, Yong Cheng and Victor O.K. LiBandit Structured Prediction for Neural Sequence-to-Sequence LearningAuthors: Julia Kreutzer, Artem Sokolov and Stefan Riezler

多学科论文(Multidisciplinary/共 4 篇)

A Nested Attention Neural Hybrid Model for Grammatical Error CorrectionAuthors: Jianshu Ji, Qinlong Wang, Kristina Toutanova, Yongen Gong, Steven Truong and Jianfeng GaoCombating Human Trafficking with Multimodal Deep ModelsAuthors: Edmund Tong, Amir Zadeh and Louis-Philippe Morency

多语言论文(Multilingual/共 6 篇)

Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon InductionAuthors: Meng Zhang, Yang Liu, Huanbo Luan and Maosong SunCross-lingual Name Tagging and Linking for 282 LanguagesAuthors: Xiaoman Pan, Boliang Zhang, Jonathan May, Joel Nothman, Kevin Knight and Heng Ji

音系形态学词切分(Phonology Morphology Word Segmentation/共 5 篇)

Adversarial Multi-Criteria Learning for Chinese Word SegmentationAuthors: Xinchi Chen, Zhan Shi, Xipeng Qiu and Xuanjing HuangFrom Characters to Words to in Between: Do We Capture Morphology?Authors: Clara Vania and Adam Lopez

资源评估(Resources Evaluation/共 6 篇)

A Corpus of Annotated Revisions for Studying Argumentative WritingAuthors: Fan Zhang, Homa B. Hashemi, Rebecca Hwa and Diane LitmanAutomatic Annotation and Evaluation of Error Types for Grammatical Error CorrectionAuthors: Christopher Bryant, Mariano Felice and Ted Briscoe

语义学(Semantics/共 30 篇)

A Progressive Learning Approach to Chinese SRL Using Heterogeneous DataAuthors: Qiaolin Xia, Zhifang Sui and Baobao ChangA Transition-Based Directed Acyclic Graph Parser for UCCAAuthors: Daniel Hershcovich, Omri Abend and Ari RappoportA Syntactic Neural Model for General-Purpose Code GenerationAuthors: Pengcheng Yin and Graham Neubig

情感分析和观点挖掘(Sentiment Analysis Opinion Mining/共 11 篇)

A Multidimensional Lexicon for Interpersonal StancetakingAuthors: Umashanthi Pavalanathan, Jim Fitzpatrick, Scott Kiesling and Jacob EisensteinActive Sentiment Domain AdaptationAuthors: Fangzhao Wu and Yongfeng Huang

社交媒体(Social Media/共 6 篇)

Beyond Binary Labels: Political Ideology Prediction of Twitter UsersAuthors: Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro, Ye Liu, Daniel Hopkins and Lyle UngarCANE: Context-Aware Network Embedding for Relation ModelingAuthors: Cunchao Tu, Han Liu, Zhiyuan Liu and Maosong Sun

语音(Speech/共 2 篇)

Joint CTC-attention End-to-end Speech RecognitionAuthors: Shinji Watanabe, Takaaki Hori and John HersheyLearning Word-Like Units from Joint Audio-Visual AnalysisAuthors: David Harwath and James Glass

标注块句法分析(Tagging Chunking Syntax Parsing/共 13 篇)

A Full Non-Monotonic Transition System for Unrestricted Non-Projective ParsingAuthors: Daniel Fernández-González and Carlos Gómez-RodríguezA Minimal Span-Based Neural Constituent ParserAuthors: Mitchell Stern, Jacob Andreas and Dan Klein

机器人视觉基础(Vision Robots Grounding/共 5 篇)

Combining distributional and referential information for naming objects through cross-modal mapping and direct word predictionAuthors: Sina Zarrieß and David SchlangenFOIL it! Find One mismatch between Image and Language captionAuthors: Ravi Shekhar, Sandro Pezzelle, Yauhen Klimovich, Aurélie Herbelot, Moin Nabi, Enver Sangineto and Raffaella Bernardi


生物医学(Biomedical/共 2 篇)

Neural Architecture for Temporal Relation Extraction: A Bi-LSTM Approach for Detecting Narrative ContainersAuthors: Julien Tourille, Olivier Ferret, Aurelie Neveol and Xavier TannierVector space models for evaluating semantic fluency in autismAuthors: Emily Prud』hommeaux, Jan van Santen and Douglas Gliner

认知建模与心理语言学(Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics/共 1 篇)

The Role of Prosody and Speech Register in Word Segmentation: A Computational Modelling PerspectiveAuthors: Bogdan Ludusan, Reiko Mazuka, Mathieu Bernard, Alejandrina Cristia and Emmanuel Dupoux

交互式对话系统(Dialog Interactive Systems/共 3 篇)

A Conditional Variational Framework for Dialog GenerationAuthors: Xiaoyu Shen, Hui Su, Yanran Li, Wenjie Li, Shuzi Niu and Akiko AizawaHow to Make Contexts More Useful? An Empirical Study to Context-Aware Neural Conversation ModelsAuthors: Zhiliang Tian, Rui Yan, Lili Mou, Yiping Song, Yansong Feng and Dongyan Zhao

语篇语用学(Discourse Pragmatics/共 8 篇)

A Recurrent Neural Model with Attention for the Recognition of Chinese Implicit Discourse RelationsAuthors: Niko Schenk and Samuel Rönnqvist A Two-stage Parsing Method for Text-level Discourse AnalysisAuthors: Yizhong Wang and Sujian Li

摘要生成(Generation Summarization/共 4 篇)

A Principled Framework for Evaluating Summarizers: Comparing Models of Summary Quality against Human JudgmentsAuthors: Maxime Peyrard and Judith Eckle-KohlerJapanese Sentence Compression with a Large Training DatasetAuthors: Shun Hasegawa, Yuta Kikuchi, Hiroya Takamura and Manabu Okumura

IE QA 文本挖掘应用(IE QA Text Mining Applications/共 19 篇)

A Generative Attentional Neural Network Model for Dialogue Act ClassificationAuthors: Quan Hung Tran, Gholamreza Haffari and Ingrid ZukermanBootstrapping for Numerical Open IEAuthors: Swarnadeep Saha, Harinder Pal and Mausam

机器学习(Machine Learning/共 6 篇)

A Deep Network with Visual Text Composition BehaviorAuthors: Hongyu GUODifferentiable Scheduled Sampling for Credit AssignmentAuthors: Kartik Goyal, Chris Dyer and Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick

机器翻译(Machine Translation/共 12 篇)

Alternative Objective Functions for Training MT Evaluation MetricsAuthors: Miloš Stanojević and Khalil Sima‘ anAn Empirical Comparison of Domain Adaptation Methods for Neural Machine TranslationAuthors: Chenhui Chu, Raj Dabre and Sadao Kurohashi

多学科论文(Multidisciplinary/共 6 篇)

Automatic Compositor Attribution in the First Folio of ShakespeareAuthors: Maria Ryskina, Hannah Alpert-Abrams, Dan Garrette and Taylor Berg-KirkpatrickDetection of Chinese Word Usage Errors for Non-Native Chinese Learners with Bidirectional LSTMAuthors: Yow-Ting Shiue, Hen-Hsen Huang and Hsin-Hsi Chen

多语言论文(Multilingual/共 3 篇)

EuroSense: Automatic Harvesting of Multilingual Sense Annotations from Parallel TextAuthors: Claudio Delli Bovi, Jose Camacho-Collados, Alessandro Raganato and Roberto NavigliIncorporating Dialectal Variability for Socially Equitable Language IdentificationAuthors: David Jurgens, Yulia Tsvetkov and Dan Jurafsky

音系形态学词切分(Phonology Morphology Word Segmentation/共 3 篇)

Challenging Language-Dependent Segmentation for Arabic: An Application to Machine Translation and Part-of-Speech TaggingAuthors: Hassan Sajjad, Fahim Dalvi, Nadir Durrani, Ahmed Abdelali, Yonatan Belinkov and Stephan VogelEvaluation of Compound Splitting with Textual EntailmentAuthors: Glorianna Jagfeld, Patrick Ziering and Lonneke van der Plas

资源评估(Resources Evaluation/共 5 篇)

「Liar, Liar Pants on Fire」: A New Benchmark Dataset for Fake News DetectionAuthors: William Yang WangConstructing Large-Scale Japanese Image Caption DatasetAuthors: Yuya Yoshikawa, Yutaro Shigeto and Akikazu Takeuchi

语义学(Semantics/共 9 篇)

AMR-to-text Generation with Synchronous Node Replacement GrammarAuthors: Linfeng Song, Xiaochang Peng, Yue Zhang, Zhiguo Wang and Daniel GildeaGeometry of SentencesAuthors: Jiaqi Mu, Suma Bhat and Pramod Viswanath

情感分析和观点挖掘(Sentiment Analysis Opinion Mining/共 6 篇)

Best-Worst Scaling More Reliable than Rating Scales: A Case Study on Sentiment Intensity AnnotationAuthors: Svetlana Kiritchenko and Saif MohammadExploiting Domain Knowledge via Grouped Weight Sharing with Application to Text CategorizationAuthors: Ye Zhang, Matthew Lease and Byron C. Wallace

社交媒体(Social Media/共 10 篇)

A Network Framework for Noisy Label Aggregation in Social MediaAuthors: Xueying Zhan, Yaowei Wang, Yanghui Rao, Haoran Xie, Qing Li, Fu Lee Wang and Tak-Lam WongA Neural Model for User Geolocation and Lexical DialectologyAuthors: Afshin Rahimi, Trevor Cohn and Timothy Baldwin

语音(Speech/共 1 篇)

Incorporating Uncertainty into Deep Learning for Spoken Language AssessmentAuthors: Andrey Malinin, Anton Ragni, Kate Knill and Mark Gales

标注块句法分析(Tagging Chunking Syntax Parsing/共 7 篇)

A Generative Parser with a Discriminative Recognition AlgorithmAuthors: Jianpeng Cheng, Adam Lopez and Mirella LapataArc-swift: A Novel Transition System for Dependency ParsingAuthors: Peng Qi and Christopher D. Manning

机器人视觉基础(Vision Robots Grounding/共 2 篇)

A Corpus of Compositional Language for Visual ReasoningAuthors: Alane Suhr, Mike Lewis, James Yeh and Yoav ArtziA Survey on Action Recognition Datasets and Tasks for Still ImagesAuthors: Spandana Gella and Frank Keller

接收的软件展示(共 21 个)

Extended Named Entity Recognition API and Its Applications in Language Education Authors: Tuan Duc Nguyen, Khai Mai, Thai-Hoang Pham, Minh Trung Nguyen, Truc-Vien T. Nguyen, Takashi Eguchi, Ryohei Sasano and Satoshi SekineSwanson linking revisited: Accelerating literature-based discovery across domains using a conceptual influence graph Authors: Gus Hahn-Powell, Marco A. Valenzuela-Escárcega and Mihai SurdeanuOpenNMT: Open-Source Toolkit for Neural Machine Translation Authors: Guillaume Klein, Yoon Kim, Yuntian Deng, Jean Senellart and Alexander M. RushRelTextRank: An Open Source Framework for Building Relational Syntactic-Semantic Text Pair Representations Authors: Kateryna Tymoshenko, Alessandro Moschitti, Massimo Nicosia and Aliaksei SeverynScattertext: a Browser-Based Tool for Visualizing how Corpora Differ Authors: Jason Kessler

在 ACL 2017 汇报的 ACL 论文(共 21 篇)

这些论文由 TACL 接收并出版,并且将在 ACL 2017 做主题演讲报告。

Decoding Anagrammed Texts Written in an Unknown Language and ScriptAuthors: Bradley Hauer and Grzegorz KondrakVisually Grounded and Textual Semantic Models Differentially Decode Brain Activity Associated with Concrete and Abstract NounsAuthors: Andrew J. Anderson, Douwe Kiela, Stephen Clark, Massimo PoesioEvaluating Visual Representations for Topic Understanding and Their Effects on Manually Generated LabelsAuthors: Alison Smith, Tak Yeon Lee, Forough-Poursabzi Sangdeh, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Niklas Elmqvist, Leah FindlaterJoint Semantic Synthesis and Morphological Analysis of the Derived WordAuthors: Ryan Cotterell and Hinrich SchützeLearning to Prune: Exploring the Frontier of Fast and Accurate ParsingAuthors: Tim Vieira, Jason Eisner






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